Everything is still quite locked down. Our kids are nuts too. Iam hoping when it all opens again her brother and his wife can come and watch the kids so I can get my gnarled nadger out and chase her round the garden with it.
She is in a great mood though. Great things may await! :OD
:D nadgers out!
The next few months will be much improved I hope, you might even get a holiday :O
Ive got one booked!!! Just up north but still, its not at work and its in June, It might even hit 17 degrees!
Good man! It might be 7 too :O
17! I hope it's a cracking summer, BBQ's and tadger chasing for all!
Gotta be careful with the tadgers when there are lit barbies about! :OD
I am hoping for a top notch summer. Gimme twenty seven! Its possible in SCotland!