in #life7 years ago (edited)


So I turned into a facebook housewife for a minute and did a black and white challenge thing with some pictures. Sue me.

I typically do not participate in stuff like this, but whatever, I have other ideas in mind. I used that to make posts to harvest SBD in order to play Santa Claus for a minute. I have a trove of photos that I've taken over the years so I thought "Meh, why not? Let's show what Steem can do for people if you want it to do something good for someone." Not only could this be a good example of what Steem is capable of doing if you put your mind to it, but it also provided me with a way to inadvertently hook up a family that I personally love that I know is financially struggling with 4 kids. Shit like this is COOL. It still blows my mind that this is all possible. I love the internet!

ANYWAYS. On to the point of this post. I don't know what to do with the pending SBD (it's looking like about $1000 USD give or take a bit once I convert SBD to BTC to usable vehicles).

I'm not going to disclose who the people are or anything, but I will describe the circumstances. Picture a family, a mom, a dad. Four kids. Two boys, two girls. The kids are just hitting teen years, some pre-teen. They pretty much have no other family or friend support at all. Picture bottom of the barrel American poverty.

What could or should I drop on these folks that could help them grow as people? What would be the best thing to give to them? I want to gift them something that will help their kids' minds grow or to help inspire them. Poverty is a mean mistress and she deals out depression in droves. It's easy to be disheartened and live in a never-ending cycle of "I give up!" I don't want to give them candy or toys, I want to give them something that could inspire them to want to learn, grow, and do better. It's a hard question . . .

If you comment on this, I hope that you've read the entire post. I genuinely want some help with ideas as to what to give these folks, I don't want to drop just anything on them. I want it to count.

Thanks for reading,
Ya boioioi Matt

consider for witness


Awesome another example of a community working and care for each other. Sending you a small gift
Thank you

Definitely cash.

This may seem reductive initially, but I think there is a growing body of research showing that the best thing you can give the majority of people in need is simply cash. Most people will then use that cash in a way that best meets their needs.

That seems to be the case in discrete situations, like as a result of Hurricane Harvey, but it is also manifested by non-profit efforts like Kiva, which forgoes normal NGO practice and simply gives low interest, small loans to individuals and families. Those loans currently have a 96% pay back rate, and have helped a great many people in ways only those people themselves would have known needed helping.

A number of news outlets have written on this topic in the last few years, including The Atlantic, NPR and BBC - and all seem to indicate that direct cash transfers are a very effective form of charity.

Which is why, definitely cash IMO.

And it makes sense - how can any of us know what a family needs, let alone wants, let alone what would be cherished or life changing. It's possible you could strike gold and make the perfect choice - but more than likely you'd miss the mark, despite earnest consideration, and then they're out a grand they could otherwise have used.

Of course, this opens up the small possibility that they will misuse the money. But, as the articles I posted to generally conclude, that is statistically unlikely to happen apparently.

Aaaaaand I accidentally wrote a post... I think I might just convert this comment into a more complete post now that I've done all the research :).

It's a very generous impulse btw! I commend you!

(Now - one caveat to this advice would be if you know that one or more of the adults in this family have a substance abuse or gambling problem. But that's a super specific loophole to the general rule of thumb that cash is the best choice.)

Thanks for the thorough read and write-up, @dber! Cash is definitely a huge consideration at this point. I don't want to be negative or anything like that, but the possibility of misuse of money is, well, I hate to say it, quite likely. I don't want to go into detail or shame anyone, but well, poverty breeds some pretty shitty circumstances. It just does :-/. Which is why I was focusing more on tangible items for the kids and parents. Thank you so much for the killer reply! You rule.

At the end of the day, even the truest general facts need to be considered beside specialized knowledge - you know these individual people, whereas I can only speak generally - so follow your instincts!

