Hai sahabat steemit.
Pada Sabtu kemarin di RW saya yaitu RW 0015 mengadakan acara, yang mana acara tersebut merupakan puncak dari kegiatan sekaligus penutupan lomba di bulan agustus kemarin. Di acara ini semua segenap Rt dari Rt 001 sampai Rt 012 di undang untuk menghadiri acara ini. Acara ini bertema "Bangkit Bersama Jalin Persaudaraan" , isi dari acara ini yaitu jalin silaturahmi antar sesama di masing-masing Rt, pembagian piala dan hadiah lomba olahraga antar Rt, pentas seni dan pertunjukan drama.
On Saturday, my RW, RW 0015, held an event, where the event was the culmination of the event and the closing of the competition in August. During this event all Rt from Rt 001 to Rt 012 were invited to attend this event. The event was themed "Rise with the Brotherhood", the contents of this event were to establish friendships between each other in Rt, distribution of trophies and prizes for Rt sports competitions, art shows and drama performances.
Acara dimulai sekitar pukul 19.00 suasana di acara ini begitu ramai dan para peserta yang mengikuti pentas seni sudah mulai berdatangan dengan kostum yang beraneka ragam, di pentas seni ini tiap - tiap Rt diharuskan menampilkan tim nari untuk acara puncak ini dan kebetulan dari Rt saya menampilkan anak-anak yang menari lagu Syantik yang beraliran musik pop dan mendapat nomor urutan ke 4.
This program starts around 7:00 a night. The atmosphere at the event was so crowded and the participants who took part in the art show began to come in various costumes, each artist Rt was asked to display the dance team for this peak event and by chance from Rt I showed a team dance with Shantik songs that had pop music and get the 4th order number.

Acara pun telah di mulai dan para penonton yang datang sangat lah banyak tidak kalah dengan konser musik terkenal 😄. Pada acara pembukaan ibu-ibu PKK dari masing-masing Rt tampil untuk paduan suara dan menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya dan lagu Kemerdekaan lalu berlanjut ke acara pentas seni. Berikut foto-foto yang saya ambil dari tarian modern dan tarian daerah.
This program has also begun and the audience that came is not inferior to the famous music concert 😄. At the beginning of the opening ceremony, PKK mothers from each Rt performed for the choir and sang the Indonesia Raya song and the Independence song then proceeded to the art performance. The following photos are taken from various modern dances and regional dances.
(Paduan suara Ibu-ibu PKK)
(Tarian Modern Syantik)
(Tarian Manuk Dadali)
(Tarian Bungo Jempa)
Di tengah-tengah acara, pembagian piala dan hadiah pun berlangsung dan para pemenang lomba di umumkan untuk diberikan hadiah nya, seperti yang sudah saya posting sebelumnya saat Rt saya menjuarai pertandingan Bola Volly Putri diacara inilah Rt saya mendapat piala dan hadiah, tak mau ketinggalan saya pun mengabadikan moment ini.
In the middle of the event, the distribution of trophies and prizes took place and the winner of the competition was announced to be awarded a prize, as I had previously posted when Rt won the Princess Volleyball match at this event. Don't forget I caught this moment.

( Piala yang Rt ku dapat)
Setelah semua pertunjukan di tampil kan dan pembagian hadiah berikut piala nya selesai diakhir acara penutup para penonton disuguhi hiburan lucu yaitu Parodi Kemerdekaan pertunjukan yang dibawa kan oleh Rt 007. Berikut video yang sudah saya unggah ke youtube.
After all the performances were done correctly and the following trophies were finished at the end of the closing ceremony, the audience was treated to funny entertainment, namely the Parodi Kemerdekaan performance carried by Rt 007. Here is the video I uploaded to youtube.
Saat drama Parodi Kemerdekaan berlangsung semua yang hadir di harus kan berjoget, saat semua nya berjoget panitia memberikan beberapa souvenir untuk dibawa pulang, pada akhir acara ini saya mendapatkan 4 souvenir bersponsor bodrex dan oskadon.
When the Parodi Kemerdekaan drama took place, all who watched had to dance, when all the dances performed by the committee gave a few souvenirs to take home, at the end of this event I got 4 bodrex and oskadon sponsored souvenirs. 😀
Demikianlah keseruan saya di malam minggu kemarin, semoga hari ini selalu menyenangkan. Selamat hari berhari libur dan tetap semangat°
That was my joy last Sunday night, hopefully this day is always fun. Congratulations on vacation and follow along.
By @maryamalda.

If you follow me, I will also follow you in return!
@maryamalda, I gave you a vote!Enjoy some !popcorn courtesy of @nextgencrypto!
Looks elegant and sleek :-)
Thanks @rondorajon8..
Lumayan ya dapat door prize
Btw itu yg parodi laki-laki semua ya? 😂
Bukan doorprize itu teh,, tapi bisa di bilang tanda terima kasih... 😁 😁
Ada yg cewe 2 org,, tp yg lebih aktif yg cowo nya.. 😅
wow looks like a big event.
hope you guys had an incredible day! 😎
Yes, this is arguably a big event at our place, because this event is always present once a year .. 😊😊