
in #life9 months ago


Hey baby, fancy switching things up a little?

I grabbed my Good Lady by the hips and attempted to drive her as if she were a tractor in a muddy field.

Git... Git bloody off!

She shook herself like President Biden after a debate with ole Trumpo.

Reluctantly I let her go but gave her a little twirl so she could look at my beaming handsomosity full on. Who could refuse this beguiling rogue of a Spaceship captain?

What do you mean, switch things up?

She had that look on her. The same look a Scotsman gets when seeing a corn dish which coincidentally is the same look a Scotsman gets when he opens the door and finds Jesus himself on the doorstep with his bloody big cross over one shoulder asking for a cup of sugar.
A corn dish! For real, I thought such things only existed in myth!

You know... tonight...

I trailed a fingertip over her wrist in my trademarked get your gums around my plums kinda move.
Boorish, I know. But if you build it, they will come etc...

Get to the point you bloody pest, can't you see I am busy?

She did indeed look busy. If busy meant walking about the house with random piles of clothing. I wondered if she was making a giant den. Would I be allowed in?

Well, we finished that Spanish show, you know the one where they all shouted at one another really fast and occasionally found a dead body?

I waved my hands about in an attempt to look Spanish but instead just looked like a cat swinging about with its claw stuck in a curtain.

Yes, so we are on the hunt for another show. Does that mean you have an idea?

Her face lit up now that she thought she might not be getting hosed down with the sea-foam gun later.

Well, what about Fallout?

I winced, fully expecting her to sneer dismissively at a show based on a game I had spent countless years of my life on.

Instead, she looked intrigued.

I read about that. You think it will be good?

She seemed genuinely interested which was baffling me no end.

Yeah, it will be awesome. It's set in a dystopian post-apocalyptic wasteland with monsters, guns and general madness. What's not to like?

My eyes gleamed as I imagined the two of us having a good chuckle whilst watching people die in a nuclear apocalypse.

Hmm, dunno, who's in it?

I was losing her. Fark?!

Um, I dunno. Some sexless chick and eh, that guy. That guy, you know, the dude from the Shield?

The Good Lady perked up instantly as if someone had crudely swatted her bahookie with an IKEA catalogue.

Who from the Shield... Who!?

Now her eyes were gleaming like a fox in the moonlight.

Um, not the fat guy. The other guy, Walter googly eyes or something?

I shrugged, names aren't my thing.

GOGGINS? Walter GOGGINS? Right, yes, great let's do this. Oh, this will be good.

She buzzed with happiness and I looked at her suspiciously.

You like this Goggins fellow?

I pretended not to care for the answer which was hard as she had started to pant like a golden retriever smelling pocket biscuits.

She nodded and bounced away to build her den with a decided spring in her step.

Bloody Gogglins, he better not try and steal my woman.


When I saw the link, it made me laugh !

Corn tastes much better when eaten out of a corn dish. It's the law ! 😄

If things get exciting for the Good Lady during the movie, it will be your benefit after and Gogglins will have done all the prep work. 🤣

Of course, by the time I'm posting this comment, movie night will have come and gone I suppose. If it worked out, you might want to look for more movies with him in it.

Hehehe!! Goggins, my own personal fluffer 🤣🤣

I couldn't not include the corn dish! 😀😀

hahahaha, being busy means walking around the house with clothes hahahaha, I do it too when I take the clothes out of the washing machine.
Hey YOU jealous for nothing hahaha, she just wanted to do something different than walk around the house with the clothes remember what you say ¿Who could refuse this beguiling rogue of a Spaceship captain? NOBODY
I wish you a happy weekend

A happy weekend to you too mate from this beguiling rogue of a Spaceship captain! :OD

AHH I never played fallout game but watched that series and was like yeaa it's cool should've played the game.

I just didn't liked those shield people with costume that weighs ton and it looked too bad !LOL.

Curious to know if you've watched "the 100" series?. It also have similar story... Nuclear explosion and post-apocalyptic...

I was mad for the game, I still can be at times. Spent so many hours on it! It is great but a life stealer.

I always meant to watch the 100 but never got round to it, was it good?

I watched it.. The 100.. 1¾ thumbs up

Excellento, I will be getting stuck into that!

And I didn't even heard of this game until this show arrived hah.

Honestly I liked the 100 more than the fallout. Definitely worth a watch.

I will give it a bash, probably on my ownsome as it is hard enough to convince the Good LAdy to watch these types of shows! :OD

Some popcorn and !BEER evening with the good lady watching Fallout, never played the game (actually no gaming here) the show was awesome once you get into it, first episode had me bemused, son said keep going..... Have fun and enjoy!

Bemused is good! I am looking forward to getting stuck in! Much !BEER to be had!

Actually great story line at the end of the day!

It's the best ending!! 🙂🙂

🤣next round please !BEER

Soon!!! Hehe 🙂

Yup.... 🙃 💥

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BEERHey @joanstewart, here is a little bit of from @meesterboom for you. Enjoy it!

