
[air guitars!!]

Ah I loved those films!

I heard they're making a third one haha! Oh, I just thought of this, "Boom and Jed's Excellent Steemventure" haha

I would go and see that!!!v except I would know the plot :0D

Haha! I forgot to put a line break! The title was for the most excellent spin-off. The third movie I was talking about is something that Neo is dreaming from The Matrix and into the real world. Like for realz.

Realz realz? Like inception but inside the machine, or wait, outside it looking in? Or inside it dreaming of being outside it looking in?

Hmm close, to all of the guesses. But, far from all the guesses. How can I explain it? It's like electric sheep dreaming of androids dreaming about them. Yes, I think that's a fine analogy. A fine analogy indeed.