in #life6 years ago


It was a veritable rogues gallery. A smorgasbord of the magnificently inept. It was a Live Incident Analysis Meeting known hilariously (at least to me) as a LIAM.

There were many faces clustered around the meeting table. Tension was writ large on a lot of them. Others looked pensively at tablets or laptops. I sat there with my pen in my mouth imagining that I was Arnold Schwarzenegger smoking a big fat cigar.


El Jefe stood. He looked hugely constipated. A big fat shit would do you the world of good. I thought to myself.

We instituted a code change at the weekend to CASPR. Ever since, customers have been reporting timeouts and random errors. This is making us look bad. We need to get to the bottom of this and fast. Any questions?

Erm, I have one actually?

Said Globby from Finance, He was a short individual with a lot of yellow teeth.

El Jefe harrumphed in annoyance and nodded for him to go on.

What is CASPR exactly? I always hear people talking about it and I nod and stuff but I never know what it is!


Globby laughed and looked around at us all as if expecting us to join in.

Poor Globby, he didn't realise that in IT you never admit to not knowing anything, that way lies madness and death.

Backup Ben from infrastructure piped up.

It's our Customer Access Support PoRtal.

Globby nodded, like someone had just complimented him on his exceedingly large testicles.


El Jefe cleared his throat.

Now that we all know what CASPR is, can we move on please?

This time no-one interrupted.

He introduced Marvena from Design Assurance.

She stood up nervously and began to speak in a wobbly voice.

So, we instituted a major code change to CASPR on Sunday, ever since then there have been access issues. We need to identify those and define our Problem Statement.

Everyone nodded like horses approving a particularly fine batch of feed.


Except me.

Can't we just back out the changes and roll back to the previous config?

My pen was still in my mouth and waggled furiously as I spoke. Which I quite liked, despite it making my speech a bit spitty.

Marvena looked at me as if I had just wiped my arse with her paper aeroplane.


No. This forum is not about that, we are trying to address the problem statement.

She tucked a depressed looking strand of hair behind her ear.

Oh, I thought that this was a major issue affecting our customer facing operations and needed fixed right away?

Said I somewhat smugly, awaiting one of the other meeting people to back me up.

Instead, everyone gazed at me with outright hostility.


Backup Ben began to speak slowly as if to an utter buffoon.

Before we can address the problem, we have to know what that problem is, don't we?

Everyone nodded like a small audience in a jazz club listening to a bass line that doesn't make sense.


Except me.

Give me a half decent developer and I will have it sorted in no time.

Said I, deciding to ignore the painful looks I was getting

Globbers gasped in horror. Someone tutted loudly.

El Jefe raised his hands in a calming gesture and turned to me with a smirk.

Boomdawg. We are not here to solutionize. We are here to identify the problem. Can you respect the LIAM please?

It was my turn to nod, like a dog having its balls licked whilst drinking a vanilla milkshake. I smiled too, as if everyone around me wasn't absolutely fucking mental.

Of course, silly me. Do go on?


Amateurs following an ill-conceived procedure instead of doing first things first. Give me a week of interim management with blanket authorisation, I may save your sanity.

Ha, I give you that week! Can I be your lieutenant?

I call those enforcers. You'll need a black suit and a clipboard to scribble names on when I nod at you with a sad smile.

Ah, always the sad smile. Fortunately, I have an abundance of black suits

Wow, how is that possible to indentify the problem and not to solutionize. Identifying the problem is done with the reason to be solved, than.
This is absurd situation...?

I find it completely absurd. I mean, if you can fix it quick then it is much better than hand-wringing over defining the problem!

Many times I do not understand the directors of the corporations, if there is something wrong and you are affecting the customer service, it is essential to immediately correct the system, I do not see what is the difference between repairing it with a decent developer and first finding the problem, or perhaps we should not identify the problem before solving it?
Well done dear friend @meesterboom.
excellent reading dear friend. I wish you a wonderful evening

Cheers @jlufer! The very same to you!

I dont understand them either. They were ever so stern about not daring to try nd fix it

After Eager Zero, you've become rollback-crazy, BRO-der patrol! You're not wrong though, and I'm saying that because I always took that role way back when I worked in an office. All that red tape is nauseating, it's burying reason down the drain.

Backup Ben, I think you've got something on your nose. A little bit to the left. Yeah, that's it. There you go. Wipe that poo off it. Those kinds of people pretend to know it all when they really know nothing. I'd take a Globber over him any day.

