Orinoco and Full Flow Coffee beers!

in #life6 years ago


Saturday beers! Not just any Saturday though. This one is special. After last night's trial of baby teething (not a euphemism) and no sleep, I thought it would be a perfect time to mix two of my favourite things.

So I stuck a can of beer up the good lady's chuff and got my salmon gargler out...

Ha! Of course not! Instead I decided to mix it up with coffee style beers! That will keep me awake surely? Hopefully at least awake long enough to get half gished!

So the first sleep banishing brew is...


Orinoco, by Drygate Brewing. I was actually in the brewery last week. It's really not far and is one of the funkier places to chill and schnizz in the Glasgow area.

Orinoco though, keeps making me hum that shitty Enya song... Sail away, sail away, sail away...

Well, we will see who will be sailing away...


It has a cool can, all milk rivers and figures of eight. Gets my conspiracy giblets all moist but that's another story.

Look at that black pouriness! Like sweet black spider juice.


Massive tan head, all froth and sandy beach foam.

As for the taste. Well first, it smells lovely. All sweet and vanilla. I am tempted to ask it for a dance. But no, instead I cruelly cast it into the yawning pit that is my mouth.


It's a grand milk stout, creamy vanilla, dark chocolate and then boom. That darkly roasted coffee twaddle running up from behind and biffing you one. The malty aftertaste lingers in a lovely way. Not too long but enough for a chew.

I will give this a solid 8/10 booms!

Is my night going to be top donk or degenerate into bawhummery?

Let the next beer decide!


I have the slight fear over this one. Coffee and coconut? The last time I tried that was with some bullet coffee which left me feeling that I had just oiled up my mouth for a bad porn shoot.

Oh well, nothing ventured nothing gained.


Goodness me, this one is blacker than the last. Like mushed up snakes eyes. The head is less impressive but I have never been a head man.

I ready myself for the coconut punch. Like that time I went out with the girl from New Zealand...

I should film it. Ah yes. Here we go.

Well. That's peculiar. It doesn't really taste of much. A bit beery maybe? Maybe? Is maybe good enough? I mean it's so lacking in taste that it reminds me of a guy I went to college with who masturbated into a cup for a year.

I don't even know how to rate it. It doesn't taste bad. It's kinda wet and had a slight hint of something like beer. There might have been coconut in it. Then again it could have been mango or jobbies the taste was so slight.

I will give it a 4/10 booms. 4 because it didn't taste bad. Just didn't really do anything. Boring people might like it. That's a plus!.

Well, I am going to get tucked into lots more great beers. Have a good weekend everyone!!




I had my hope up for the coffee and coconut but alas a 4/10!

Still at least you get to try many different beers, have fun and monetise your habit er hobby to boot!

Hehe, monetising my habit would be absolutely correct! :0)

Wow, look at the head on that first beer. Mocha? hmmmm You have to be open to everything. It got the Boomster stamp of approval so I guess I'd be in. Who wants to drink a boring beer. Although, I am sticking to my long time homegrown favourite today. Alexander Keiths. Enjoy the weekend my friend and thank you for another great Saturday Beerfest!!!

The first beer was a cracker! I loved it. Will defo be buying that again!

Alexandre Keiths, tis one I will have to try! Cheers mate!

It is great. An India Pale Ale from Nova Scotia where I grew up. It is much lighter than most IPA's. Fantastic on a warm summer's day. I hope you can get it there.

I am quite fond of IPAs so it is defo something I will keep an eye out for!

Demons XD is seen that this drink is so strong that I would take the sleep of a bear, I do not imagine that combination of flavors but I see the enjoyed so it is a success

A howling success!!!

Laughed at the "near beer" comment - but the mocha actually sounds good! :)

It was marvellous!!!

I’m a day late to this party! First beer sounds glorious! Coconut beers I’ve had mixed results too, odd it has no flavor with coconut and coffee? Oh well, at least it didn’t suck

The first was splendid! I was kind of surprised by the second. It wasn't even bad just nothing

I am more into Heineken... can You tell obvious.

