I suppose as is customary in many communities, a "hello" is always a good way to start.
A little about myself I suppose:
-I am 22 and I work at our small family butcher shop. I opted out of continuing higher education to assist working the store.
-I am a genetic mut, being 50/50 Irish and German.
-I am a private pilot and aircraft owner.
-I was in the Civil Air Patrol as a cadet for around 6 years and had a fairly successful career.
-I like to trade stocks, fly, make alcohol, and lift weights for fun. I also dabble with piano but have as of yet been unable to fully unravel its mysteries.
The intent of this blog is to share my inner thoughts and feelings, observations, and experiences with you.
Also I want to give a personal inside look at learning to run a business and lead people in the incredibly demanding meat processing industry.
Hopefully it will be entertaining and informative. I tend to learn all my lessons the hard way and I self reflect very often so this should be interesting!
Matthew Donelan
great to hear that ..
Thank you!
This post is worth a million bucks! Just need a few more upvotes...
Thank you very much sir!