Eight Weeks

in #life8 years ago


8 weeks to the day!

The good lady announced happily as she stroked the gargantuan bump that is our unborn child camping out in her womb.

I looked over and smiled.

Behind the smile my insides suddenly turned to water. 8 weeks? 8 weeks? That's no time at all? I felt sick. I had and have been so happy all through her pregnancy but on the announcement that the child is practically here I felt faint.


Oh flippity flip, I'm not ready!

Another child? What was I thinking? Have I just woken up? It feels like it. Is it too late to change my mind?

Damn you sperms, you have betrayed me once again.


The good lady looked at me.

Are you ok? You have gone a little pale.


I boomed this a tad excessively. I quickly dialled it down.

Cor Blimey, I can't wait. What a magnificent thing this is going to be. You know the thing we are embarking upon. Oh my oh my, hot doodle dandy! Oh such change, joyous stuffs!

I appeared to be incapable of actually saying anything of substance. My mind was going into overdrive.


I quivered like a leaf. Where had the last seven months gone? Had I discovered time travel? It was only yesterday we thought we would give it a bash and I unleashed the white tadpole fury upon her unsuspecting egg.

It was my fault. All of it, my fault. The good lady for all her forthrightness can be a bit of a ditherer. My mind flew back to the start of the new year. The good lady was once again wondering if we should go for it and have another child.

With my usual derring do I had stood up, hand on hips and declared.

Sod it, let's do it baby. Let's make another one. To heck with all this to-ing and fro-ing!


Obviously being such a sterling example of Man-ity I only had to tilt a bemused eyebrow in her direction and she became pregnant.

And now, here I was. Standing, grinning like a buffoon. Uttering sheer bilge whilst the enormity of it all crashed down on me. In the distance I could hear myself still warbling away.

I was snapped out of my reverie and stopped talking gibberish upon hearing thumping footsteps on the stairs and the distressed howling of our daughter who had woken from a bad dream.

She barrelled into the living room.

I want my mummy!

I paused and dabbed at my eye, I think there was some dust in it.

Yeah, me too lass.


Not wanting to increase the fear factor, but ours came three weeks early ;-)

You will honestly be amazed at how it all works out, all I remember about our first was our panic, fear, mild terror and constant Google searches (generally about the consistency of poo)

The experience with our second couldn't be more different, we are just enjoying it no end, we are older and wiser and to be honest (slight gush) the time with our new wee man is just golden.

Looking forwars to your new baby post in 8 short weeks :-)

Hi @scottish01! You have just received a 1.0 SBD tip from @meesterboom!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
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Aw mate you have no idea how reassuring that is. That is my hope and now I have a little more faith!! tip! 1.0

Seriously, Mr S, there was no need, but thank you.

Hope you having a good evening :-)

I know but it was an exceptional comment :0) I rarely use the tip thing unless I see an exceptional comment :0)

Hope you are having a good one too!

Time travel! I've tried building a tardis those long sleepless nights. But I can never figure out where my 13mm wrench went. That's the one thing, the ONE AND ONLY thing I need to complete it and make time go 'whooosh' and land me back decades. Plenty'd do over right, but the kiddos, keep em. And my man, well, he's coy and quite a fetching gent. A rather stallion, top notch compared to other studs.

tip! 0.5

Thank you so much, you are very kind :-)

Hi @scottish01! You have just received a 0.5 SBD tip from @razvanelulmarin!

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
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Lost for words here, well, okay almost... My precious one will turn 18 in a few years already. Man, talking about time travel. Even making them offspring is over and done way to fast.

It can be scary when the time of birth is closing in. And remember young master Boom, hold her hand tightly, not let her grab hold of your family jewelry... (In case you might want a third one.)

Countdown set, what more appropriate than some good oal glam rock to give you a fine power boost, you'll be ready for your second precious one mate!

Hehe, never had a glam rock some seemed so apt. Yes, the time flies. My daughter is in her fourth year and the time has been a blur. 18 though, wow, university or work beckoning. That must be wild.

I will definitely be holding the hand tight and nothing else shall be gripped. Although there will definitely be no third!!

Things change all the time with offspring growing up, ready for taking off and spreading their wings to fly on their own. Not a single boring moment ever, but you've experiencing that already. :-)

Cheers to new life!

A big Cheers to that mate!!!

Better than a food baby. A genuine "Mini Boom" ! Congrats!

Yay, food babys are grim. This is much better!

