I Could Have Died - Gun Violence on an Urban Street

in #life6 years ago

Urban Decay

Today, on my way home from lunch with a friend, I could have died.

No, seriously.

Image used by permission from a private collection

I witnessed a shooting.

I was at the stoplight, about 4 cars from the front. Matt's big truck sits high above everything else on the road, so I had a bird's eye view of the proceedings. The light turned green and the first 3 cars drove off but the beat up white car in front of me was still. So was the black car to his right.

A moment too long passed and I considered laying on the horn to remind them that they were driving - holding up traffic. I checked my urge for a split second and noticed the driver's window was all the way down in the cold winter air. As I noticed, both vehicles moved slowly forward, windows down. I couldn't hear any conversation over the rumble of Matt's diesel, but it was obvious these two had been in conversation. Now that they were moving the urge to chide them subsided.

As they rolled slowly forward, the driver of the dark vehicle stuck his head out. In profile, he was an older man, late 50s perhaps - with skin weathered and worn. His dark curly hair was in need of a trim. Along with his profile in the window I saw the barrel of a gun, short, black, and shiny peeking out from the corner.

Image used by permission from a private collection

I let off the gas.

Both drivers continued forward, the white vehicle going straight and the dark vehicle making a wide right hand turn. I hung back in the middle of the intersection now, not wanting to put myself in the line of danger. I watched the dark car move slowly away from me, gun still hanging out of the window, then heard a loud !pop!

I hit my brakes.

The white car in front of me started to smoke and I heard another !pop! from the direction of the dark car, but he continued off down the street. There may have been a third gun shot as well, but by now I was though the intersection, trailing the white car by a few vehicle lengths and considering my options.

If the white car pulled over, would I pull over with him? I had, after all, witnessed a crime.

If the dark car started coming back, what would I do?

Should I immediately call the police?

Would the driver of the white car also start shooting indiscriminately?

By now, the smoke was lessening and my turn was approaching. I felt safe again as I checked the cross streets and saw no sign of the dark car. The white vehicle continued straight through the intersection and I turned toward home. What was going to be a standard lunch date had just been subsumed by a random act of violence.

Image used by permission from a private collection

I could have died; what could possibly happen in the space of a stop light that is worth shooting someone?


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What a fun font! How do you do that???

Having once been a DA in Houston, Texas, I have prosecuted many shootings. I want to commend you on staying in control. When people panic they lose control and can do things that only make the situation worse. You backed away and stayed out of the line of fire. Many would speed up and wind up in the line of fire, or startling one of the gunmen and needlessly drawing their fire. I am so glad you were not hurt. For those who say the world is going crazy I offer this. Gun violence is at an all time low. In the mid 80’s into the early 90’s gun violence peeked. It is still way too common but the 24 hour news cycle tends to sensationalize this issue. The actual level of gun violence is where we were in the 1950’s. On another note, @mattifer, your writing is fabulous. I was riveted through the entire story. Good job of conveying the emotions you went through. I felt like I was there with you. Stay safe.

I lived in Houston many years and have witnessed gun violence. A policeman even told me to buy a handgun. Keep it loaded and in the glove compartment, to let them know If I ever got pulled over. ..It was during the 1980's as you referred to as a violent time.

I too am glad she is safe. Great to read your response to her.

Enjoyed your post @mattifer. LOL didn't want to leave you out. :)

Thanks for the support! :-)

I'm torn on the issue of carrying a gun myself. I was always told not to carry one if I'm not prepared to use it. I just don't know that I would follow through on using it if I were to find myself in a situation that warranted that kind of response. Fortunately, Matthew is a big fan of guns, so as long as he is around I won't have to think too much about that potential occasion.

Same here. I don't plan on using one. LOL
My mom told me if you carry one be prepared to use it.
I wouldn't mind having a tazer.

I would be more likely to use a taser too. I just wouldn't want to actually kill someone, ya know?

Thank you for your unique perspective on the subject. Yes, I vaguely remember hearing statistics about gun violence declining in recent decades. We must be doing something right in that case. What do you think accounts for the decline?