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They are all the same . I look forward to the day Ryan Reynolds or that lad from Barbie make a good picture between them . Fml

Hahah, lustful buggers they are whilst telling us good men of the world not to stare at hot chicks on screen! :OD

The Shield - such a distant memory, it was damn good and I didn't pick up on an ex-Shielder in Fallout (The Series).

It's better if you have played the game, but ends unexpectedly.

Too Brotherhood of Steel for me, I always preferred the Railroad dudes.

The Railroad were cool! I loved the Shield, it is weird tho as it seems so so long ago. I picked up the game again just for a bit of a run n gun, was fun!

I picked up the game again just for a bit of a run n gun, was fun!

Careful, it takes away your life.

All them bethesda ones do. And obsidian, I will be playing Avowed when it comes out although I am sure it won't be so open worldy

All I remember from the shield is the lads bleating on about the god dam money train. Whenever anyone mentions the Shield all I hear in my mind is The Money Train I tells ya , The money train. What copper drives a top of the range corvette. Twas all very dodgy untitled.gif


So long ago.., I can't remember the details besides it being 'enjoyable' and gritty.

Seems you have watched such movies during the pandemic 😄

It was the only thing the Pandemic was good for! :OD

Oh I hope she loves it. I watched it with my sister and her husband and they really liked it. People who played the game also approved of it.

Yeah, we have started and it's awesome so far! 😀

🤣🤣🤣 okay, you started with trying to make her watch a movie with you, then you are not in a good mood because she seemed to like some Grogging guy that may be in the movie😂😂😂 okay na.

Get to the point you bloody pest, can't you see I am busy?

Well, this part started the uncontrollable laughter.

Movies are fine but there must be no ogling!! 🤣🤣

🤣🤣🤣 I hope she rogers...haha

I think we all hope for that! 😀😀

Yeah...we secretly and openly do.

I started watching Fallout with my son. I never played the game, he had. However, he didn't seem to be into it very much. We still need to finish it.

Walter Goggins plays a good role in the series Justified, which is worth watching as well.

Recommend Wrong Side of the Tracks. I finished season one and plan to watch the other seasons if they keep my interest.

I have heard of Justified but not the other. I will stick them on my to watch list. I can't stand it when I don't have anything lined up!

I have several on my watch list, but they are getting nixed quickly. I lose interest in most stuff within the first few minutes for most stuff these days.

There is a lot of dross out there. It makes the good shows that little bit more special

Git... Git bloody off!


You teleported me to a scene between my grandmother on my mother's side and my grandfather (he has passed away). He was so him! He always made us laugh!

You have to keep the laughter up, it's the light in the dark of life!

Yes, thank you. This is as true as a temple. 😇

It's on my list too, looks pretty good although I don't know much about it, the concept, as I never played the game.

The game is tops and we have tore through a bit tonight and it's a winner. In a weird mad way!

Yep, I think I'll like the show...series two happening though? I hate when they don't back it up with another.

There is, apparently they are fast tracking it because the first one has such good results and feedback

I hate it when a shown is so good and then, fuck you, no second season.

Been there, it's fecking shit when they do that!

In the show he has no nose so you should be alright.

I haven't watched the show yet but planned to soon.

It's been in my list for a while! No noise should put her in her place. 😀

It might change him for her in her mind. She'll never see him the same again.

She might like it! 😜😜

Well then you're in trouble 😂

hahaha, awesome. Fallout is such a good show. I too have spent countless hours playing pretty much every Fallout game. I still remember playing Fallout 1 when it came out. And after the show, for good measure I replayed Fallout 4, haha.

Fallout 4 was magic, I loved 3 but 4 had the edge. I wish there was a new one on the horizon and not in X no of years!!!

I know right?? They spent years doing Starfield, now they are doing the next Elder Scrolls (Finally! Skyrim came out forever ago) So it will be a really long time before the next Fallout game. Bethesda just needs to hire a bunch more people so they can make both at the same time, I mean, they need to capitalize on how good the show is.

I did like Starfield but it wasnt very open world in the end and didn't have a huge longevity. I hope they get back on form with the next Elder Scrolls, although it will be years out!

I think they should hire a bunch more devs, they have the cash!

Indeed! I did enjoy Starfield for what it was. And yes hire those devs! haha

I have never played.. but I have friends (honestly I do) who absolutely loved that game. Addicted like a Crack whore some would say..

That was me, still is a bit. Sunk hundreds of hours into it. The missus couldn't believe it when I started a new game out of the blue the other day and said I fancied doing it all over again on harder difficulty 😀😀

I can't do that. Play the same game twice. Once I beat it it stays beat

It looks like you’re teaching me the things my man needs to be doing for me. He must read this😁😅

Lol, then he must watch fallout with you!! 😀

Who could refuse this beguiling rogue of a Spaceship captain? This is so good I'll try it with my girlfriend hehe

Haha, who doesn't love lines like that 😀😀

After reading all the comments, I think I'm the only one who hasn't watched this movie😅
I thought I was reading your own story
I guess I have to add it to my watchlist then

Ha, it's true. I am late to the party and it looks like your night be too!! 😀😀

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