Rodenbach and The Rapture Beers!

in #life7 years ago


Boom, it cannot be considered in anyone's mind that it is still Easter! Except mine, kind of. I do like to stretch out a holiday of any description. Tonight I shall bid adieu to the holiday and knuckle down for the horror of returning to work.

What do I have that can take away the pain and remind me that life is all about the sun, the laughter, the rabbits in the rain and even more I couldn't possibly mention?

Tonight it is the battle of the Red Ales... Ooooo, I hear you gasp in nervous anticipation. Ooo indeed. Let us see where we go with these. Hopefully, I won't end up out on my daughter's scooter, shooting around the park shouting about the bloody Welsh again.



Look at this cheeky chap! All the way from Belgium. It looks to be a cracker. Aged in oak barrels - the label says something something houten foeders which I think is something to do with horses. Well, a man needs a good horse so let's do this thing!


Gaze in wonder at that rusty ruby charm with the head of an enthusiastic collie dog. I can feel the stars aligning. This is going to be one top banana.

It smells quite sour and tart which I wasn't expecting.

A little swig is in order. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...

I don't know what I can add that the video might not have already inferred. It tastes very tart and sour almost as if it has lots of raspberry in it. I don't like this foul nonsense one bit. I have had raspberry in a beer quite successfully before (The Cranachan Killer) but whilst that was lovely, this is horrible.

Boak - 3/10 Booms. I gave it three because it looked nice




Wow, I remember these folk. They make the fantastic Salty Kiss which I enjoyed very much way back then and have indeed had several times. They do have quite funky cans. Pac Man'y in design.

But a man can't live by funky cans alone?! Let us see if they can beat the Rodenbach. I don't think it will be hard.


Wow, as soon as I pour it I can smell the proper beer smell. Hops and lots of malty backbone singing through the air and landing in my cavernous nostrils. I hope the scents don't take root, like bats.

It is a fine red too, as red as a wedding in the Game of Thrones. Pale frothy head like the foam on a wave gently rolling into an exotic beach. Mmm, I sense some redemption coming. Beer-Style!

I take a glug.


Magnificent! Now that is a beer. Beefy and big and marvellous on the tongue. Lots of malts and some caramel and a nice dry finish. Its so swiggable. I think it is quite smashing. It is one of those that each mouthful is a joy. This is the kind of beer you could drink many many of.

An easy 8/10 Booms!

Well that was flipping magic. Iam going to drink more beer and sing Those Were The Days My Friend!


Have a good weekend and cheers!!


Well, it is a Holiday, actually now Easter Orthodox Holidays are from Fri to Mon...You promote those beers like the best scent, sound & taste from Spiritual world...You know Spiritual World place of ideal people, quality & great love & dedication.
"Those were the days my friend" again 😋😋😋 can never be avoided such a vibra like the beers 😎

Hehe, ever since you reminded me of the song I have had it back on all the time and if it isnt playing on my stereo it is playing in my head!

I like to promote them in a different way to others! :OD

Lovvveee it when you talk dirty to us...wait, that's every day! I should say, love it when you video yourself saying well anything haha!
Howie cannot drink red beers, they bring out the angry Irish in him! But that second one looks marvelous, simply marvelous!

It was simply marvellous!

Hehe, I used to hate myself on video but somewhere along the line I grew to love myself :OD

I can imagine the red ones bringing the angry Irish out in folk!!

Huzzah! Compared to the Cranachan Killer, other raspberry beers don't stand a chance! What if that wasn't the first beer you sampled? Would Rapture still rank as high as it did? It may be named Rapture, but it's no Traquair!

Nice touch with the video review though, now I couldn't look at another Sabeerday the same way! Also, nice of you to post the links to past beer days. Great to see how our long threads have aged!

They have, I actually find myself forgetting which funky ones I have reviewed at times. In fact, I have a fear that recently I reviewed a beer which I may have reviewed before!!

Who can stand against the Cranachan!!!

Who!? Why the ever reliable Traquair! That's what the blockchain is for, Boomdiggity! To keep track of all the beers you sampled. It's interesting to see how the grades changed for the duplicate brewskies.

It is, my grades can change by the hour!! It was one of the reasons I was reluctant at first to grade them!

Nonsense! Grade away, Boomcipino! Whoever fights you for it would have to go through me. Though, I will say, I've been known to move whenever someone says "excuse me."

I saw this yeasterday but had I had no time to respond as I was stuck at a cheer competition all day and then had to drive home 6 hours. I just saw though, the people around me casted odd looks as I sat there and laughed all by myself. That video was priceless. So much anticipation and excitement for the first sip and then the whole face changes.. WTF!!!! Lol... I like a good raspberry beer as well but so many miss the mark! I’m glad the second beer saved the day. I just ask though, was the second one reeaalllly good or was the first one so bad that anything would have tasted amazing after that garb?? Lol yay for Saturday’s!!

The second one was really good. You never know though, the relief when the second isn't shit can colour an opinion. I did like it though! They are quite a good brewers.

I had fun with that video!!

Ok, now I want to know why here I don't find beer with a nice "packaging" like the Rapture ! When I go to the market I see just the same boring beers, why???? Ok, I have to think about a new travel out of here ;)

HEhe, I have to track them down. It takes a bit of a search sometimes! :O)

Hahaha! I had to watch the video a couple of times to get my giggle fest in for the day. Now I have work to do, sigh. Yes, I know it's Sunday...

It is Sunday, what the blazes!?