I agree about the media determining the things we focus on. They do a great job of stoking the fires of panic about whatever topic they've decided is important that day. I wonder what the solution to that is. Perhaps decentralized media would help. It sure doesn't help that most of the major media outlets are owned by just a couple people.

And thank you for the kind compliments!

I am glad you are ok. Sadly, in some places in Cape Town, getting caught in the crossfire of gang battles is all too common. So sad how people treat each other

Yes, on the East side of Cleveland (the city I live in) that sort of thing is rather common. However, I live on the West side and those things just don't typically happen here. I simply cannot imagine what could have happened at a stop light to cause one person to want to shoot another person.

Road rage is like an epidemic here in the big cities. Perhaps that's what it was. Terrifying. Especially when folk carry guns. And that is an entirely different and equally important discussion.

Yes. I can see both sides of the gun argument. More guns means I can protect myself from other people with guns. Fewer guns means it's less likely that the mad man in the car next to me has a gun.

Personally, I think it's more about the culture than about the gun.

I am really glad you are okay!!!! Crazy world out there.

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And I know! I've never witnessed a shooting before. It was really strange to see - almost unreal actually.

like a movie :D some people a re watching too many of them :D some are real producers :)

It was like a movie...but like a bad movie where the director forgot to add background music and build tension first. Maybe it could have been the opening scene of a day in a drug dealer's life.

I need to tell you cheers! and maybe you can turn all this experience to be kind of a nightmarish dream, which could produce a meaningful spiritual reflection... on life
I hope!

Thank you! It's definitely caused a great deal of reflection. :-D

Wow! Not everyday you see something like that. Probably good instincts on taking your foot off the accelerator. I'll bet you're glad you rethought the horn as well!

Yes on both of the above! I'm not typically a person to honk at people to begin with...but sometimes a little short horn tap reminds people to get off their phone or whatever. Not in this case! I could have shifted the aggression from them to me with a simple little horn tap.

Crazy, isn't it, that you go about your normal life and have to witness that. Not really what you think of as you grab everything you need for the day: phone, wallet, keys, kevlar vest...

Our gun control here is much tighter than in the US (from memory, that's where you are?) so the chances of someone driving with a gun is very, very low, but I still hesitate to use my horn, unless as you said, to get someone moving at the lights.

Absolutely bonkers! Yes!

I'm fascinated by the variety of perspectives I'm getting on gun control regarding this post. Where are you located? Yes, your memory is correct that I am in the US. Gun control/rights is a hot topic here and one of the biggest divisive factors in politics today. Some say we are too lenient. Others say we are too strict.

Where does your country fall on the spectrum? It sounds like you have strict laws and few problems; is that accurate?

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Woah! Glad you are okay! What a terrifying experience!

Thank you. It oddly wasn't scary - just very different from anything I've ever experienced.

I think I would be shaking a bit afterwards!

You've done wise waiting :) Horns in situations like those don't solve problems, they create more stress where obviously there already is.

Glad you're fine, and don't regret you were not on a donkey.

I'm quite glad I was not on a donkey. Yep. That would not have made me feel safe at all. Although the donkey may have made a dash for it with the first shot. I guess it depends on the temperament of the donkey.

OMG!!! What a terrible thing to have witnessed!!!! Very glad to hear you are ok though! This world is insane I swear!

Insane is a good word for it. It seemed so very random and out of place for an otherwise ordinary day.

Glad you are perfectly fine.,...terrible things on street do disturbs, but keeping agile and alert to make everything go easily...

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Thank you!

There are areas of the city I live in where that sort of thing is common, but that particular side of town is not where those things happen.

It sounds a scary story. Here in Brazil I saw 3 gunshots, all of them was because someone try to steal another person.
We need more open gun laws here since we suffer with that massive problems with criminals, unfortunately.

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Interesting perspective. Is kidnapping common in Brazil?

