Humidity is such an odd thing here that we quite like it. Althought when I am in sunnier climes I am not the biggest fan.
Imagine having the temerity to take him for a walk in the afternoon!
Dementia can be a cruel beast indeed. It does seem to strip away the upper atmospheric layers of the mind and let light into the lower regions and it isn't always pretty. My neighbour currently has it and is like your Witch, one of my uncles had it and turned into something like an ill tempered alsation dog. Yeek
It would be nice if you and I could do that house exchange thing. Our families are sort of similarly made. The Good Lady and I have some things in common (we have covens and talk about placentas and such) - our houses would probably suit each other for a couple weeks. We could soak up each other's weather until we've realized our own is admirable. You would have to put up with dogs, chickens, rabbits, rats, a mouse, and a goldfish on my end though. It isn't a trade for the faint-hearted :)
I'm hoping for the best with the witch's dementia. So far so good as far as change in personality to something pleasanter; not sure how well she is functioning on her own (other than falling.) I had to look up what an alsation dog is, and I had no idea that your uncle looked like Big Dog, and now I want to cuddle him.
Oh that's right, alsatian isn't a widely known term. I think it actually came about because British people didn't like saying German shepherd after world war 2. Silly people.
Sounds like a good swap! Although, I can imagine the Good Lady's horror at the idea of what she would see as a menagerie!