Redshift #2

in #life7 years ago


No!?! What is this abomination?!

I cried, shielding my eyes from what lay before me.

Beyond the door, the office space was open and bright with odd garishly coloured graffiti-style art daubed on the walls.

There appeared to be no desks. Just a collection of tables and strangely raised platforms. A number of brightly coloured bean-bags and cushions lay strewn around as if they were crumbs dropped by giants.

Among the bean-bags and tables, a rabble of identical, pale-faced, grey-suited men lounged, tapping away at funky looking tablets.

The whole place had a casual air as if it were a childrens play area.


It's a bit different up here, eh!

Fannybadger beamed proudly.

I tried to speak but all that came out of my mouth was a series of rasps and clicks as if I were crocodile about to ejaculate.

Don't worry. Everyone experiences it. It's such a different culture here. I am surprised it doesn't make people go a bit mad!

Fannybadger giggled as if he had already gone mad and made his way into the room beckoning me to follow.

This way, I will take you to your pod...

My fucking what now? My pod? Was I a dolphin? I followed him through the hordes of identikit grey-suits. With a start I realised that some of them had skirts on and were actually women.

In my head I had already categorised them...


The Greys.

Some of them watched me as I walked among them. I could see them weighing me up. One in particular rose from his chair and gave me a sneer as I walked past him.

I accidentally jostled him with my shoulder, hard. He hissed like an overly microwaved pie and sat back down.

I resolved to be on my guard. I did not belong here and it was quite plain that that feeling was not just my own.


Fannybadger stopped before three men chatting at a table.

Guys, this is the Test resource we asked for. I have given him an overview but perhaps you want to convince him of our aims?

The oldest of the guys looked to be in his mid-thirties. He had hair like a seagull's wing and piercing blue eyes lurking behind a ridiculous pair of red plastic glasses. Or rather plastic frames as the detective in me noted his glasses had no lenses.


He stood and held out his hand limply curled as if for me to inject my flaccid penis into it. I would probably have to shove it in with the help of a finger unless the wind changed.


He stated confidently.

Saltyboz, I thought, definitely Saltyboz.

And these guys are, Sinclair and Kathrin.

I looked at the other two dubiously. Sinclair I decided should be Slippytits. Kathrin... Well, that was confusing. What was it with blokes and ladies names these days? He had very shiny eyes. Like a fox. That was settled then, he could be Bushy-Tail.

I shook their hands vigorously to remind them of what being a man really was and then looked them in the eye.

So tell me then, what are we doing here. What is the aim?

Saltyboz laughed delightedly.

Well BoomDawg...

He flung an arm around my shoulders and steered me toward the exit.

Let us begin by telling you what we don't do!


I allowed myself to be steered back toward the door. The other two, Slippytits and Bushy-Tail following behind us after hastily grabbing their tablets.

I tell you what though? Why don't we do this over a coffee? Have you tried the new artisan place over on Kyle St? Simply divine. I'm buying!

A new coffee place? Artisan did he say? And I hadn't known of it. Hmm, it ticked all the right boxes for me.

I walked out with them. This sounded like a great project so far. Something tickled at the back of my head. Like someone screaming a warning but I dismissed it. I mean, free artisan coffee...

Who could refuse...


What fantastic worldbuilding! What a great set of new personalities! But... I have to say... one coffee and they already have you under their thrall?? I mean, I can't blame you, Cold BRO-w, but damn! Please tell me that you're playing with possum! And, while you're at it, please tell me that you are playing with a possum while you're at it!

It is quite bizarre isn't it. Just one coffee and I am ensnared. Locked in... Or is he/am I... Oh goodness, what are these creatures with their glamour!!

These grays are the scum of the universe, or so I've heard. But, don't take my word for it!

They are. I mean they were but hey, can't we all embrace change?

Oh. My. Glob. For the love of EOS! They got to you, didn't they? Those basturts!

It seems that way sure but I think if you just sat down and had a coffee with us you would see it differently.

Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope. I'd rather lose my third nipple than my humanity!

I'll roll over for a free artisan coffee.

Fannybadger? OMGosh! I had to google that one. I am speechless. Who knew? Well, obviously you did and @jaynie. I really have to brush up on my street cred.


I would do more than roll over I tell ya!! hehe

Ah it's a class expression that one :OD

Oh! I read classy! Ha!

Oh, admittedly, roll over and beg. Just a bit.

