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RE: A thought worth 1000$: What If we are reborn...?

in #life8 years ago

I'm not a religious person...more atheistic these days. I use to be Buddhist. I have read a lot about reincarnation though and there are some really interesting stories that make you question things. Like they say if you have a birthmark it indicates how you died in a past life. Some very young children remember past lives and things like being shot (birthmarks in the place they were shot in a past life). People have gone out and found out what these kids remember actually happened. A really good book is Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives by Jim B. Tucker.

I don't know what I think though. I went to school to be a scientist so it's hard to get past my education when it comes to things like the afterlife and supernatural entities.


Thanks for providing some more information. There is both truth and lie in these things, but what matters is what you believe in and how much you believe in it. As you might know, earth was believed to be flat once and people believed in it.

... 'once'? Just search youtube for 'flat earth'

Well, it is just a saying.