The Time My Husband Tried To Buy A House Without Telling Me

in #life7 years ago

In the almost nine years my husband and I have been together, there is only one time he's been in the doghouse with me for longer than a day. In 2016 my husband did something I that really ticked me off but he lucked out that things worked out so well.

House Hunting

In January 2016 we were living in Alabama. We were only living there so my husband could do his coursework for his doctorate. He would be finishing his coursework in May and we knew we wanted to move back to my hometown in Tennessee. My husband's father unexpectedly passed away from Pancreatic cancer. He left his son enough money that we could buy a super cheap house or afford renting a home for a while after we moved.

My husband @magic-sasquatch was determined to buy a house. We paid $800 rent for six years living in college towns. We both hated wasting that much money on rent and wanted to settle down. My husband was researching houses but none were in our price range or were what we wanted. Then one day in late January my husband found his dream house. Truth be told...I thought the house looked like crap. It was a foreclosure and had been vacant 8 years. It had a hole in the roof and every single floor in the house was destroyed. It was off the market quickly which meant it had been sold.

His Dream Home


My husband loved this house and took a chance by contacting the realtor in charge of it. It had been sold to a foreclosure buying company and once the paperwork was processed the company was going to put it back on the market. The house would be priced at $21,000 which meant we could buy it without a mortgage and have money to repair it.

Um....I think you forgot something dear

It was a Friday morning when my husband talked to the realtor. I was asleep. My husband wanted this house and wanted to see it in person. A normal husband would wake their wife up, load up the car, and go see the house. My husband isn't normal. He got excited. Got in the car and started driving. Never thought to tell me...grrr...

I woke up and started my day as usual. I thought @magic-sasquatch was at school as usual. Then the day got later and later and he didn't come home. I wondered where he went! I got a phone call from him around 4:00 PM.

"Guess where I'm at" he said.


"I'm leaving Knoxville, TN!"

Instantly I was pissed because I knew he probably went to look at a house 7 hours away. He started telling me how great this house was and how he wanted it and was in love with it. At some point I started chewing him out and hung up on him. He knew he screwed up. After I cooled off I talked to him and listened about the house.

I instantly called my family that lives in Tennessee and they drove over to the house a few minutes later and took pictures for me. They walked around the property and told me it was a steal and a great buy. I didn't trust my husband who had too many stars in his eyes but I did trust my family. I ended up saying okay to buying the house even though I'd never seen it. Five days later we started the paperwork to buy it.

Before and After Pictures of The Living Room

How He Lucked Out?

I finally got to go on a trip with @magic-sasquatch to visit the house on Februrary 28th. When we got back home to Alabama I felt really sick. I had felt strange for most of the month and my suspicions of what was wrong was confirmed on February 29th....I was pregnant. I'm 100% sure the baby was conceived 3 days before my husbands unannounced road trip.

By buying that house my husband provided me and our baby with security. No mortgage. It had a well so no water bill. It was out in the country but close enough to my family they could be nearby. My husband was so wrong in not letting me go see the house the first time with him but buying the house was a blessing to us.

I wasn't in love with the house until we moved in May. It was out in the country and peaceful. We owned it and had freedom we'd never experienced as renters. We could paint and make it our own. Not paying that monthly $800 rent bill was amazing. The months leading up to May were stressful because I didn't know if I would like the house. If my husband had taken me on that first trip maybe I would have been excited about the place. He sure is lucky I ended up loving the house. So far it's been a beautiful place to live and I can't imagine a different place I'd want to be.

Before And After Pictures of The Kitchen

After we signed the paperwork to buy the house my husband promised me he'd never make a big purchase without me...and that will lead to a story for another day...the time my husband bought a car without telling me....Yes there is a trend going on in our relationship. At least I'm a cool wife who is logical and doesn't hold grudges.

Ever had a partner buy something without telling you?


The ex bought a Shih Tzu. She just walked right in the house and put him down on the floor like a bag of groceries. I was looking at him like, but where's the donuts?

That's hilarious. And now you've given me ideas. I've always wanted a dalmatian but the husband hates dogs. Totally coming home with one someday...Thanks!

You're welcome!
Tell him I said sorry in advance, but after you do the deed.

oh wow...I wonder how many people are going to come home and find a dog in their house now!