Poo, all over the place!! That's what it is! Poo everywhere and they keep making more of it!!

I am frankly baffled by the new fondness for assessing the problem instead of trusting we know it

It's monkey see monkey do I'm afraid! Some twat started it and everyone followed suit! Well... not everyone, but you get what I mean.

I know what you mean. I saw a monkey do just that!!

This is like the old many men(or dogs? cats? teenagers?) does it take to change a light bulb?

OH jings, I should know it but I dont! Tell me!!!


This reminds me of those famous "Pajas mentales" (stupidities), which often tries to develop Human Resources or those famous implementation methodologies developed by companies that sell computer packages that are more theory than reality and through which they try to develop new men and women or simply they think that they are creating a new wheel ... But, your boss? Wow! your boss is "half Pajuo" (asshole), who is not able to bring order to that drunkenness.

LIAM Group in action ... Full Life!

Now I understand you perfectly, is that you are surrounded by a lot of somber characters, without enough criteria and without personality to be able to face illogical situations imposed by the bosses.
We must remember that not everyone walks at the same speed; while some come and go somewhere, others have not even gone somewhere ... Your RPM @meesterboom, is much higher than that of those around you.

CheetahBoom flying; while the others ...

Greetings @meesterboom

ol, it looks like you managed to take a photo of the meeting!

Well, dear friend @meesterboom! attending these meetings is the most boring thing there is ... it's a slow death! In the end none of them agrees to fix the problem that is what matters!
who cares if they do not know what the problem is, if you fix it in a week, the rest is history! 😉
the important thing is that it ends as quickly as possible so that everything goes as it should be. 👍
I think your boss looks a lot like the president of my country.
He does not fix the problems that exist, because according to he does not know what they are or that there is no problem! it's just the rest of the world that is wrong, he not! 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈
For people like that, I do not have internet! Servisios are getting worse .. 😒😱😱😒
I'm almost incommunicado! 😱🙋
they are fucking shameless! 🙈 🙈

I agree, a slow slow death!!

Thank god he asked what CASPR was. I was only thinking of the friendly ghost. How dare you “solve” the problem without first “identifying” the problem. You must know protocol and why do what the clients need? I’ve totallu sat in that meeting!

It seems in this day and age we are not allowed to go and solve those pesky problems anymore!!!

In the end I did not know that it was CASPR and apparently no one agreed to solve the problem lol that Pesimo teamwork

Yep, nothing was done in the end!

Typical BS meeting wherenothing gets done! And you with the answer. Sounds like my f’ing job lately

It's rubbish eh? I can forgive people their meetings etc but when they try to avoid the sane solution I start to wonder if I am the nut

Yeah I’ve had a run lately of attorney delays, nitpicking SOBs. Really sucking down my attitude

ah well, don't let the bastards grind you down. You the man!

Fuckin fuckers!

Every meeting has a protocol which the office workers must go through. Can we go straight to the point and not putting the LIAM nonsense to solve the problem? Upvoted!

Down with protocols I say!! :O)

Why men are into large testicles?
Never heard of the verb solutionize. I thought LIAM was some slimy thing, like the one that this guy was leaving around.

They are always awfully proud of them. Like big diamonds. Strange creatures us men

ok why the hell are they even having a meeting for if they dont want a solution? ....are they pecker heads?...should it not be fix it patch it before more things f**k up?... then figure where it went wrong

upvoted and resteemed.

It's madness, plain and simple!

I hate meetings called for the sake of a meeting. They must have a quota for so many per month and oh, you need those emergency ones too! What a colossal waste of time. If you calculate how many man hours are wasted you could hire one person to troubleshoot and get it done quicker and save boodles of money too!

Hey! That sounds like you are trying to solutionize! ;O)

I am about solutions. Why muck about when you don't have too? ;}

Having spent the most of my entire 'career' mucking it about in the forest, I have absolutely NO idea what you just said.

But I am impressed.

Hahahahh, oh yes. You have no idea whatsoever ;O)

excellent dear, but i do not like to attend any meeting its so boring, its my person thinking,
otherwise you wrote a wonderful story or blog dear

CASPER is an enzyme which you use to splice DNA and insert the modifications to the genome.

Wow... Hilarious... Well written wish you be Arnold Schwarzenegger but the muscle 💪 is not there.. Lol just kidding...kudos 👍👍

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