Do you know what kind of hobbies the kids have at all? I would definitely take that into consideration for what you get them. Maybe if one of them is into music you could get them some kind of instrument to help drive them more into that, or if one of them is into painting or drawing you could get them some nice quality supplies to help further that as a passion?

You could also always get them some new clothes or supplies that they couldn't normally afford, though I know you're saying you'd like to get something to try and inspire them. Maybe you just giving a helping hand to make sure they have what they need could inspire them to learn to do the same for others in need in the future though. I know when I was a teenager we were broke as hell and I really started to appreciate whenever I get some new clothes as I was wearing some ratty ass stuff for a long time.

Either way, bro. This is very generous, awesome and just downright great of you to do and I hope you can find some great stuff to gift that family. Keep up the badass work, man!

Good points! Thanks for the input, @deadspace. I don't know the kids like I do the parents, but I'm in tune with their situation. Coming from a similar one myself, I can imagine what life's like and how it can play out.

Hmm, I'm still undecided! I don't wanna tip them off, so I can't really ask about clothes sizes and all that stuff.

The best you could give them is a Laptop + internet and teach them to use steemit, so they can grow reading good information, they can build themselves and their profile and made some cash from the laptop you gave them!!

in others words, you are going to give them the tools to grow a lot more!!

it doesnt even need to be a expensive laptop!!

steemit is the best gift you can give them

I'm from venezuela and steemit saved me from the hunger!! now i'm helping others too

I wish I lived closer to them to pay them visits/help out in that way. I definitely agree with ya and am leaning quite a bit to laptops or a solid home desktop (less likely to be destroyed, stolen, or sold).

Your idea of helping people is very relevant and noble. I can say to this that it is better to give these people the opportunity and good advice as this opportunity to take advantage of, in which case point out their mistakes along the way and support them morally. It may seem strange, but I would not give them all the time and everything ready, since everyone should at least make a part of himself and earn some of that something, so everyone will acquire experience and knowledge. Thank you @matt-a and Happy New Year!

I agree, but I live very far away from them, otherwise I would give them the opportunity to work for me or something so that they can earn something. It's an extremely valuable lesson for sure. Thanks!

About $1000 and 4 kids? Thats enough to give them each a cheap laptop. Maybe if you have time, you can teach them how to use steemit and they can start posting on here too to get some SBD and Steem of their own. They can learn how to code too if they want which will open up some opportunities for their future.

Good idea. I was trying to think about the future and where "it's all headed," and was thinking laptop-ish stuff too. The thing is, they live about 500 miles away back where I'm from. So this is going to be something showing up on a doorstep kinda thing.

If I was you I would like to spend time with them. Because poor people have great heart maybe spend time with them try to figure out any problem they have :)

And a happy new year matt
Be well

Image made in MS Paint XD

I see them as much as I can, but they're pretty far away unfortunately. :-/

I have a letter from my mother and (later) my father. My mother passed. These letters were written (30cough)years ago and I cherish them. Tennis equipment,computers cars etc. all are gone. But I still have my letters which in their own words and some words missing speak volumes to me. Get a gift and add a letter Matt. Just a thought. Joy

The most important things I have at home is my slow juicer and a Megahomewater distiller. Juicing is really nice and you can pick your own fruits and greens which will cut down on food costs as well as get you more connected with nature. It also gives you a lot of energy as it's very easy for the body to absorb in it's liquid form. I use the Green Star Elite, it is very sturdy, delivers excellent quality juices and can handle all kinds of greens even the wild ones...



Screenshot from 2017-12-31 14-38-11.png


This is a killer idea. I wonder if they'd use it, though. If I knew they'd put it to use, I'd definitely send one their way.

That water distiller looks interesting. I'm very particular about the water that I drink, so maybe this is something that I need to look into myself haha. Thanks for the input, @reko!

definitely, we can talk more about it on SteemSpeak as I have quite some experience with different water systems/filters.

For me, the best investment and help is the payment of an educational institution, where children could get education and a profession. And it's better to ask them what to help them to change their lives forever. The main thing is that they want it.

