Its in me, I can feel it crawling about inside!!!
I can imagine having X-Ray vision being an absolutely curse. Imagine the sights you couldn't escape. Arrrrgh. Give me invisibility any day although, what happens to the food that is easten, when does it become invisible?! That might be gross too!
That's it, the nano bots tingle!
One guy in our hood got hung like a donkey after the first one. Around here he's also known as 'The Human Tripod' now. He doubts about getting the second one though as he keeps passing out every time he sees his wife in the nude.
My mate's hoping the second one will have him being able to fly. Or that he can turn the Xray vision on and off at will. Asked if they could make me like professor Xavier, but when they showed me a wheelchair to sit in I decided to not take the chance.
And when being invisible eating and drinking might ruin it indeed. Could be interesting to watch where it goes and how it changes during the course. Although that last part, the excrementation, nah.
Nobody could see it was you though.
I firmly believe that with the second one I will become invincible and control all of reality. It is going to be a hard burden to bear but I am willing to take it for the team..
Lol, the tripod!! :0D
Wow, that would be wicked! It is going to be a huge responsibility, with that much power. And then when ever you pass by at super sonic speed, about to change reality for the good, or just for the fun of it, people will hear a big BOOOOOOM! 😁
Hahahahhaha, they will and I will finally know that the universe does have a grand design after all!!
That would be awesome to know! 😎