I strode into work just after 9 AM like a handsome King on his way to collect freshly baked doughnuts.
As I strutted past the nodding dogs on reception I doffed my fedora grandly to them.
Evening, wastrels.
I called, knowing that such wordplay with the times of day was bound to make their heads melt.
The security guard stepped nervously forward to bar my way. I snorted like a fifty year-old high on cocaine wearing double denim and waved my pass.
Like fallen wheat, he retreated back into his box.
Entering the lift I thumbed the button for the basement enthusiastically like the lift was my lover and I had just eaten a plate of oysters.
As the doors were closing a red-faced man in a lurid reflective vest got in with me.
You goin down mate?
He said jovially.
If you are asking for me to munch on your penis then you are sorely out of luck today my red-faced friend. There is, however, a tramp outside that will do anything for a cigarette. Anything... I think her name is... Your maw.
He might have flushed red with anger, it was hard to tell with his already weather-beaten face.
I ignored him. I was in a case-busting mood and having roasted my cockles over the fire the night before felt like nothing was gonna stop me today. Bloody Aliens. Time to pony up and get out of town.
I exited the lift after Red-Face stomped out. He gave me a dirty look as he left. I tilted my head and made a mooing face.
I stepped out into my old stomping ground. The basement. I looked around wistfully. I had spent some good times down here. I think I first saw Carlate here. Her heels clicking deep holes into my soul. I closed my eyes and savoured that thought for a moment.
Everything went blank.
What the hell? Had I just fallen asleep? It seemed that way? Yet, who could possibly fall asleep standing up and not fall down?
True, the little boom had been particularly active during the night lately meaning little sleep for his parents but I preferred less esoteric theories.
It must have been the Aliens.
Were they worried I was getting too close to their lair?
I gave myself a shake, inhaling the cool slightly damp air through my nostrils and headed for the door to the old office I worked in. The office that was now inhabited by The Clivvers.
If anyone knew anything he would. He was probably in there right now vaping with an Alien, laughing about the mess left on the stairs. The mess that I had unwittingly stumbled into just two weeks past.
I contemplated knocking on the door but decided just to barge in unannounced. Me and The Clivvers had history, he wouldn't mind.
The door flew open at my shove.
What the FUCK!
Roared Red-Face over his shoulder as tried to withdraw his purple jolly from a lady perched precariously on a desk, her legs doing their best impression of ten past nine.
I covered my eyes in fright and staggered to the side as if punched, the image of his doughy buttocks lingering behind my eyelids like the afterimage of an eclipse.
You fucking pervy bastard!
Screeched the lady who was having her banjano cleaned.
I opened one eye in time for me to see and dodge a wild swinging punch from Red-Face. His trousers were puddled around his ankles which hampered his movement somewhat and he was roaring something about fucking beasts. I ducked another wild swing and peeked around him.
She didn't look like a fucking beast. Maybe the Aliens were manipulating his reality?
Is this The Clivvers office?
I squawked, dodging the punchy rage of Red-Face.
He stopped swinging briefly, his face crumpling like a well-used tissue in confusion.
Is this a clever orifice? You cheeky BASTARD! I WILL KILL YOU!
I ducked another haymaker only to find myself on hand and knee staring head-on at his tall ship. I yelped and crab-walked backwards out of the door in a hurry before flipping myself around and running proper.
I threw myself into the still open elevator and thumbed all of the buttons for up. The doors closed, the lift whined and began to move.
I took some deep breaths. Obviously, I could have taken the red-faced gorilla out at any time with a well-placed punch to the neck but I had held back. They might not have known it but whilst they played Purple Percy and Mauve Mabel my eyes had taken in everything around them.
The Clivvers was gone.
Of course, he could have moved office or even desks but I opened my hand and examined the clue I had palmed from the floor.
It was a strange translucent half globe with a thick rim obviously of Alien origin. It stank of fish and that queer alien musk from the stairwell. My hand glistened where some of its paste-like interior had leaked out.
