
Oh lordy, lordy, that's so not nice of it shed everywhere in it's death, bringing death on grass as it goes down. I guess it didn't want to die alone.

Aw. Now I feel it isn't so much an enemy!!

LOL, that's cute (as in cunning). They'll both be reborn. I suspect you'll be able to seed it and get it going. Coolest bamboo I've ever seen.

This one will grow up quaking in fear as I constantly remind it that it has twenty odd brothers and it is ever in danger of getting binned is it doesn't please me!!

LOL!!! I love it! You know that plants hear you and your intentions, eh?

A side note (in the event it's of interest)...
Been off breaking in my new fully loaded custom bicycle. I think I'm in love. LOLOL! Pardon my excitement and distraction.

Ooooo, you have a new bike! Very good!

What is the custom part to it, does it have funky attachments or does it fold up?

I do indeed! Six months of looking to select, two weeks of back and forth to settle it all, one month for it to be completed. All because I did not want hydraulic disc brakes and switched them out for manual disc brakes, so I can do all repairs and maintenance myself. That created a cascade of changes too long to list. I had the pedals switched out to the high quality, plus added racks in the back and front, which would have taken 20 minutes to do at most, but no, I have to have it customized to what I need it for. Think of nomad life.

It doesn't fold. I'll show you a pic the guy at the store took because what I had done has never been done to that bike before and he wanted to send it to the manufacturer, lol. Really super guy I dealt with, made me remember what the real customer service experience is.