Good podcast. Earthians have always been under the control of "something alien" to our planet. I am sure your are familiar with Michael Tellinger and the like :)
The Anunnaki Myth not a myth, nor are predeluvian civilizations. I dont know where the rabbit hole ends but for me that is already far enough... the beginning of an answer.
I am speaking of owning knowledge (and thus owning Nature) in my latest presentation.
Good podcast. Earthians have always been under the control of "something alien" to our planet. I am sure your are familiar with Michael Tellinger and the like :)
The Anunnaki Myth not a myth, nor are predeluvian civilizations. I dont know where the rabbit hole ends but for me that is already far enough... the beginning of an answer.
I am speaking of owning knowledge (and thus owning Nature) in my latest presentation.