It was a hectic day. Preparing for Christmas and all manner of nonsense. Finally, the little lady and little boom were sleeping and it was time to relax a tiny bit.
I sat back in my chair and let a big contented sigh whoosh out of me. Now, where was the TV remote control?
The good lady sat down tentatively beside me and looked at me with a serious face.
Is it ok if we talk?
Oh fuckity fuck, here we go. I contemplated throwing the TV remote out of the window. It would be as useful out in the garden as it would be in here now. I fastened on the brightest of smiles. The kindliest of I am here for you, face's.
Of course, my little potato pie. What troubles you on this fine night?
Her eyes darted about like ferrets that had smelled sausage.
So, it was about me going back to work.
Hmm, my little *baw-hum. You are going back to work and that is that. Thought I, crossly in my head.
*baw-hum, a colloquial term for when someone makes a humming noise against a testicle, i.e. a baw.
Goodness my darling, pray tell. What troubles you about going back to work in ten months time? Does the ten months ahead of not working whilst your man slaves away at the coal face weigh heavy on your soul?
She made a squinty shut it or your dead face.
I think...
She was being very tentative. This had my teeth on edge. It was like I had been sent alone to the hold in the Nostromo for toilet paper.
... I am thinking of a career change...
Oh, was that it? What was the big problem with that? If there is one thing you can say for the boom dawg say that he is fully supportive of his good lady and all her adventures in the world. 100 percent chick! I am behind you 100 percent!!
I want to become a Doula.
My Doula said that I would make an excellent Doula myself.
My mind boggled. What did this mean?
Well, I mean... If you are sure, I mean wow? I did not see that coming.
I could do most of the training from home... Apart from some of it, some of it involves going away to the Red Tent.
The red fucking what? I knew it. That mad dream I had where the Doula's took her. It was all coming true.
The red tent.
I stated flatly.
Yeah, its just four days.
I glared at her with the mad red eyes of the betrayed. She had obviously been subsumed. They were taking her away to some kind of hippy tent? For four days? Would she come back the same person?
This is madness!!
Of course lass. I am behind you one hundred percent.
I murmured with slightly less conviction than I had before.
Wooooh boy! 'Member the last time she said this? You had to... aghast!! COOK. I wonder what manner of trickery awaits you, bro-verbs!
Phew is right! Your good lady really has a flair for the dramatic, doesn't she? Is she thinking of changing her career to become a suspense writer or maybe even a professional scarer? That'll be a hoot.
I did ;) Ahihihi!! You don't know how many times I thought about commenting that your good lady might want to join the doul side. Now that I think about it, I don't even know how many times I thought about it. So, I'll just give a percentage in proportion to your doula posts... 100% hahahaha!!!
It seems that the flower water worked! You know, I think this theory was solidified during the doula's second to the last visit, after her supposed last visit haha! Based from the stories alone, I knew she was being recruited to the Red
Roomto become aBlack WidowDoula. I hate to be the one to break this you, bro-yo, your household might never be the same. I'll leave you to ruminate on that. I hope you were sitting down when you read it, brother.I had a fair old chortle reading your comment. Hehe, looking back I think I can see the signs now but I was totally surprised when she said it. Goodness me, as long as she makes it back from the so called red tent the same person I will be happy.
I have already t eased her on the flower water hehe ;0)
I can't blame you for that. Even when I was a kid I was attuned to seeing subtle signs. It's a gift and a curse. Next time I see one, I'll clue you in so you won't be completely in the dark, bro-pernicus ;)
We can only hope that she makes it back the same person. Also, we can doubly hope that she's the only one to come back. I have heard of rumors of multiple personalities forming inside the red tent, Mr Robot/Fight Club style.
You have the sight it àt the very least pattern recognition to the nth degree.
I shall savour your words even more in future knowing that gems of foretelling can be found within!!
cough EOS cough sorry about that, my throat's getting stuffed. What was I saying? Oh, if EOS was any indication, then I'm sure my seertongue is getting more accurate by the day!
I think it may! I was actually looking at said coin and thinking, week I may as well get some more
I haven't added to my depleted reserves mostly because I don't have any more funds for it. Man, I wish I didn't decrease it by half when I did!
