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RE: Botanical

in #life3 years ago

Ah the old rhizome ones!! As a long term bamboo keeper, I am more than familiar with those kind of creeping spreading beauties!!!

I find it therapeutic trying to contain my bamboo in summer. It's like having a nonstop fight with a big green beast. Magic stuff.

I will definitely try and give it a bash this summer, if I can squeeze it in. I love making stuff!!


Hahaha, bamboo keeper! Yes, you would be. I've never seen it grown here, although you reminded me of Japanese Knotweed, a highly invasive species here. The buds in spring can be eaten and it's also a medicine, so maybe if they overharvest it, that will control it, lol.

I'll watch to see if you post about it. A little trick I have is to leave a beer or wine glass with the residual in it right beside where the ginger root starter is. It seems to help it along a little. Making things is one of the spices of life, imo, but I'm horribly biased that way. 😂

It is a good way to be horribly biased!

I love bamboo, it is horribly invasive. Maybe that's why I like it. Lookking at that knotweed it sounds kinda similar. Yeek, Maybe that would be too much of a challenge to control!

In my mind, that bias works very well, lol.

I would think it's probably similar to the knotweed, but the knotweed seems to grow a lot faster. The worst I've had to manage that way has been mint (in large containers), that seems to think it can creep out of it's container and start growing into whatever other one it reaches. The best was when it jetted out into mid-air from the balcony, reaching down looking for ground or someone else's balcony to invade.

Hehe, I grew mint once and one was enough. I was like, what the fuck is this alien thing? Can nothing stop it?

Anyway, hark at us two training about gardening! We will be talking slippers next! :0D

😂 Alien thing, just the right description. I photographed alien eyes today too....that could work (thanks for the idea). If it's in the ground, landscaping fabric will block it, but it still sends shoots out into the air to smell out where it can move next, so probably not.

I admit, all leafy things, trees, shrubs, plants are one on the list of favourite thingies. That said, no one wants to see my slippers, nor speak of them, they were never meant to be slippers, nor be foot altered in weird ways...shhhhhhh....

I am horribly intrugued by these slippers that were not meant to be. lol.

I do like anything that grows myself. I think Spring has finally sprung here and everything is starting to go growing crazy. Time to get my sunflowers on!

LMAO! Okay, since you're intrigued, I'll tell you the details, minus photo, since you'd be having slipper nightmares at the sight. They are some kind of medium brown shoe with thin flat soles, elastic across the top, that an African friend gave me. She'd planned to wear them on a trip back to Africa but didn't go and gave me her new shoes for some reason I can't recall since this was in 2014. I started wearing them with the back of the shoe under my heel and melded it to the inside sole (totally flat now), elastics lost their thing, so they are knotted to death, shoes are literally falling apart for a while now, sole peeling away from shoe all along the edges, and whatever they are made from is flaking off the rest. I should throw them out since I have other slippers, but it's a situation of something being worn so much it fits like a second skin, if that makes sense. Ever have an piece of clothing that you wore to death, despite it starting to fall apart? It's like that, LOL.

Sunflowers, so do you grow the ones you can eat the seeds? I started with the garden already but it's been so bloody cold here that it's a very slow start to the season. Usually, by mid April, it used to be hot and humid here, but that's all changed several years ago. What else do you grow beside bamboo (I wish) and sunflowers?