
Kind of a domestically boring version of Das Boot...days of random boredom, with sudden flashes of sheer excitement. But then, what would we write about if not for those wonderful flashes? "I went to work, I worked, I came home from work, the children cried, I went to bed. I started over the next morning. The End".
Though I supposed we should be glad it is only flying insects, scoping mother's at parties, robots and spammers, odd-duck bosses and introduced yard weeds, and not hull-imploding depth charges from above.

A coded message to @ddschteinn:

Your new baubles have arrived. I repeat: your new baubles have arrived.

May or may not be on topic; it's coded, after all.

Auble-be's inbox-ay, riived-today*, or whatever proper Church-Going-Piglet Secretive Pig Latin Code might be for "Thanks, I just checked they look good, thanks for figuring it out. Been busy fixing lawn equipment and water pumps, so have not been on Steemit much. But will be soon."

Followed by: Oom-Bay Eester-May, orry-say og-bley aken-tay space-ee-aay"* Which translated in Church Of The Pig Latin Codespeak once again: "Sorry, Meesterboom, for taking up your valuable blog-site spaces with secretive code about very important projects between myself and a very important SteemPig and his staff-wielding minion."

*( I have to spell them out or they don't make sense, at least to me, and I'm WRITING them)

I love these codes. B
Its like the cold war!!

Thea duckato Flanagan oower the laik

Dam busters?

Perhaps, do you have the key?

Be advised: the key is garbled; a few ducks shat on it, I repeat, a few ducks shat on it.