Keep rollin lol

You learn something new every day @dsigle ;)

@jaynie- if I come over here, I will learn something new twice a day!

double whammy!!! ;)

I say it over and over - I have great respect for your imagination and writing abilities. I agree those frames are stupid -= as an almost 'blind as a bat, cannot live without glasses' I find it irritating if people use it as a fashion statement or what ever.

Hehe, I do have a mad imagination. My mum always said I was a dreamer :0)

Yeah, you think, what?!! Through choice?! The insults I had to go through in my early days were really annoying for wearing glasses and now people are like, hey look at me!

First of all.... LOL @ Fannybadger hehehehehe... took me a few minutes to get past that hehe!!

Secondly, its all about the frames mannnn.... they put your focus on the eyes! zooooom. haha!

Brilliant as always @meesterboom ;)

Hehe, cheers lass!!

I hate those fake glasses, when you have had to wear them for most of your life, including the shit 20th century you keep thinking why would you pretend!!??!

I love fannybadger, it's one of my favourite insults!!!.

why would you pretend!!??!

They are just jealous of your 20th century awesomeness @meesterboom... so they are trying to reinvent it ;)

Just poke them in the eye, through their substance-less frames! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ;)

Hahaha! Ah that would be hilarious, would serve them right!!

Yes, jealous... I will remember that ;0)

Softened up by the promise of good coffee...for shame! Er, well, I would be hopelessly lost in their clutches too, only momentarily of course ;)

Hehe, I am lost for keeps!!!

You made up rather weird names for the three of them and not remembering them by their real names. One of them is Slippytits. A rather vulgar word I should say. I really hope you do not accidentally speak those names when having the conversation.

Free coffee by someone you just knew. I agree on an offer that could not be refused. Upvoted!

It is so very vulgar! But dont worry, I only let slip the less vulgar ones :OD

Why don't we do this over a coffee? Have you tried the new artisan place over on Kyle St?

Ironically, someone just came to my desk and asked if I'd be willing to watch a vendor presentation for a free lunch and a scotch.

I love it when they take something I don't want to do ... then throw in enough bribes that I'd be more than willing to do it.

How could I say no!

Bribes work every time in my book. Hurrah for subtle bribes!!!

You will be assimilated.

I might already have been!!!

It's amazing what we're able to do, those of us who love coffee for one free
another excellent episode of Redshift dear friend Redshift
I wish you a beautiful night

Coffee holds the key to many a man's heart!!

Thats the way they imprison you.... coffee. You swallow and get out of there. Swallow the coffee.... :):)

Swallowed but now I am just further in!!

What better to talk about work and at the same time free coffee, oh that if I'm glad to ire with you haha

They have exposed my weakness!! :0)

Something that I learned throughout my life... always follow your gut xD if something is "tickled at the back of my head" it's probably a very very bad sign...

I guess these new type of modern open/graffiti offices are really strange for people that have been working on the old bland boring room offices xD I can't understand how someone is able to work on a small office with nothing to look at, i would probably be depressed after 1 day there!

They are quite funky there is that. Or is quite the change from what us regular office workers are used to!!

I was a tad freaked out when I first saw one in our place!

I hate the flaccid handshakes- they creep me out SO, I use it as an opportunity to demonstrate what 30 years of squeezing a hammer does for one's grip!

Me too with a few less years. I can't fathom them. Everyone jokes about limp handshakes. Surely they must know?!

I think they're trying to tell us something... the "light in the loafers" syndrome! That's how I take it- it's like screaming I'm gay!!!

Or aliens!!! :0D

Oh Jeez- I never thought about that... Now I gotta go wash my hands!

You will never wash that off! :OD

I feel so dirty!

Exactly, are there no real MEN left in the world, Boom? A limp handshake tells it all!!!

It is the ultimate in poor mannity!!

And that goes for women, too. In the corporate world I used to work in, women had to give proper handshakes just to stay in the same room as the men, lol. Yay, womannity! :D

Hurrah for womannity!!! :0)

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Artisan coffee over your freedom. Careful Boomdawg, or Saltyboz, Slippytits and Bushy-Tail will be making you offers you may want to refuse! LOL 🕵️

I am so cheap and easily bought!!!

hahahah hilarious. I like how you give descriptive names to the characters. Imitation of real life or just in your writing? : )

Mostly imitation of real life!!

hahaha that is awesome!

A name isn't a name if it isn't fitting! :0D

lol that is for darn sure!


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