That was exactly what they were! Kevlar lined rigger boots which could withstand a good chainsawing. I loved them things!
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That was exactly what they were! Kevlar lined rigger boots which could withstand a good chainsawing. I loved them things!
Haha, yes, those are beauties, nothing beats work boots like that. Even with them, I'd never trust myself with a chainsaw, the one tool I won't touch. 😂
Funnily enough, I am with you 100% on that. I nearly chopped into my leg with an enthusiastic hedge trimmer and have had enough close shaves with that yo not fancy having a close shave with anything that could actually remove a limb!
That's the only tool that's given me pause. The thought of missing limbs did it. I admired the way my father made it look so easy, but at the same time he was long skilled with that being a woodsman. Hedge trimmers I've left to others, although I've tried them out a bit. All those teeth and I'm no Edward Scissorhands!
I have a corded one and have cut through the cable three times. Needless to say, I have gotten a bit more careful now. You just have to be with whirly bladed madness!
The cord, three times, well, you know what? That's something easy enough to do. Were there sparks? I'm a bit jumpy regarding electricity (some stories there). Yes, one must be paying attention. Seems the more dangerous it is, the more I pay attention. Ordinary everyday things are what take me down (broken ankle, ripped ligaments requiring surgery from walking on the street and turning a corner too fast at the wrong angle).
I apologize for the delay in replying. When I do that, it's because real life things require my attention. I won't get into that since it's thoroughly unpleasant business (when isn't there some of that for all of us?).
I do have to tell you, as I was walking buy a house, I saw something special the other day that reminded me of you. Most everyone here puts a great deal of effort into their small gardens, so it's quite enjoyable to appreciate this on a walk. So there was this guy, voraciously hacking away like a madman and I wondered, what the heck requires such physical effort to do battle with in terms of greenery. All on one side of the walk to the front of his house, was a very small micro forest of bamboo! I've never seen someone with that here, so I thought it must be similar to what you described having to deal with. It was so interesting to see. I didn't know it would grow outside in the ground like that and survive.
There were no sparks whatsoever. In fact it was a little disappointing almost.
I was saw saw sawing away and swinging the thing about with mad abandon. Its a large one not one of the little piddly ones that people trim leaves with. Then snick and it goes dead and I am like what the funk then notice the cable isn't hanging as if there is a weight on it.
I am possibly very lucky!
Oooo Electricity danger stories, I like!
Never apologise for a delay! NEVER!
Now that bamboo tale is quite cool. That is what I love about bamboo, once it gets going it can be quite hardy. Some might say pesty lol!
Wow, no sparks! That is a bit disappointing, but at the same time, I'd say that's a good thing. I wonder if it's built into the design that if such occurs, it shorts out. Of course, it was fast, so there's that also.
😂I know the kind, toy type. I'd be very unhappy at losing a tool that way. If there's something I still have an attachment to, it's tools.
LOL! Well, you'd think it would be welding that would have made me jumpy, but no, very comfy there. One of the worst was a home office, where I had an external hard drive plugged into power bar with computer, also charging an ipod on power bar. There was this inexpensive clip on lamp also plugged in, low wattage, so that wasn't the issue. I'd had the lamp too long and wiring must have gone. I'm sitting there at the desk with all this on.
All of a sudden, I smell melting plastic and then a large arc with the light cord and all I could think is FIRE going to happen, cut the circuit and karate chopped the cord of the light so it disconnected from the power bar. I melted the ipod partially, fried the external hard drive, fried the computer, and the power bar all in one fell swoop. Plus scared the crap out of myself. Took several years after that to stop being jumpy about any electrical snap, such as turning on a light switch, any electrical household flash. Welding never bothered me and still doesn't to this day, no of course not, it's always some common ordinary thing that nails me every time. Things that don't typically happen to other people. If it's dangerous, I don't get injured. Go figure.
Thanks for that!
Bamboo looks like it has an invasive quality in it's nature, so it likes to "take over". Does it propagate by rhizome? I liked the way it looked, have always wondered what it would be like to be in a bamboo forest. I'll probably go back and photograph it.
Ever see white asparagus growing? I swear asparagus has to be the weirdest looking vegetable in the way it grows.