I can't blame you for that. Even when I was a kid I was attuned to seeing subtle signs. It's a gift and a curse. Next time I see one, I'll clue you in so you won't be completely in the dark, bro-pernicus ;)
We can only hope that she makes it back the same person. Also, we can doubly hope that she's the only one to come back. I have heard of rumors of multiple personalities forming inside the red tent, Mr Robot/Fight Club style.
oh no! So sorry for you boom. Not sure I can conjure up any consoling words except maybe as baby boom gets a bit older she'll start to come to her senses. Either that or the red tent could give her flight.
Hehe, I know. The red tent. It is like something from Twin Peaks!
I do have some hopes. After all she was a bit mad after the first birth. It might all go away :O)
It took me some time to gather myself enough for a reply on this one...damn the hysterical giggles are not relenting...hold on.
Okay. I think. Nope.
I feel like I need to peruse the comments, see if Jed's been here yet while I compose myself.
Ah, he has not. I will have to come back to see what he says though. I just got back from a very lonnngggg day of delivering grapevines many hours from home. Going to me boom's page was sure to bring a smile back to my face, but gasping laughter is even better.
I'm sorry to the dear lady if she reads this. I will endeavor not to find her new profession quite so madly funny in the future. As long as she comes back from the red tent still whole of course. The red tent. Why does that sound like she's heading off somewhere to learn how to practice the scenes I practice writing? Oh yes, red light district and all.
The bucket of pooh laden diapers were foreshadowing!
heee heeeeeeh eeehaaaaaa, oh me boom, lol.
Haha! Sorry about that! At least business is going great, so that's good to hear :) I've been out the whole day as well, tending to my little lady. And by little lady, I meant my car, and by tending, I meant that today was her periodic maintenance. Her name's Maisie though so she's a "she" haha! I might put up a post about her in the future, so I'm reserving the story about how she was named that way haha I'm writing my comment to this revelatory piece now!
That sounds like quite the tale! I look forward to hearing it.
I have no idea how I missed this one. I was a tad ill feeling yesterday. Yes that will be my excuse. Poor health!!
Aww sorry to hear that, dude-unto-others-what-you-want-others-to-dude-unto-you. The weather has been hovering just above my head as of late as well, must be the season. It's been unusually cold here, and this body isn't built for chills.
It's built for thrills.
Hoho hoho hi, yes, I think that my body too
is built for dem trills
And we know that @dreemit is not only built but wired for it
and by it I mean all kinds of thrillnesses
And by thrillnessesses I know exactly what you mean.
Prepare the halibut, Cap'n Balamander!
The red tent. Sometimes I wish I could make this stuff up. When she said I thought my eyes were going to fall out of my head. What kind of nonsense could that possibly be!?!
I do hope she comes back the same person. Although thankfully it's a long way away. At least I hope!!
you do write books and put them on amazon right? because if you don't, then you should. just saying. happy christmas.
I don't! Perhaps I really should think about it!
Your posts almost always make me Google things ...
That rabbit hole goes very, very deep.
It does indeed, it opens up a whole new world for me too!!
Thank goodness there will be another doula in the world! Birthing was moved into hospitals in order to register babies as chattel/collateral/property of the federal reserve, British Crown, and Vatican, in that order. Birth outside of these corporate entities called hospitals create free humans and within the hospitals, the babies are subject to admiralty law, eg, commercial law, ie, slavery. Midwives and doulas defend our right to safely give birth outside of toxic and dangerous hospital settings where our children are immediately injected with brain-damaging and immune-system destroying vaccines and then "registered" as collateral for national debt, their life long labor estimated as monetary value and added to the coffers of the federal reserve as commercial credit. Just sayin...I hope you support your wife's decision to do something valuable in the world.
Oh I support it one hundred percent!!
Hehe it threw me slightly when she said as it seemed to come out of nowhere!
I agree with giantbear, sticks and bucket you will have to sell.
Like a traveling salesman!
Just think you can take the little lady and little boom with you, I was a medical rep for many years and took my babies with, believe me it is not easy.
I think that would be hellishly hard!! I would much rather not!! You must have had quite the system!
The title alarmed me...and my God, this is really creepy. I almost didn't laugh this time. Well, maybe a little, at this moment: "Her eyes darted about like ferrets that had smelled sausage."
Hehe, I liked that bit myself!
you could also have say:
Yeek. Who knows where that would have led!
I'm glad understand farret behavior better now! hahaha, that part made me laugh
God bless them ferrets!