Here in the US many people are trying to make more restrictions on who can have guns. They say it will make us safer. What is your perspective on that? It sounds like you believe more access to guns will make you safer.

Yeap, here we have what we call a flash kidnapping, when people kidnap you for a few hours just to go to the bank and withdraw all your money, and after that, they throw you in some part of the city.
More restrictions means more problems. Think about that, do you really think that mean people will care about the legislation saying that, oh I can buy a rifle since now is against the law? No, they will buy, even if was against the law... Besides, that creates a huge black market and more demands for people steal guns from others.
If less guns make us more safer, do you agree that the criminality in Brazil will be lesser than in USA? Well, the data say the opposite. More guns, more safer you are, and Brazil is here to prove that.
Thanks for sharing!

I love all the different perspectives I'm getting on this topic. Thank you for sharing yours!

A flash kidnapping sounds awful. Especially that it's a common thing. We have something similar to that here, but typically the muggers just accost you when you are already at the ATM machine. I think heightened security and better video technology has reduced that somewhat, but I'm sure it still happens.

I agree that with stricter gun control it makes it more likely that the criminals will have guns. Yes. 100%. The law abiding citizens will not break the law to obtain a gun.

I don't know that fewer guns will make us any safer...but someone else, a Canadian, also commented on the subject. She was saying that they have strict laws on guns there and that this type of violence doesn't happen much in Canada.

Personally, I don't think it's about the guns at all. I think it's about the culture and perhaps the economic disparity present within the culture. If your needs are all being met, you are not likely to turn to crime or violence. If they are not met, you are going to do what you feel you need to in order to get them met. I'm not excusing the behavior at all - I just thin that is likely the foundation for this type of thing, even if it is learned behavior instead of immediate need.

I believe that the main problem in the case of the United States is the problem of impunity, nor is the lack of study, since the low-income people living on farms are the ones with the most weapons.
I think what is missing for the United States to lower its crime rates are the more punitive laws, not in the sense of longer jail time or capital punishment, but rather to reimburse the families that have been harmed, ensuring that the killers can understand that they will try to shoot indiscriminately, they will be caught and will spend their lives giving the victims at least a financial consolation of the loss they had.

I like the idea of providing actual compensation to the families and/or victims. That would certainly connect the action to the consequence better than our current system does.

I'm not positive that the folks on the farms have the most weapons though, or at least, they are not the ones primarily responsible for gun violence even if the own the majority of the guns.

I can see a connection between education and gun violence though. Most shootings take place in impoverished urban areas. Education levels tend to be low with many families having heads of households who have not graduated high school. This can create or contribute to a feeling of inequality and lack of opportunity. Again - no excuses for this behavior, but I can see how it becomes embedded in certain demographics.

I read a text once, showing that people with low schooling and who live in the countryside have the most weapons, not only in Brazil and in emerging countries but also in countries like the United States (of course, taking out robbers and thugs). This concept greatly changes the issue of the need for a certain level of education in relation to the use of weapons.
But one thing that is intrinsically linked to guns is the lack of jobs. It may seem that lack of education manages the problem of weapons, but it is actually the lack of jobs. There is a Brazilian study showing that if you give jobs to people with very low incomes, even if it is below the minimum wage, but that it is worthy, they will not go to organized crime.
Therefore, I believe gun problems, with the exception of psychological issues of course, are intrinsically linked to the lack of opportunity and lack of employment of these families.

What a horror. Luckily you are ok. I do not want to experience something like that.

Thank you. I certainly wouldn't seek that experience out. I feel badly for the people who have to deal with that on a regular basis.

What is Our world coming too 🥴

That's a good question. I want to know what causes this sort of behavior. Were they not raised right? Didn't get enough attention as a kid? Are they just really angry or do they feel like they have to constantly protect themselves from threats? It simply makes no sense to me.

To me neither, ans sometimes i am afraid for the future and my kids when they are grown up

It's getting to be a scary world...but I wonder how much of this has always happened this way. If you read histories, you'll come across crazy accounts of random acts of violence.