The downside of working for yourself. We have a shitload of orders to go out tomorrow, which is good. But I teach a class on Monday morning, which sometimes means I have to do some prep on Sunday. And there is still heaps of stuff to sort out from my birthday party last night - we just had to get everything out of the hall and put it somewhere!

Ooo, happy birthday!!! (Belatedly!)

At least you work for yourself which is the huge bonus!

I just read that yesterday (Saturday) was National Beer Day in USA.

I totally didn't know that. I should have gone all American!

After i read about that, i a search and found 3rd August is International beer day😎

I will definitely keep that one in mind. Should be fine weather for it!

Let us see where we go with these. Hopefully, I won't end up out on my daughter's scooter, shooting around the park shouting about the bloody Welsh again.

You've done that before then XD

Good thing you started with the dodgy beer first, able to finish on a good note :)


I thought I had fluffed it too and that the first one looked like the best one!

Dude, your expressions are hilarious
Yesterday I tried Estrella, it's the top!
They must have it in your country, even imported.

They do!!! I love Estrella!! I could drink it for days!

When I saw the color of the first beer I made a good impression and a great disappointment to see what has turned out, luckily I improve the tastings with the Rapture red hot ale, the ale style are my favorites.

Salut, excellent weekend thank you very much for this new presentation dear friend @meesterboom

The first one looked a beaut! Sadly, as I have found out many times, those can be the worst.

A grand weekend to you @jlufer!

Cheers Boom

May your thirst be quenched and your liver be pickled.

A fine toast! Likewise! Commence the pickling!

Funny your video's :-)
At the coast region of Belgium ,
they have a booze song about Rodenbach,
goes as follows (well not a song actually but 1 sentence... )
"77 pints of beer and 1 rodenbach and a roooow-den-bag !"
(tsevenentseventig penten en ne rodenbach)
(repeat sentence as long as you wanna sing)
Probably , your opinion , is why the proportions in this "song" are what they are !
Great weekend!

grtz , cheers , x-))

Hahaha, thats awesome, Its quite a catchy song!! lol!

lol , yes , indeed !!

Do not be alarmed.

There is a small monster attempting to come out of the corner of your television. Just ignore it and it'll go away.

Enjoy your beers!

I thought I saw something. I definitely... AAAARGRGGRGRRHHRRHH!!!

That's not how you ignore something!

It came for me!! If I hadnt let that pack of wild dogs in earlier I would have been a goner!

The Rodenbach looks like it has been aged far too long (or not long enough) and some horse peed in it! Sorry. Not my cup of tea. I think Rapture would be more my speed. Malts, caramel and dry. What's not to like?

I just didnt get that one. It didnt seem to have any of the flavour of the aging in the oak barrels! Rapture was top donk!

cheers boom!

Cheers milady!!!! :O)

You know a drink is bad when it momentarily turns you into Sean Connery as James Bond.

HAhahahahahahahhaha, I was channeling him!!

Me causaste sed fresca y alegre
.Sempre avanti

I was wondering if this tasted like a Indian pale ale with raspberry? It looks like an interesting treat😎 I always look forward to your beer tastings👍 I will definitely give this beer a try👏

The first one? No it had a rasberry sourness to it but it was not in a good way. Give the second a try though!

Thank You. I will definitely give it a try. Have an excellent weekend 😎

And you too!

Ha! You didn’t know Flanders ales were sour! Live and learn!!

Ha! I totally didn't! I have learned something today!!

Ha ha, then I saw your twin in the grocery store today. I almost took a photo but it would have been kind of obvious and I didn't want to get arrested for stalking or something.

Lol, the last time someone showed me a pic of my twin I was horrified lol!

and tomorrow ... ayy tomorrow ... the tasks of the house with that discomfort of hangover ... but, I'm glad that the Rapture has saved the tasting today. Remember that Monday is a day of work. Greetings @meesterboom

Monday isn't for me! I don't work Mondays anymore :0)

That's good! That's what I also want, to have a business that allows me to work a little less; although in your case, I think Steemit demands a lot of time ... Greetings.

It does. I have to squeeze it into the gaps. It can be quite hard

I'm sure it's like that. Greetings.

how tasty it is to leave the holidays with a delicious drink ... although sometimes it feels good to be at home resting, it is also important and entertaining to go out to work .... Happy start of the week!

And a happy start of the week to you too!

Well flapjack....I missed Beer Saturday. Better late than never somebody always said. Looks like I didn't miss anything grand on the first one. Rapture sounds good, though...keep on singing!!!

My song goes on! ;O)

You really look like you are enjoying your beer. I love love love craft beer!! Drink one for me will ya. We don't have those in BC Canada.

I am on it ;O)

Happy beer Saturday boomy!

Cheers dude!!

That's great!.
A beer that soothe one's taste.
Have a nice weekend also.

I sure will and I hope that you do too!

post a very good friend good @meesterboom I am (love it)

Thank you, that is very kind of you!

same as my good friend @meesterboom hopefully today will be a beautiful day for my best friend @meesterboom.

Everyday is a beautiful day my friend!!

great post...

And you are a fine lady for saying so. I doff my cap and bow to one knee!

you always make an interesting story

I do try :o)

very well explained, I loved all the flavors in how you assimilate it to so many things hahaha, I even provoked to take it, greetings from Venezuela.

Big greetings from Scotland!

You should probably vote on posts you comment on in case people flag your comments :0)

ok, sorry my friend.