Lol. Heineken gives me the boak!

The coffee coconut beer is what I would call a near beer. They passed the can over the vat of beer and called it a day! The Orinoco, now that looks like a fine brew! Nice foamy head and the colour! Like black gold!

It was like black gold!.

Yes, I like that. A near beer is what it was!

Baby teething problems?

This stuff works, loads better than the other stuff.


Well, I havent tried that one so will give it a bash! Cheers!

Once I saw Orinoco , my mind went straight to Enya and from the look of it sailing away wouldn't be such a bad idea.😂

I cant get the song out of my head now!!

how to dress these beers, the presentations of the cans look beautiful s, however, with you, I also stick with the first "Orinoco" I really like the color of presentation.
salut dear friend @ meesterboom /
I wish you a wonderful weekend

Salut @jlufer! The cans look great and it is equally good when the insides measure up!

Beer is gross.
Black coffee is gross.
Coconut is gross.
I'm on the fence with Mocha.

Not sure why I read this, but I'm glad that I did. I'm still not going to consider trying these abominations, but your words are (as usual) entertaining. Also have you tried narrating things? I feel like you have a narrate-y voice and if you put an episode of Spongebob on or anything really and made up a narration as you went it would be epic.

(Also consider trying Chamomile hydrosol for teething if you haven't)

I will consider the hydrosol stuff if can find it :0)

And thank you. I haven't, I do love to make those voice things though, hehe!

She's right. Some vlogs from the Boom meister would be too cool!

I have often thought about it. It's something that I am going to attempt some time!

Hello @meesterboom: I love that the Orinoco was a good beer (8/10), because it has the name of the main river in Venezuela ... In the language of the Indians Guarauno en Venezuela, (river) Orinoco means "a place to row ".

Cheers! Enjoy that river of flavors !. Greetings.

Oh wow, I totally didn't know that. That's an excellent fact to learn!

Orinoco though, keeps making me hum that shitty Enya song... Sail away, sail away, sail away...

As soon as I read the title I was going to ask, but I didn't have to in the end XD

And now that's going to be stuck in my head til I crank some tunes. That may have to happen soon. Even if I have to play that particular one to evict it.

Thanks XP


Start cranking!! It's the only way. Now I have it in my head again. Gaaaaaarr!!!

Cheers man! The film in this beer post is a bit tasteless if I may say so.

Utterly tasteless!! I mean. Nada de taste! As they say in Scotland! :O)


OMG...where do you find all these flavors of beers?... here in the states you don't see all these flavors...well not really been looking for them either but may start..lol

just love your posts

upvoted and resteemed

They do require a bit of hunting!

Hey, I watched the video and the smile at the end is haunting me.
WTH, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.
I also made a review of few beers some time ago! Have a look if you feel to!

It's designed to haunt you. You might wake up imaging that smile looming over you...

Hehe, how can I resist such a well named post!!

I was going to say, "you can never go wrong with coffee beers," but I'm glad the words have yet to slip from my mouth. I hope you gargled that 4/10 beer down the drain because that's where it belongs. I won't even begin trying to remember it's name. Anything below 5 is lame.

You are so very right of course. Below 5 is blegh. Considering I am such a generous soul with the scoring!

wow nice! i want to try this..i love coffee also..

Oh wow, this is awesome. We should hook up and try stuff together

It's very beautiful photographs and so funny gifts thanks for sharing your story and blog post

Did you know that dogs actually have a bone in their penis?

I don't know

You do now! :OD


I resteem your excellent post sir

I have resteemed it also. Now we just need three more and the gate should open

I'm going to taste it, it's a very good drink, although I do not know if it's here in Venezuela, I'll try, greetings

Greetings to to you! I hope you have a beer even if it is not these! :O)

Of course here there are many very good beers, but you really have not seen them, I would like to have the opportunity to taste them!!!

indescribable adventure
hmm mixing up two different beer
what does it taste like
nice adventure though
nice work @meesterboom