When is the right time to do something? Is it when all the stars line up and everything is perfect in your life or it is in the present moment?
Well if you are waiting for the stars to line then the perfect right time may not come. Your next option is the second-best time. That would be the time you plan on doing any given task or activity.
I want to share a thought, what if the second-best time to do something was actually better in some circumstances?
Many times, before I meditate, I find it better to first complete everything on my to do list, before I sit in silence. If I do not do this, I notice my mind will focus on the things that need to be completed verses going deeper into my meditation.
I believe the right time to do anything is when you are ready to focus on the task. This is in the present moment or a time not too far into the future.(Which is still the present moment)
If you begin a task and notice that this is not the best time to do it, don't feel bad if you must stop. Sometimes now is not the best time based on everything happening around you.
The main thing is you can't forget to start again at a better time, with a better team or better plan...
Timely post :-)
thank you, Appreciate it