My heart sank. The Aliens had obviously got him.
It looked like this case was becoming interesting.
It looks like a mackerel's bowler hat. The alien base must be below sea level.
Just trying to help.
That would partly explain the smell. You could be onto something here!
I think you may have stumbled onto something, @meesterboom! I mean other than
Sure you didn't stumble on a new red light distrct in the basement of your office building?
Or some elaborate clock display!!! :OD
Hm. I wonder if you could interface an Arduino to the missus to make a clock. Consider this I must.
A thing worth considering! A fine project!
it seems to me that the aliens were dominating everything in that underworld jeejejeee very interesting story I like the perverted part ..
Haha, yes, I liked that but too lol!!
jeejejeeeee ups
MeesterBooooom been ages haven't read you !
Sadly haven't been having much time to check the feed .. nor to post much for that matter.
It seems you have a trilogy (so far) with potential alien invaders? :)
Dudeski!! Hows your crazy training!?
Hehe, yeah, you know me. I aint a big fan of run of the mill! :OD
hahah of course !
My sports, been off for almost a month now ! but gotta get to it again .. feeling like a couch (or laptop/desk) potato now LOL
I know that feeling, I am just back on the gym trail myself. It's good to get back into it!
And now that I've
recovered from uncontrollable manic cacklinghad my dose of amusement Ineed to work on this thing to get that image of my headwill be able to concentrate on repeating stuff I've already done and possibly get ahead this time.You should probably wash your hands after examining that weird alien device, they could have some weird alien virus XD
You have a very good point. Who knows what could have been lurking on that strange alien device!!!
For a second there, I thought you were referring to another little Boom! I mean, how could one possible fall asleep standing up and the little Boom has been staying up! Is there any room for misinterpretation!? Surely not!
Becoming interesting? Gumshoe McGee, I think you passed interesting a couple of posts ago. Get with the program! You're already in the verge of addicting!
Lol, addicting would be quite a good thing bro-melette!!!
Is it only me?? First thought ...that is a diaphragm. Somebody is getting pregnant?? With an alien baby?? You confuse me...
A diaphragm!?! Surely not. This is obviously soccer kind of device not of this earth!!! ;0)
They are going to get you!
and quit playing with used alien oozy slimy fishy smelly things, you don't know where they have been !
upvoted and resteemed
But we must investigate such artefacts, proof of civilization beyond our ken!!!! :0D
shit meant to upvote your reply and did mine pft...think I need new glasses!....Dam Aliens.
OMG, hahahahaha! I was not expecting that one - but then Boomy is very clever. You got me! :D
Lol, such alien engineering. It must be proof that they are here!
Lol, such alien
Engineering. It must be
Proof that they are here!
- meesterboom
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
That stink of fish and musk is because the aliens are reproducing in the fish of our seas, in a process of biological fusion, parasitic ...

When the aliens leave their normal habitat and begin to explore in our spaces, they leave that nauseating odor ... Apparently, @meesterboom is among the first targets of these invaders.
I recommend you do not buy fish!
Greetings @meesterboom
There shall be no fish purchased here!
It is very easy to be extraterrestrial and just try to disperse fish smell, this is increasingly interesting dear friend.
I wish you a happy eveningWhat a beautiful way to start the morning with some delicious donuts dear friend @meesterboom. better ahun after the little boom has not let him sleep well the night before.
Cheers @jlufer. Sleep will come at some point!
meesterboom, please correct me if I'm wrong but are Red-Face having sex with a woman in the basement and you went in just like that? It is a workplace and they were angry with you for interrupting them. They should be fired! Upvoted!
You are absolutely correct!! How very dare they!
I still think you are running out of luck with all this fluid you are inhaling and tasting and other nasty stuff. I don't want to say I told you so but in the end I believe that will be the case!!!
Its giving me the brain rot!! :OD
Okay that could be more strange than falling asleep on foot because of the aliens or meet a tomato rolling lol XD
It is a very strange thing!!! :O)