Give them the tools to get out of poverty and stay out. Hook the entire family up with an account each.
Namaste, beautiful soul!

Definitely in the cards, good idea!

Get them a canoe, being able to connect with nature is invaluable and expands people's horizons.

I gave bloodstones to the teens in the family. It is a protection stone that is carried for confidence. Gifts with stories behind them are great. Also believe it or not all of my teens still secretly love to sleep with stuffed animals!! It's soo funny. Joy

your post is my liked .....may be i reasteam your post???

yes, go ahead @enews202! :)

yeah,,,really steem is the best,great topic,i like your post
thanks for sharing

@matt-a I commend you for helping another family in this way! This will absolutely help them out more than anyone could possibly imagine just simply by the kind act in and of itself. In terms of the gift is there anything they are particularly in need of and simply cannot afford? I would start there. If not, what about a $250 investment in each of the children's education as this will most certainly have the most long term benefit, anything left over can then be put towards the parents. However, no matter how you end up choosing to help this family, just remember there really is no wrong answer. Just my two cents tho. :) Happy Holidays and New Year!

I personally believe in the principle ; "If you give a man a fish he can eat for a day, if you teach him to fish he can eat forever". Give them all a Steemit account with some Steem Power on it .

I can also reccomend Smart cash. If you buy a 1000 of them they will grow by 7 percent monthly as long as you don't take any out. Who knows - it might turn into something

A Steemit account though is the best I think- by far

Hi, I'm talking as a veteran on steemit site and I can say that you need to invest and do the best and not to give up I liked your post and its good u want to help and wish you a happy new year

very good post

Thank you for your great contribution to the development of Steem in 2017. Happy New Year. I wish you happiness, love, joy, health and of course, good luck in 2018.

Спасибо Вам за Ваш огромный вклад в развитие Steem в 2017 году. С наступающим вас Новым годом. Желаю Вам счастья, любви, радости, здоровья и конечно же, Удачи в 2018 году.

This is awesome.
Helping out people who need help is a way to make the world a better place.

  • I would suggest to give this family money in form of Bitcoin or another Crypto in which you have faith for the future.
    in 2017 we saw, how fast the value of your money can increase.
    If the trend will going on like this in 2018, this family will be able to grow a little asset for the future.. Cause in poverty they probably will not have the chance to safe money for the future.. It will not help now, but maybe much for the future of the young kids.

  • Another opportunity would be some books which help in life.
    Choose a book which helps them to grow in personality and financial.

  • Spend a family trip for them.
    Would be awesome for the spirit of the family and of course huge fun for the kids.

  • Ask which home appliance they need..
    Maybe you can facilitate the situation at home with a new washer, television, computer etc..

Hope you find something interesting in these suggestions.
Happy new year for you!

This is such a nice read Matt! I honor your initiative to help out, and I hope you may inspire others to do the same, also the ones to be helped. I recon it's a gift for the family just that you 'see' them, and if you are able to give them an experience or something educational I believe this will help them grow. For the kids I'm thinking books, games and tutorials and for the whole family a gift of 'relief' from their everyday or a possibility to meet with inspirational people to help them out of powerty, to see possibilities instead of obstacles. I'm not sure what can be offered in the area they live. However, I'm convinced that our kind thought already is a gift, now it's all about manifesting it to last into the future for them. Good luck to you and the family! :)

Experiences. That's what they will learn from, remember and enjoy a lot more than toys, or any material stuff. It can be anything. As long as it's an experience that they are not used to. Don't give them a standard holiday, but something a bit more extraordinary. You can give them material stuff, but then it should be an instrument, climbing shoes, or something like that, that needs practice and discipline to get better at.

yeah,,,honestly steem is the exceptional,exquisite subject matter,i love your put up thanks for sharing