But the violence is harder more definitive, more brutal

I can see that. We have more destructive technology now.

And all Those games.....

Bloody hell! Glad you're safe. Live every moment as if it's your last. You just never know!


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I agree! We may only have today. :-)

A good friend's brother passed away one week ago. He was only 47. Less than 5 months ago he was diagnosed with cancer. I know many people in the family are rethinking their choices about how they live their lives right now. It's scary how quickly everything can change sometimes.

Make the most of today. It could be the last one you get.

that is one scary experience. I do not know what I would have done if I were on your place.

I just hope the guy in the white car was not hit by a bullet. I know the vehicle was hit...but hopefully there was no other damage.

I hope that he is all right too.Is there no security camera or traffic monitor cameras? This is a very scary experience and I am just concerned that if these people were not apprehended, there might even come a time when vulnerable people like children or elderlies might get involved.....

I'm not sure if there are cameras in the area. I kind of doubt it. In a way, I feel like I should tell the police, but I don't have anything identifying to tell. I tried to catch the license plate but couldn't see it, so I just have a description of the event and colors of vehicles. Oh, and a very general description of what the shooter looked like.

Wow. Luckily you are fine

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Yes, thank you! I was glad to be in a big truck instead of my car. I felt a little more protected from the just-in-case scenario my mind was envisioning.

God is great..

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Woah that’s a crazy story
Just glad you are ok and you didn’t honk at the fella

Thank you! I'm also quite glad I paused just a moment before honking. It could have turned out quite differently. I'm also glad I was driving. Had Matt been behind the wheel he likely would have laid on the horn much faster.

That is scary shit! Are you ok? I mean I know you didn't get hurt, but, are you ok?
We don't have that kind of violence here. Only allowed certain guns here for hunting and that's it. Canada eh? But seriously, I'm shaking just thinking of what was going on and being in your place. Big hugs to you. I hope you don't witness anything like this ever again. Too close for comfort!

I'm fine, thank you for checking. :-) I tend to be a very calm person, so even when it was happening I wasn't too riled up. It is difficult to think about though. In my mind, those sorts of things happen somewhere else, not in the neighborhood I live in. This was only about 8-10 blocks from my house. It does make me more ready to move out of Cleveland.

Do you think that the restrictions on guns are mainly responsible for keeping that sort of violence out of Canada? Many people here in the US believe similarly. I wonder if it is more a cultural difference than a legal difference though. What are your thoughts?

By the way - Matt thinks it's just too cold in Canada for people to bother shooting each other. :-)

HAHAHA! I like the way he thinks. Should we shoot him? Nah he'll just freeze to death :P

More like the fingers would be too frozen to use the trigger XD

Yep! And he says the heat in some parts of the world makes people angry and therefore more likely to shoot you. Good logic!

I can totally see that! Just look at us women when we go through menopause and the heat flashes XD

Good point. Watch out!!! She's going through menopause!!!!

I'm not sure on that. I think both come into play. I mean if someone really wants to find a gun to use on someone else, they will. But I think that the legalities do help in manners of scaring people away from it. Not saying that its that way for everyone. I myself don't want one because of the safety for me kids. It is more common to see even toy guns not being bought for children for play. Even to play cops and robbers. Myself included.
When my son was 2 he had one. I can't even remember how there was a plastic gun. Could have been because I was thinking zombies. I dunno. Anyways, someone showed up at our door, a stranger and here comes my son with a baby doll in his hands and the gun pointed at the head. The person just looked, we all just looked for a second there... I don't think he made any connection but I got rid of it anyways, threw it out to avoid that kind of violence. He may not have seen violence at that age but perhaps he did, or would have later on. So maybe it is more cultural. Maybe both lol.
I just see it as we don't really need it. Not where we live anyways aside from hunting.

I agree that if someone wants a gun they will find one, regardless of the legality of it. That's one of the main arguments for lax gun laws here. I have considered buying a gun on a few occasions and decided against it mainly because it's a complicated process. Did you know that as a resident of Ohio I can only purchase a gun from a dealer in Ohio? I can buy from a private citizen in any state... It's kind of weird.