You could make some thoroughly interesting comics/animated shorts/setups for GoT style epics from these tales XD
If only I could draw worth a damn!! :0)
I am concerned she may be being targetted by a cult. I suggest an immediate intervention! Imagine what will happen to your garage... all the birthing pools and equipment will have to be stored somewhere! xD
Oh no. I never thought of that, my poor man cave! It's sanctity!!
Hahahaha first the bucket, now the red tent... the excitement just continues.
But when will it end!!!
Your guess is as good as mine.....
The concept of a doula is somewhat foreign. It seems in the US, they pump the expectant mother full of everything short of a chemo treatment. It may be coming , though. Poison is surely the key to health. Start 'em young!
Hehe, in Scotland we have gone all new age. It's quite bizarre and cool at the same time!
Nice hillarous post indeed. Loved reading.
Regards Nainaz
Cheers mate!
That was the good news, the bad news is you will have to look after the kids while I am away. You are about to find out first hand how much to shovel in at one end for quietness and how much more comes out the other end.
You will of course be using those cloth nappies in the bucket while the boss is away.
Hahahah, Oh yeah!! I am gonna have a cloth nappy field day!!!
doula looo ..
she'd be bringing you placenta from the tent hahahah
kidding :D
She might!! what if I sit down to tea one night and there it is on the table. A big quivering purple mess!!!
hahaah you make a chilli out of it ?
or a facial mask ..... hmm :D
Oh lord, a facial mask!!!! The horror!!
I've been around nurses - OR nurses to be precise. I'd be equally (or more) concerned about her wanting to talk about how her day at work went (maybe even over dinner!). Now there is something to make you forget that she just spent a couple hours making your favorites for supper.
Haha, yeah. The work talk might not be so pretty then!
I might end up hiding in the garage more than I do!
Oh, My Gawd! The doula rabbit hole is deep, dark and forbidding. The red tent with mysterious sells wafting out the top. Oh, dear. Can she make any money to help support the family in this "career" change?
You have such a descriptive way of putting things, Mr. Boom! Don't ever change!
I shall do my very best not to ever change!! I don't know if there is much money to be made in it. That is one of the problems I see!!
L0l! Life is truly a stage where we all play various roles which are ever changing. Who knows what role you will play tomorrow!
I will play the jester I think. It suits me!! :0D
OMW perhaps you should get into the bucket business? :)
Haha, now that is a business coupe get my teeth into!!
Reading your posts, I'm starting to think that "doula" is the name of a dangerous entity who can possess women. Maybe you need an exorcist :P
That is it!! Thank you. That is what a doula is!!! :0D
! Hooooo, Noooo, Una Doula at home NOOOOOOOO.
You are incredible dear friend, I could not stop laughing for several moments.
Great, thank you very much for this humor quota
Have a happy rest what have you done sir @meesterboom to merit esoooooo.
I have either done something very good or something very bad to merit this!! Lol. Cheers @jlufer!!
A party is a real thing in the Hippie tent. So interestingly you write that I would not even go to work in your place, you can make a lot of money on Steemit. We have all gone through life, life is a novel .
It is a novel thing to be sure!!
It really is
What evil mad filthy demonic atrocities happen in the red tent?
No. Don't tell me. I want to live my life with blissful ignorance.
(seems there is some post-natal hormonal emotional terror going on with your darling. Let's hope this phase will pass soon)
I think I will prefer to go with filthy demonic atrocities!!
I mean it's red. That speaks volumes!!
I'm torn between laughing loudly and showing solidariety :D
Laughing is fine!! :0D
hahaha with all the frustration you had with that doula, could you imagine living with a doula ? hahaha shit !
It looks like it might end up being that way. I knew something was untoward with it all!! No escape!!
your every writing story i like that..your story part just create ordanary... thanks for sharing...carry on your story writing..✌✌✌✌
Thank you lass!
most welcome my dear.i wait for your next story writing ... 😍😍😍
don,t understand your say..
it s great story and may be i reasteam you sir
Only if I can twiddle your bing bongs and call you Charlie.
sorry dear
Quite alright, I only flagged you for the lack of voting and comment spam. Doesn't mean we can't be friends!
A party is a real thing in the hippie tent. So interestingly you write that I will not even go to work in your place, you can make a lot of money on Steemit. We all have gone through life, life is a novel.
Bite ma banger
Wow. This couldn't have come at a better time.
Haaaaahaaahahahaaaaaa! Indeed!
The problem of my