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RE: The Black Death

in #life3 years ago

When I have grown them from seed before I have had a 1 in 20 to 30 success rate. And at first I couldn't get any of the funkers too grow at all. So there might be millions of awards but o don't know if any will make it. Especially in Scotland, the land of the slugs!!

I thought the bastard thing would live forever!!


Do you see others growing any of it around there? Maybe a different strain?

I have never planted them, so I didn't know the slugs liked them. If it ain't one critter fightin ya it's a dozen ! So annoying !! 😄

I havent seen anyone else growing it in the area despite it apparently being very popular. I had to buy the funker from a specialist supplier!

I have a couple of my own which I have managed to grow from seed, they are tiny though.

And those damn slugs, they all deserve to die!