Of course, something is Java!!
I have you as a founder member! It's gamification and investment opportunities like this that will make our blockchain great again!
Of course, something is Java!!
I have you as a founder member! It's gamification and investment opportunities like this that will make our blockchain great again!
MASGA {MAke Steem Great Again} ♨
We need blue caps with MASGA ♨ on it!
Clan fuckin' Mc Brilliant man! 😁🍺
This is what Steem needed, like a beer that got infused by whisky! Forget the moon, it is a dead area, no oxigin, no nothin'! Let others go there, let them go to the stars and beyond. See if we care.
No... With this Steem will rule the world!
Hazaah, hurray and for he's a jolly good fellow.
Waiter, we need more beer here! On the double.
Clan McBrilliant! Ha, I had forgotten about that almost!! Indeed, the moon is dull and cold. Let steem be hot and heady!!!
Hot n heady, it is!
Make it so!
The MASGA cap! Only 9999,99 Steem!
Haha, for one share of it!!! :0)
And it is still a bargain at that price! 😁