There are words "Change the view, life will change". Yes, I am talking about the power of positive thinking. I will try to clarify all things from different perspectives. In its continuation, today I will discuss the details in the fourth and final phase. Today I will discuss the details on it.
Write something positive and negative about the image you are viewing now. Do not worry too much, write what you think first.
Image 1
Please choose another picture
Think of this picture too
This is the last picture. Take a look at some positive and negative topics from this picture.
Notice that you have found some positive and some negative aspects in each picture.

So what happened?
From this little exercise, you know how you are looking at your life. You can be grateful for positive things in your life. Or you can be frustrated and depressed thinking about negative things in life. The decision is yours.
The problems or troubles of your life are not easily overcome. It may take a lot of time to try to solve the problem of your life. However, our outlook on life is in our own hands. And we should focus more on the positive aspects of our lives.
Happiness depends entirely on our own will. Complaining about the prevailing situation and instead of being frustrated, we need to move the wheel of life and be glad about what we have and be grateful for it. Because many people are worse than us. If they still find the meaning of survival, then why don't we?
There is a word in English... If life gives you a lemon, make lemonade. That is to say, There will always be problems in our lives. Bad news, accidents, frustrations, failures will never leave us behind. So we can not sit back and climb down. Problems can not be solved automatically. If there is any obstacle in front, do not go backward. Break it, go over it, win it. Dump the soil to the other end of the obstacle. Do something. Our problems are given to us to solve, not to stand them as an excuse.
Think of the three most difficult problems in your life right now
Yes! You really have some real problems.
Maybe -
- There are issues related to your personal relationship.
- You can stay in financial problems
- People around you can hurt you.
- You might have lost a loved one forever some days ago
- There is a misunderstanding with your parents
- You might think that you will not have anything to do
7 You may have any type of illness
Remember that everything will not be under your control. For example -
- You do not have the power to make the dead alive
- If your family members have problems you will not be able to change them.
- If your beloved people leave you, you can not force them back
But your work will certainly affect the people around you.
So focus on the issues that are under your control!
Some Examples
Out of your control | Under Your control |
The way others think about you | Self-development / learning something new |
Traffic jam | Control yourself over time |
Economic or political situation of the country | Spending time with the right circle |
natural disaster | Take care of yourself |
You can do only two things when bad times come in life. Do your own duties to improve the situation. Otherwise, complain about it and keep your hands closed. If you are sticking to your hands and complaining, then your life will not improve. One sesame amount will not change. We have to start working for our lives. And work hard to develop yourself. In this case, the main motto is to go forward and make progress.
So what can we do while going through difficult times?
Extra-curricular Activity: Start learning to play any musical instruments. Or try the size of the picture. Or concentrate on any art. You feel pretty much better than before. Your trouble has started to decrease. Convert your negative feelings into something positivist.
Social Support: Studies have shown that, if people are involved socially, then people will go on fast. So keep yourself close to friends and family. Stay with them Do not be lonely.
Exercise: Exercise exposes the name of endorphins and chemicals. Whenever this chemical begins to work in your brain, it reduces the feeling of pain in your mind. So whenever you are feeling upset, come running for a while, walk or cycling. It will reduce the pain of your mind a bit.
Therapy: If the situation is going to be very bad in the end then go to a therapist. They will find you a special therapy for you. One-in-one trainers are increasing in our country. There can be enough competition from their work.)
Negative thinking can reduce your self-confidence and may be the biggest obstacle to your success. It will deprive you of happiness and kill your self-confidence.
The placebo effect is one of the wonders of the medical world
In this method, doctors provide nominal medicines to see the actual improvement of the patients, which do not actually have any effect on the medicine.
Some patients recover with this medication
Because you are recovering, this belief really makes you healthy
You will be fit, This belief can really give you a sense of well-being. You can really cure it.
Crux, Your mind is so strong that it can make you physically fit
This is called "perception is a projection". Which means we take it as the truth that we see, hear or feel. Our mind-brain was created this way
In other words, your mental strength is so much, that it can make you physically fit!
The skill comes only when we focus on a particular quality that is constantly borrowed. Everyone who has climbed to success in life has achieved all this through a strong skill in a specific field. Discover your own affection and intrinsic qualifications or potential. And keep working on it till the full skill comes. Make yourself an expert on a topic. The efficiency of a job is a lot more than a job.
Suppose, you are thinking of buying a new Toyota Allion. And keeping the car in mind, you are doing a lot of things. Your subconscious mind automatically assumes that you are looking for a Toyota Allion and you are looking for Toyota Allion information. You might not have noticed Toyota Allion before when you walked. But now it will not avoid your attention. Because your brain has now focused on that particular topic.
What is the necessity of the Law of Attraction?
- We look back often on what we focus on and we draw it to ourselves.
- As much as we think about positive or negative issues, we will see more positive or negative events happening in front of us.
- For example, if we want to be the CEO of a company one day, we should see ourselves as a CEO. Working as a CEO, talking and walking. And this mentality will make us one day CEO.