Your wife is probably just as scared as you are!

She hides it well!!

A new born child gives you more to live for
I wish you and your family 👪 a wonderful Life
Keep it up

It does indeed and thank you for dropping by :0)

You are welcome

That's a big step forward. Congratz!

whoopity hoppity alakhazam hoka hey geronimo allons y! :)

Exactly my kind of talk! ;0)

A wink and a nod...

And, just like you name, BOOM, nine months later, your loins have bear fruit!

What a joyous day it would be when the stork drops off a No-Return-to-Sender package at your doorstep. I imagine it's harder to assemble than a bed, but it's a better investment I would say. You're going to do great, dude! I have never been more sure of anything in my life. In my life!

When I read this, it dawned on me how long I've been on Steemit haha! Not when I wrote my anniversary post a month ago, but just now when I read this post haha! Our friendship here has become one of my benchmarks to see how long I've been coming online to Steemit. I'm over the moon with happiness for you, broganoff. When you see your little bundle of joy and you yourself launch into space, I shall be there waiting for you in the dark side of the moon :D

Broganoff, rofl!!

A wink and a nod exactly like that! I am back to feeling sure that everything will be alright but I am not sure if that is because I amsaying it so often that the mantra is working and I believe it just for that. No doubt when I am in the room and the baby is clawing its way out I shall suddenly come to and run screaming lolsers! I wont though. I have the faith! Cheers man! Time has indeed flown! We have known each other for aaaagggeeees now!

Awesome! And at the same exact time when the rain clouds cleared hmmm I'm still on the mindset that your mood controls the weather, at least around these parts of the world. When you're giddy, it's taps aff weather, and when you're down, well, the sky weeps. Could you maybe maintain a brooding mood, like you're satisfied, but not too happy or sad, and feel proud while you're at it, to bring the cool winds? I really like that semi-gloomy, cloudy, windy weather. So, maybe aim for that mood. Like you just want to wrap yourself in a snug blanket.

Haha! Steemit revolves around a different time than the real-world. Screw the real-world, my consciousness is almost done uploading itself. I just need a few more hours of stable internet connection and it's done. One slight glitch and I'm back to 0. I have complete faith in my internet. I mean, when has it ever let me down?

I am mostly giddy!! So the weather should be good :0)

Your internet is beyond reproach. I know it shan't let you down. I look forward to being the first to welcoming you as our first AI overlord!!

When that time comes, I would have the power to shape the internet as we know it. My first order of business shall be to change my Steemit username to @jedAI HOHOHO So. Witty.

Oh that would be much better!! As it was I used to always think your name sounded like jedow! Hehe

A lot of people do think of it that way for some reason haha! It's actually jed-OW as in "OW! I hurt my foot when I went down and stepped on a tooth of a velociraptor" instead of "Yow let's get low with blow."

It's gonna be epic :D just think how much material you'll have for the posts! This baby will pay for himself. You should call him Daniel Ned Boom. :))

Oho, wouldnt that be funny and then I could call him out by name in every post lol!!!

YEah, I am hoping I stil lget time for some steeming!!

Hi meesterboom what a wonderful blog, I think most dads get scared sometimes and timetravelling is in the mind of all men sometimes. Loved your writing and felt so sorry for you for 1 second then it passed and I felt very happy for the whole family. Good luck.

Thank you! It was a fleeting moment of terror and I know everything will be ok but heck it just welled up out of the blue!

Hahahahaaa...don't damn the sperm..those are your future whales, the ones who will care for you in your doddering years lol. Oh, and you better keep that eyebrow in check if you don't wanna increase your numbers too rapidly LOLOL.

I have now strapped the eyebrow down ;0)

I never thought of it that way. They will keep me in the manner I am accustomed :0D

Mind ya don't strap it down too low or the Good Lady will think you're scowlin' at her and that could be counterproductive! Nice and even now :D

I shall loosen it a wee bit. Can't have the scowling now!! :0)

Another cute angel is coming to your home, good luck dear and have fun with it. This time will never come again into your life and you will miss it when they become older.

I will indeed. I am looking forward to it despite the massive change!

Haha congratz!

Hello my dear friend ❤️
I am following your account every day { 🙏🤝 }

Why thank you!

Wonderful humorous writing as always, I thoroughly enjoy it. I wrote 2 posts in my love and marriage blog about the upcoming baby maybe you should have a look at it. ;-)

Maybe I should! That's how I like to be approached lol ;0)

Congratulations @meesterboom.

