
Good to see you encouraging her creativity too. Even if it is skulls :)
(I probably should quietly step away from the mic now, given half my stories are about death).

Hahahah, yeah, we cant help that outpouring of creativity taking us down paths normally shunned! hehe!

@naquoya's right! That's definitely the seed for an awesome story. A series even! So great how kids mishear stuff. It's always a source of joy.

It is, Icant wait to read @naquoya going for it :O) Or you. One of you dammit!

I think @naquoya's a better fit for that, but I would love to write up an alternative take some time! :D

The gauntlet is thrown ;0)

Oh no no no. No gauntlet, no throwing. I stand here as a fan, and a support person. That's why I'm a healer in role playing games haha!

I am always a rogue :0)