- Can you ever build a building in the open field: If you can not see the building in the open field in your mind?
- The main thing is to be sure of what we want and then to focus on it and not until it is achieved. So, change your thoughts to a more positive side. You will see positive things happening around you.
If someone asks you why Apple falls down? What will be your answer? Yes, most people like you would answer that the reason behind reading Apple's bottom is gravity power. Of course, there may be another aspect to see the case of an apple falling from the hand. And that is, the apple fell down because we let it fall down. Well, now I ask you a question. Why do most of us answer the same answer that the apple falls down due to the gravity? Why do not we give the other answer? The reason is that whatever happens around us happens to two types.
Which is in control | Which is not in control |
Make good results in exam | Accident |
Take some specific steps | Losing a loved one |
Get sick by eating unhealthy foods and so on | Being sick due to change of weather or area etc. |
From the beginning of our life, we wanted to explain the events that happened to us in the context of our external issues. Because such an explanation will give us a sense of impunity from that event.
For example, when we were children, when we broke a toy while playing with a toy, the answer we gave was "the toy has broken". "The car went after and broke, or the plank hit the wall and broke." Take a careful note of the words we used to use, we kept ourselves completely out of the facts. By doing this, we would have removed attention from an event in such a way that nobody could blame us. Even after Boro, we have been doing exactly this, in different areas of life. For example, when we delay going, we answer; "I was trapped in traffic. We do not say that I did not leave early and I was late.
Instead of taking responsibility, we control the external issues and blame those that may chill in our control...
People can be divided into two groups by seeing the reaction of what happens.
- The Audience
- The Player
The Audience
How can people be called audiences?
- The audience is the person who thinks of himself as a victim of an irregular situation.
- Audience Those who believe that all events in their lives are due to external issues, people, situations or events.
- Audiences always blame the outside of control like their parents, bosses, relatives, etc., not to improve their lives.
- The audience thinks that the job market, traffic congestion, the situation of the country, etc. are interrupting his life
The way the audiences are
- Whatever happens, I have nothing to do
- All negative incidents in life are beyond my control
- If I have any problem, I will complain and this is normal
- I can blame others for keeping myself out of the problem (The mistake was from my father, my colleague, etc.)
- I do not have to take responsibility for anything
- I can not do anything when I get stuck in life
- It is important that others will think about me
The audience is not a form of personality, it is rather a kind of aspect and decision. How does one view the events that happen in his life and how he solves it, is he an audience?
The-Baby Elephant Syndrome
- Usually, the baby elephants are brought to show the game about circus training
- The baby handpiece is tied with a small pole or tree with a small chain or rope.
- The kidnapper tried to wreck the chain or rope but failed.
Because he does not have such power. - After a few weeks of unsuccessful attempts, the baby elephant will give up. "I do not have the strength to break this chain."
- When the baby elephant accepts that he will not be able to open the chain, he never tries. Even after being grown older, even after being extravagant
- There are so many incidents of a circus around the world, where the circus fire and all the animals have survived. But the poor elephants were standing on the ground and mixed with the burning ground. The elephant did not even try. Because he had assumed that "I am not so strong, or it will not happen to me." Or "I can not."
- That's the baby elephant syndrome. And ask all of you who are reading this article - ask yourself whether there are "Self-conscious" invisible chains on your feet? "
The Player
Who is the player?
- The player is the person who takes responsibility for everything in his life
- This does not mean that a player is always guilty himself. Rather, he thinks that whatever is happening to him or any problem, he has the same responsibility as his own
- If there is a problem, the players are positive. Keeping the head cool and actively taking steps to solve all of its potentials.
- The player wants to see all the things around him positively and act accordingly
What do the player think of themselves?
- I am responsible for my decision
- The past can not be changed. But I can make my future better.
- My own response to solve my problem
- If there is any mistake in my life (Workplace, family, relationships etc.) then I am also responsible for it.
- I'll be the person who will take responsibility for myself
- I can see everything with the positive attitude
- I have to do something to get out of trouble
- If I try, I can solve many problems.
There are words
"Change the view, life will change".
The first step of success is self-confidence.
I believe I can
The player is the person who does not raise fingers at others and takes responsibility on his shoulders and takes action during the critical situation. He is the person whose attitude is positive and who is truly a workman or an idiot. Now the biggest question is - are you an audience or a player?
Your evil past does not mean that your future will be the same. Whatever happened, it's happened. You can not change it from the past. Remember, you have to write a story and the last chapter of your life
Be careful your conversations - they will be your actions
There is some kind of difference between the expression of a player and an audience to understand his situation. Take a closer look at the types of interpretations described below and see if your answer falls in a class-
Audience says what | Player says what |
I do not have time | I'll take time out |
This has happened because of you. | See what I did |
Boss has put more work than I can | Boss gave me more work because I could do this |
That was where I had nothing to do | I was not really ready for it |
It is not possible | It seems very difficult, but I can try it. |
Luck is not favorable to me | I think there is something wrong |
Seeing the answers above, you can reach a conclusion that you are an audience or a player. If the majority of your answers mingle with the audiences, then you need to do something to change the way you look at life. The following tips will help the player to develop a relaxed attitude in your life.
