If I had known this about plants I would have stuck with the fancy coloured plastic ones that we used to have!
I am cobbling together some massive bladed weapon in my garage designed specifically for killing gigantic attacking night snails. They will be in for a shock when they slither up to my room!
There you go, trying to make life comfortable for all... Real plants, fish food... Next thing you know, you be buying them their own pets.
Ewww. All I can think of is slugs, you know, snails without the shell. I think that is what happens when they grow out of their shells. They turn into slugs.
I just grossed myself out.
Eeewww. My true pretty hate are slugs. I was horrified last summer when one night I went to the attic to fetch something and noticed these long word shapes on the window. I went to look and they were slugs. About three of them, all stretched out to their fullest. Yuk. Is nowhere safe!
They are a spoiled bunch. I don't even know what they will demand and receive next!!
I am pretty sure we raised our kids in the manner that we thought we deserved! Of course, we had no idea what demanding little dictators they'd become! Trust me on this one, I will bet that every single one of them will raise their children like we were raised because they thought that they were spoiled just a little bit too much. Full circle wait and see! LOL
Is there anything more gross than a slug? I think not.
Haha, you know I have a feeling that you are bang on the money there!
I almost said I can't wait to see but feck, I need to steady myself on!!
There is nothing else than a slug. Except a slug in your veggies. Buggers
Now, that is grosser than ever. Where do you think this up? Shhhh! Keep it to yourself. I always miss your posts when they are fresh. I need to pay attention to what time.
I am always the last one here.
Oh, I can wait! :) If they get older, pretty sure I won't be any younger.
You will always be younger Denise! Young at heart, young at mind and take no note if the slugs BEHIND!!!