Steem is capable of helping for noble cause it's all depends upon our effort how much serious effort we do. you have tender hearted and you want to help the family. if you are short of idea just follow @dobartim he is doing wonderful job for such family. all the best for your noble cause. Happy new year 2018

Don't give them cash upfront. That could be the worst option ever. Instead, what would help them is put the money into a mutual fund and teach them how to handle such investments. Financial management is very important and it'll help them change their lifestyle a lot. I learnt this from my dad as he comes from a very poor background and he's built his way up. He says that managing your expense is very important. Other than that, emotional support is very important I think because the family is under a lot of pressure obviously and with money they obviously need some emotional support. Even a little bit of caring goes a long way. hope this helps and let me know if I can help in anyway. :)

Tell them about Steemit and provide curatorial support at the beginning of their journey. Help them to start start here. If some of them show some talent, they can earn here. Give them a camera so they had material to participate in many competitions here.

While not the most elegant of gifts cash would likely be the most practical, though I know a lot of people, regardless of intent, where recieving cash might bruise the ego a lil (personally I dont get it you hand me money I'm taking it, pride aint buying lambos).

Maybe something they can enjoy together? Day on the slopes?

If you got 1000$ to donate then much can be done i say
For the kids to inspire, give them some good books as gift, maybe help with their education(only if possible) ?
For the parents , cash would be better i say

Thank you for thinking about others mate :) it's one of the noble quality most of the don't possess

well I think instead of giving some thing to charity only... give them something to start with and let them do the business... i.e. give them a start and teach them how to earn...

Hah, the photo posts did seem out of the norm for you, now it makes sense. Very nice of you.
I'd say a Chromebook for each of the children and perhaps 1 for the parents and a point-and-shoot camera for the family. Laptops are nice but they tend to have more problems over time and with Google they'll at least be reliable with updates and security for some time. Not to mention they generally aren't very expensive and each child can have their own, teaching ownership and responsibility and freedom to do as they please with their device.
And a simple camera is important to save memories as the kids grow, it's important to have these to look back on and where they've come from

My advice "teach them to fish" like example introducing steemit to them..will make them depend on their-self if they are making it. Dont fish for them because they will ask come-back for more..

I'll just tell my story. When there was perestroika in the country, my husband and I were young and not rich. Then the work was difficult to find, and wages were not paid at all. Then we learned what barter is. And then we sat down and thoroughly thought about what we can do best, what skills and talents we have. And my husband and I decided that sewing and repair of clothes is needed at any time. And during the changes and during the stability. We borrowed money from friends, and began to advertise their services in all ways. We worked very hard and worked hard all night long, but after a few years we opened our studio, we gave a good education to our children. Now we have constant and grateful customers and a favorite job. So that's what I want to say, advise your friends that they know how to do very well and what they like to do, let them start and look at the result, maybe this is the beginning of their prosperous life ... I hope your wife will explain to you what I wanted to say in English.
Я просто скажу свою историю. Когда в стране была перестройка, мы с мужем были молодыми и не богатыми. Тогда работу было трудно найти , а зарплаты не платили вообще. Тогда мы узнали что такое бартер. И вот тогда мы сели и хорошенько подумали о том, что мы умеем делать лучше всего, какие умения и таланты у нас есть. И мы с мужем решили, что пошив и ремонт одежды нужен в любое время. И во время перемен и во время стабильности. Мы заняли денег у знакомых, и стали всеми способами рекламировать свои услуги. Мы очень много и тяжело работали ночами напролет, но через несколько лет открыли свое ателье, мы дали хорошее образование своим детям. Теперь мы имеем постоянных и благодарных клиентов и любимую работу. Так вот о чем я хочу сказать, посоветуйте своим знакомым, что они умеют очень хорошо делать и что им нравится делать, пусть начнут и посмотрят результат, может именно это начало их благополучной жизни... Надеюсь, Ваша жена Вам объяснит что я хотела сказать по-английски.

Good post Met, a lot of useful information thanks!

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