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RE: Rolling It Back

in #lifelast year

Astonishingly I do!! I used to be a huge Photoshop user but as soon as the kids came along I didn't have time to be faffing around on my desktop. Then after a while my desktop was kak and it was painful to use as I used it so little. So I searched around for editing apps on Android and most of them were shit but there were some basic ones that actually did powerful things that weren't all just flashy filters and the like so I have stuck with them ever since but two of them now are not supported and I dread the day that they are whipped off the play store!!

I knew you would have to be using a pc with your stuff, there is no way you would be doing that on a phone! 😀


Nope, I tried both on an Android tablet (last Wacom is actually an Android tablet when detached, but it was not very high performance and could not cope with the stuff I needed it to do) and it didn't end well XD

I can see it not ending well. I am tempted to get a decent spec'd lappy to work on but I suspect that wouldn't go down well!

Why's that?

I used to spend do much time on Photoshop. In fact I world get lost in it and I can imagine the missus giving me the mega gyp for being an absent father!

LoL that's apparently me all the time too XD

Hehe, it's a curse!!!