The NHS is being used to brainwash people to accept communism

in #life5 years ago (edited)

“When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we in essence accept that the state owns our bodies.” - Dr. Ron Paul


How come those who so fervently support and defend the NHS aren't campaigning for the government to launch a National Food Service (NFS)?

Here me out...

If everyone should be entitled to free healthcare, shouldn't we also be entitled to free food? After all isn't food more essential than medicine? Why should greedy, profiteering capitalists sell food for profit when the government could provide it to us for free?

If the government monopolised food in the same way it dictates medicine, there would be no 24/7 supermarkets like Tesco or Asda. No Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream or Chicago town vegan pizza. No local, independent green grocers or trendy, hipster coffee shops. No, those businesses are for profit, and the government hates profit. Food is a basic human right and should be provided to the public for free! (see how easy it is to brainwash people to adopt communist ideals)?

Can you imagine what would happen if the government did actually launch a National Food Service? If the government got to decide what you could eat and how much? How many people would starve and die under such a service? Thousands? Millions? And what if someone suggested abolishing the NFS altogether rather than reforming it from the inside?

The fact is, the NHS is a socialist-run healthcare system, and it's crap. The government has monopolised medicine in the same way the state monopolised food in the fictitious example I gave above. The fact that our government has prohibited the use of THC when it is a proven wonder drug for so many people (including children who suffer with violent seizures) is a crime in and of itself and tells you everything you need to know about our corrupt-to-the-core National Health Service.

I support doctors, nurses and carers, but I will never support communism or state propaganda. Ever.