The way to become a player
The following tips will help you to become a player
● Positive thinking is a decision, apply positivism to all your thoughts.
● Take responsibility and develop Response-Ability. Do not blame others.
● Draw yourself as a success. See, success will come.
Build Attitude "I can do". As Steve Jobs says, whatever you have around you, what you call life is made up of people who are not smarter than you. If they could, you could better then.
● No obstacle is bigger than you; Break all the barriers
● Start taking small steps, do not blame others or situations if any mistakes or problems arise. Be pro-active.
● Never, ever, never give up.
Are you stuck in an escalator
Missing tiles syndrome
Suppose you are sitting in a room. Looking at all the floor tiles, you noticed that there are no tiles. Where will you get your attention? Your focus will be focused on those non-tiled tiles.
Likewise, if we have any small shortage, little loss and no shortage in our lives, despite all other good aspects, we concentrate on the things that are not there. This is how our brain is made. We look at the lack of life or the committees. We pay close attention to negative topics or give more importance to the aspects of life.
For example
● When someone with a bald head entered the room, he first saw how many people there had hair on their heads
● When someone with a bald head entered the room, he first saw how many people there had hair on their heads
● Because we are like this, we focus more on those non-available tiles of our lives.
Briefly say
● Missing tiles barriers to peace in our lives
● You always have missing tiles in your life. Maybe your job position, relationship, childhood, overall satisfaction in life. And in this case, the list is not finished.
What can we do
We have two ways for the missing tiles of our life
● Look at the tiles we have, that is, we pay attention to what we have received in life and in whatever situation we have. Such as social dignity, growth, health, family-as good as in our lives
● Or just focus on the missing tiles that are not available in our lives
Our happiness depends on being content with what we have.
So pay attention to what you have got in life and be happy.
Law of Association
Did you know Your expenses are equal to the average of ten people among those who come close to you? It implies that when you are in the company of people who are more successful than you, you must find some hints, experiences, and lessons that will lead your life. So you should spend time with people who are more successful than you.
So to improve your life you need to do.....
● Stay in the company of those people who are more successful than you as a person, in a professional field, and in family life.
● Learn from those who are experienced in their respective fields, and make themselves better.
● There are always more progress opportunities. So if you think you're the fastest runner on your track, now it's time to change your track.
● If you're the smartest person in the room, you're also in the wrong room.
● Choose circles that will take you forward and make you even better.
● Avoid the toxic people who take away your power, positiveness, or those who disappoint you.
Circle of Influence
Stephen and Kevey discussed a theory titled "The Circle of Influence and the Circle of Concern" in his famous book "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People".
It says-
● Everyone has two circles. In a circle, there are those things under our control, whose name is Circle of Influence. For example, you want to learn swimming, you can, or if you want to develop a skill, you can also
● Other circles contain things that are beyond our control, called "Circle of Concern". For example, traffic congestion, an education system, our past events, etc.
● According to this theory, the importance that you make on a circle is bigger than you.
● If you focus on the opal of the Circle of Concern, then it gets bigger and you become a negative and responsive person. Because you have no control over those things you are focusing on and that you make or change
● If you insist on the things that you can influence, you will become more intuitive and able to make positive changes in life.
● Emphasizing the Circle of Influence will make you positive, hopeful and work-oriented in life.
How these circles can be used in our lives
● If you get into trouble, do not get stuck in front of your control. Take a look at the things that are under your control.
● Instead of exaggerating external things you can do, work according to your ability.
● For example, if you do not get a job, focus on the Circle of Influence rather than concentrating on Circle of Concern - like market conditions, recruitment process, organization policies, etc. - and increase your port-profit for your job - your skills Increase professional network, cv, and eligibility.
Last word
Life plays a cruel game with us for a long time and puts us in a state that we did not think. In this way, we become frustrated, crushed, crushed and hopeless. We need to find a way to make our life better from this unlimited sea of uncertainty. Positive thinking in your daily life is the luminosity that will lead you to a better and stable future. Our life is a composite result of our decision. What we do today will be our future tomorrow. So accept some such attitudes or views today. Stand up against any problems. If you have a berth, then the dust of the dust shakes and stand up again. Stay ahead, make wise decisions, take good care of positive and positive things. We may have to accept limited disappointments, but do not lose immense hope.
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“Instead of taking responsibility, we control the external issues and blame those that may chill in our control...”
So true, and I know this firsthand. The moment I started taking responsibility not only for my actions, but also for when I didn’t act, my life started to change.
Wow, you really put some thought and effort into this. Thank you for the great article.
Exactly, if you try to give a different shape in your life with positivity. It would obviously change your life
Great article I write about mindset as well. love to get your feed back.
Have a great day
Carry on!
This is an excellent post! At first, I thought it was just a silly exercise and I was going to write something about your images, then you went hog wild into positive thinking and the law of attraction. People need to read this.