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RE: Measure Your Life With The End In Mind.

in #life7 years ago

The Pauline Epistle, Philippians, is a great book in the Bible to read to support the idea of how we must consider others more significant than ourselves. However, I personally struggle with the question of what is the best way to help others when my husband and I already so heavily depend on our parents.


Thank you for this amazing comment and i love it.

Helping others doesn't have to involve money alone. When you give ear amd attention to another, when you show others the way, when you point them in the right direction, when you connect them, when you give a shoulder for them to lean on, that's help. It involves a huge level of sacrifice in any capacity, because we have our issues to contend with, yet we need to help another.

Many people don't actually need money, they just need someone to listen to them and advice them. For those who require money, nothing is too small. You don't have to give them everything they asked, if you can't afford it. Every little bit helps and don't forget that, giving is never without sacrifice.