The situation with your child in crazy! That could have gone so poorly if you were here in the US. Especially if you were a member of a minority group or lived in a bad part of town. Here in Cleveland, a 12 year old boy had a toy gun at a park. Someone called the police and said he was threatening people with a gun and that it "may be a toy."

The police pulled up and shot the 12 year old dead.

It's crazy how this world works.

I heard of that happening to that poor boy. I struggle to imagine that the world has gone so sour. A reason why I am happy to live where I do. I wouldn't be able to live in a place where I feel like my child can't move, afraid that something might just happen just like that.
Here there is already fear put in us about CAS. Fear that if there is something wrong with our children that we need to get help for and that CAS comes in and takes our children away. It's happened around here :(
OH I can't talk about this too much lol. I stay away from the news and all sorts of stuff like that. My brain can't take it all in.

I assume CAS is similar to CPS (Child Protective Services) here. The same thing happens in the States. If the agency gets a call it is up to them to decide if they remove the child or children from the home - with or without a real investigation. The problem is that somehow people profit off of removing children from their families, so it happens way too often.

Exactly! It's like that all over the world. I can't imagine what it is like when people have their children wrongfully taken :(

Yikes, that’s crazy. Sounds like road rage, but who knows. I’m glad you’re alright!

It could have been road rage. I just didn't see any precipitating events. I would have thought they were just friends chatting after casually meeting on the road.


That is insane. I am so happy you didn't get hurt 🙏

I grew up in the city, not too far from Boston, and shortly before I moved to Maine it was getting worse and worse by the day. It wasn't long after I moved that my sister who still lives there started telling me about daily shootings. That's some scary ish. So glad we got away when we did..but truthfully I've realized that crazy is everywhere. Thank goodness for discernment, divine guidance/protection and being able to defend ourselves if needed (although, of course, when our number is up its up as they say).

Sending lots of love & Reiki for safety your way ✨


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Thank you!

I've heard that Boston is quite rough as far as violence is concerned. I've always loved that city though. Glad you got out safely!

Oh no! 😱 I would be terrified if I were in your shoes. Glad you are fine. And not sure about the other people.

I sure hope they are fine as well. And I hope the guy with his gun gets his anger issues (or whatever that was) under control.

we always have to watch what goes on around us, but we must not live in fear, because then attract even more of the same into lives! glad to hear you are OK. Its a crazy world.

Ah yes! I agree. It is good to be aware but not afraid. I've been in a variety of interesting situations, but have always refused to tailor my actions out of fear.

Thanks for your concern. :-)

World is too crazy

Howdy there mattifer! Was this in Cleveland? It's one reason we always avoided the place like the plague. My wife used to work there and almost got hijacked. Always leave a good space between vehicles at stop lights in cetain parts of the city that's for sure.

Yes, it was in Cleveland, but on the West side where this sort of thing typically doesn't happen.

She almost got hijacked??? That sounds like a story I need to hear. I'm glad she wasn't!

And yes, I always leave space between my vehicle and the one in front of me just in case I need to go around them. I've always done it in case they are stalled or something, but in case of random act of crazy it works too! :-)

Son of a gun! Sorry too soon.

That is nuts! I must say that even my many years in the big city hasn't produced an experience like this. Concealed carry it illegal and people just don't do it. Not the ones who would be shooting in the context of a traffic altercation that is.

Good to hear you were unscathed. Gives you some perspective and a wake up call no?

Ha! Not too soon at all. :-)

Tell me again which city you are in...I'm thinking it's in the UK somewhere.

Concealed carry is completely illegal there? I've never quite understood that. You can carry a gun but it has to be 'brandished' or displayed openly? To me that seems to be a way to cause more anxiety or fear or panic or whatever is associated with guns. I'd much rather be left wondering if someone has one than seeing it in the open.