It's good to know that the next addition to your family will have a gentleman father and a good lady mother.

What else could be asked for?

I don't believe there is much else!!! :0D

You're not very good at being a cycle path, are you?

I know, I really need to get to work on that!!

"Oh flippity-flip, I'm not ready." -- Famous last words that can easily be the equivalent of Custer at Little Big Horn mythological last words when he shouted, "Hurrah, boys." Best of luck to you and the missus. I'm sure after a short period of eighteen years or so you will have it all sorted.

Yeah, it's only a minor window of my life. It will all work out lol!!

hahahah your Scottish face said it all...good one indeed, hahahahah
I send in my Friday toast to you my buddy..cheers

And Cheers to you mate!!!

welcome buddy, wish you a blessed weekend.

And I hope you have one too mate!

Absolutely buddy, welcome..bless weekend to you and your family.

nice post
(ok, just a joke because I love the gif that you done for the spamming comments, so cool! :D )

Congrats!!! Just 8 weeks and ta-dah, les jeux sont faits! Cheeers, dear friend ^_^

I know and you know what it is like it will fly by!!!

Followed... Lol!! ;0)

Hahaha love it, I can guess what you were thinking when you both decided to try again, yay lots of s e x . Its an amazing time, a new little Boom coming into the world, never mind if your ready are we ready

Haha, is anyone ready!!

And aye, I might have been thinking that ;0)

I know how men's minds works as my hubby was the same hahaha

We are simple creatures!

Remember you said that not me :)

BOOM! - Another one!

I know how I'd get ready...

Hehehe, yes indeed. Its a good way to prepare!!

I can't imagine anything more terrifying. Except for actually being the one to push it out.

Yeah, thats the terror she is feeling alright! She is like oh no, I cant do it again!

Lol! Bit late now.

I'll be in your country tomorrow. I hope the weather is good.

Ooft. It has been quite pleasant but the next few days are meant to be rubbish!

Yeah, this looks a bit shite. Luckily the Netherlands has been easing me into crap European summers.

I think I should go to this Aberdeen instead:

That is a much better Aberdeen!! Go there!! lol!

@scottish01 beat me to a similar reply- that my child came weeks early haha! No fears my friend, it is going to be grand, a sibling for your daughter is a wonderful thing and with such fantastic parents the child can only be a brilliant addition to the world :)

Hot bananas, the idea of an early arrival is terrifying! I will be happy if the little chap keeps to the timetable :0)

I am looking forward to it very much so but find the odd moment of panic seems to be occurring. Quite bizarre!

Wow 8 weeks will pass and come by real quick! Get plenty of sleep while you can and before you know it the little one will be here :)

That was my thinking. I fully intend to stock up on sleep in advance! :O)



hahahahhah, best response I've ever seen. I seriously want to steal this and use it @meesterboom

Please please please feel free to use it! I made it for precisely that purpose. Download and use it anywhere you see that comment! :0) :0)

There comes a time when seeing this will annoy me.
dunno why but at some point it should happen, right?!

It shoooooouuuuld! But I hope the day never comes!! :O)

I want to use this gif too!
I will add a line like "As Meesterboom would say..." ;)

Yay!!! Fire away!!

great work ..
upvoted you and following you for feedback.. :) ;)
i mean upvote back and follow..

Hmm, thank you

very good.
I would be happy if you like to follow me and give your opinion about my posts.

Ta much!

As long as it doesn't look like this one day.

I really hope he does! ;O)

click here!This post received a 4.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @meesterboom! For more information,

Great one.. Keep it up dude.

You never voted, you are spamming. I will flag this comment

They did say that they just review it. No promises of voting haha!

Very true, I am such a harsh bunny!! ;0)

I did flag it, too. I just enjoy a good pile on haha!

Yeah I think we should pile on, it's great fun!

Really though, I just want to see them pleading that they're doing nothing wrong and that we should be grateful to them.

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Hii @meesterboomsuccessful greetings
Nice to meet you

#introduce my name @firzee0717, I come from #indonesia. Welcome to #steemit for those of you who want to succeed here, I also want the same thing. I'm also new here #Steem is still a lot to learn from All of you

Nice to meet you all !!
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Hello. I will be nice as you are new. This is called spam. You are spamming a comment. It will not do you any favours if you want to succeed here.

I would normally flag a comment like this.

Edit Then I looked at your profile and saw you spamming a lot of accounts so flagged

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