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RE: BYE friends, atleast we tried! : Bye MSP and PALnet : Internet goes out tonight, and we are getting the boot as well.

in #life8 years ago

I have been where you are. I know how hard and uncertain this all is to you. Most people do not understand. I don't know how bad your injury is but faced with separating from your family, can you camp?
There are free camping spots all over the place. It sounds bad, but, I have camped for months at a time with my family. Both here in Colorado and in South Carolina. Even if you have to pay camp, it is cheaper than a hotel.
My family has never been closer than when we were homeless. There are always upsides and you have to see the beauty or this kind of thing can break you. You do not seem like the type to be broken, so, I think you will do all right.
I hope you and your family will be ok, my family will pray for you. I wish I could help you monetarily, but, I am playing things pretty tight myself right now.
If you need any advice, my wife and I are very knowledgeable about different services and help to be had.
DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP! Pride in this situation needs to go in your pocket. There are many organizations that will help you with bills, just search 'homelessness prevention'.
Just like everything, this shall pass. Even the hits to your self esteem will fade, trust me, I know.
Hang in there!