Hey @marxrab, i am happy you have your own house finally. Lucky me to this day can still communicate well with my wife. Whatever I'm going to buy, I'll take it with me. Build communication with your husband, I'm sure everything will be good again. Once again survived in your new home

Thank you!! I am happy we have a home. It's good you and your wife have a good relationship. My husband is a good man. He's a sweet heart and had the best intentions buying us a house.

Wow, that's an amazing amount of trust and it's cool to hear how well it's turned out!

Ever had a partner buy something without telling you?

Not quite. However, I did buy our house without hubby seeing the inside first. He was happy it had a big kitchen and a fenced backyard. It sure made move in day interesting as all he had to work off of at first was a hand-drawn floor plan. That was in '89 and we're still here. He must like it. ;~D

Wait a minute you paid $21,000 for your house?

Holy crap that really is a steal. It looks like a really cool place too.

If you ever want to buy a house go for a foreclosure. They might need a little TLC but you can find some super cheap. Our house looked horrible from pictures but in reality it just needed paint, floors, a patch over a hole in the roof, and a window to be livable. We have other things that need updating but those are things that can be fixed over time.

It really was an incredible deal. I wouldve never actually bought it without telling her, but the deal was just so hard to find that I just wanted to move as fast as I could on it . As soon as I found out it was available I drove 7 hours to see it. I agreed to buy it but we werent signing the papers for a few days and I wouldnt have signed without her approval. I know I shouldve done things different though.

and Id say it only took us another $10k if that to get it like it is now.

My husband bought a house I had never seen the inside of. We were familier with the neighborhood, so we knew what the houses were like. This was in the days of the really tight housing market in MA, and he told me he was just going to make an offer. I told him I trused thim and to go ahead. Also there was 3 feet of snow on the ground so we couldn't even walk around the property. We were really lucky - everything was fine, the house needed only a little work, and the yard was ok. Our new neighbors weren't so lucky. They bought in siminlar circumstances, and when the snow melted their deck fell right off their house!!

Haha I'm sure that although you can be humorous about it now, you were probably furious back then. But I'm glad it all worked out in the end, and that the house actually turned out to make a great home for your family.

Ohh boy I would never have done that
Good thing it all worked out well in the end


Thanks! He is so LUCKY it worked out for him.

Ohh yes I bet lol

All in all nice house, I dig it.

I dig it too. :)

Well it looks like your husband has the Devil's own luck. i'm hoping that the car story is another success too. I also have to say that your kitchen just looks amazing, the colours and lay out are amazing.

Well I believe for the husband to be buying things without your notice@marxrab is totally bad and very risky. because, I'm sure a day will come that he will purchase a fake things from some fake people not knowing Untill he realized they have duped him. But because he doesn't share the ideas with you at first is what will lead to it. At the same time you are a good wife @marxrab. Despite the fact that you are not happy about it, you still accept it because he is your husband and you must like and cherished whatever he likes.

Story for another day but that's happened. He bought a tv once from craigslist without asking me and it was used and broken lol. Oh well...he learned a lesson from that one to take me technology shopping.

Oh I can see how that would get a spouse a little very upset LOL

I am so happy for you and little rabbit it all worked out great! Congratulations

You have a very emotional husband. Let's say surprising man :)) My husband is emotional too and believe me I went through so many fantastic situations with him and I would never change his decisions probably because I am too logical and think too much :)))) Kisses my dear

Wow nice job on that house. Sometimes you just have to go for something and its better to ask for forgiveness than permission !

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Glad it worked out, but it is always nice to talk about big purchases before hand. Sounds like a smart guy though, so you can probably just trust his judgement for the most part.

Your house looks very nice.
I'm sure your partner wants to surprise you, so he does not twll you about it.

Wawwwww so sweet 😊 i wanna get husband like you. Romantic husband. Nice house

Hi marxrab,, I send text for editing on discord... :)

The outside of your house looks much more interesting than our previous house but the interior could have had the same contractor. I loved that house. It was a cottage completely out of the 40's and it felt so homey inside.

My loving hubby doesn't buy without talking but he's a bit of steemroller when he sees something he gets enthusiastic about. He thinks we're discussing the issue but he doesn't actually hear anything I say against the decision. He doesn't mean to ignore my input, he's just so focused none of it really sinks in. No serious miscalculations so far but I've been glad a few times that things fell through instead of him getting what he had focused on.

The other day he saw flamethrowers for sale in the news... I think he heard me when I told him that he couldn't have one unless it would work while mounted on the RV. It took him a few minutes to consider the question but I think I've dodged the bullet.