I'm going to give you a million dollars worth of advice right now for free... start taking supplements for your prostate- when you're 65 you'll thank me. Stopagingnow.com is an excellent company- @kus-knee turned me on to them years ago. It's about $20 a month and well worth it!
I'm going to give you a million dollars worth of advice right now for free... start taking supplements for your prostate- when you're 65 you'll thank me. Stopagingnow.com is an excellent company- @kus-knee turned me on to them years ago. It's about $20 a month and well worth it!
I'm going to look! I ain't adverse to a bit of proactiveNess!!!
You'll thank me when you're 65... I'll be dead but I'll check in from time to time!
Haha, you will still be chunterng along is some guise or another!!