Hey, this is a good story, and you tied in a good lesson too. So gonna remember it.
I've seen another version of this, and I was part of the "class" too. A trainer pulled up a slide with four mathematical equations, one of them was incorrect, and asked us what we think about them. All of us, me included, was quick to point out the incorrect one, and the trainer, Vince was his name, asked "How come no one commented on the three I got right?"
Some would argue it's due to our upbringing and education system that trained us to spot the error, robbing us of our ability to demonstrate gratitute. What do you think?
I agree, I dont believe we are born with an inherent flaw to see the world in a negative light, we are tought this from a very young age! parents, media as well as school all do their part. But as we get older and become aware we can change our outlook on life to a more positive one.