
oh...get the whisky out or there's always the neighbour I suppose :D

Me too. Until I'm not. And then me too again shortly afterwards.

Stay you and have fun!

Neighbours are like buses, come when you least expect them an never there when you want one! :OD

Hmmmm... how to entice neighbours with whisky out of the closets.

Or you could take up jogging, I guess

Knowing my luck I would attract the scrawmny neighbourhood health freaks :OD

And vegans! :D

Hey - you can't always get what you want but.... ;)

Love from the windy South. I hate winter, by the way. Meh

Winter sucks. Although here in Scotlamd I am looking out at torrential rain and thinking mmm summer!! 🤣

Okay I take it back.

And me in Africa whining about 16 degrees Celsius 😆