Also, that way I can pretend if I need to. I've got a good poker face. :-)

Canada actually! Just a couple hours north of the border. Even Toronto at over 5 million people and 20 years of living there downtown I have never experienced anything like this. Crazy!

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Another Canadian was posting about Canada not having gun violence like the US. What do you think accounts for the difference?

That could probably be the subject of a thesis or 5 part documentary. Prison industry? Slavery legacy? Our colonial pacifist mindset? Smaller population density? Legalized weed? Who knows but it is night and day even though we share the same continent.

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Yep! Here in the US we tend to identify gun laws (or lack thereof) as the reason. I'm sure it's not that simple.

Gun laws are not obeyed by criminals. That’s pretty simple. Such a deep and interesting topic!

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Wow. That would leave me shaken for a long while. I'm glad you listened to that slight need to hesitate instead of laying on the horn and potentially making yourself a target. How terrifying!

Me too! I am not usually a horn honker so that helped. :-)

Don't know what to say. Glad you're okey! We've never witnessed any shooting, just army and police with AK47's


Where are you that the police carry AK-47s?

I've seen that in Mexico, but I don't think I've seen it anywhere else.

How scary to live. I do not understand why allow weapons? It can kill!

Are people not allowed to own guns in your country? I kind of take it for granted. It's a right built in to our constitution along with the right to free speech and the pursuit of happiness. It would be strange to me if someone said I were not allowed to own a gun ever.

But at the same time, if no one had guns there would be no need for guns. However, people would still find other ways to kill each other. :-(

What a world we live in these days. I'm very glad you were not involved in the shooting, bad enough to witness it.

Thank you! Yes, it seems to have gone quite mad. However, as another commenter pointed out, US gun violence is at a similar level to that seen in the 1950s. It's actually dropped in recent years.

It is likely that what you witnessed was the continuation of a previous dispute. I'm glad you weren't hurt. As someone who has witnessed shootings in the past, it's a creepy eerie feeling. Kudos to you for not panicking.

That's definitely possible. It makes more sense at least than some random argument at a stop light. :-)

Wow... that's pretty crazy; I'm glad you're OK!

When my parents lived in Phoenix back in the 1990s, my stepdad was driving to the grocery, minding his own business... when I bullet smashed through the passenger side window and exited through the open driver's side window. Nobody was hurt.

As best anyone could determine, the bullet came from a shot fired in a nearby apartment complex parking lot. Could have ended very badly.

Oh man, that's scary stuff right there! Here in Cleveland there are parts of town where that sort of thing happens on a way too frequent basis. There are always stories of children being killed by stray bullets just because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I'm glad your stepdad was not hurt. Do you know if there was any follow up? Did he report it to the police? Was anyone arrested?

Well thank the good Lord for the patience to keep off the horn. You never know just how crazy the person in front of you is.
Nice work and great job telling the story.

I tend to be a very patient person, so yes, I'm glad I thought twice on that one. :-) You've got a good point about the crazy person in front of you. We really never know where another person is coming from or what they've been dealing with, so patience and tolerance are pretty much always good ideas.

Thanks for the compliment!

You are most welcome sweetie.

I am glad that you didn't get impacted by this. And I am glad that you didn't honk. I find that I am very defensive in my actions because you just never know.
We have a lot of gangs in San Diego and it is easy to push a trigger on the wrong person. So sad, really...


Yes, it never hurts to be a little more tolerant in one's actions. :-) We simply don't know what's happening in the minds of the people around us.

That's some crazy shite @mattifer! I'm glad you're ok :)

I just read through all the comments here too! So interesting all the different perspectives around gun use. I'm Canadian and have to say the entire mentality is different; of course the bad guys always have and always will find guns, but otherwise, it's all pretty controlled here.

Most have guns only for hunting lol

Yes, I'm loving all the perspectives as well. :-) I find it interesting that all the Canadian commentors have had pretty similar responses. It just doesn't happen there. In the States we tend to poke fun at Canada all the time, but you guys must be doing something right. No gun violence AND health care for everyone? But how do you pay for all that? That's what you'd hear here anyway...