The sun beat heavily down from a blue sky. People skipped and hopped gaily in the streets. The pub across the road from me had pulled some chairs and tables out and these were filling up with the glad folk of summer.
It looked magic.
I say looked because I was 7 floors up in a sweaty office staring out of a brown tinted window at everyone having a great time in the sun.
Fucking shite.
I mused philosophically.
Home time seemed very far away. I had tried to entertain myself by drinking pints and pints of coffee but had only succeeded in making myself a bit trembly and twitchy. Not for the first time I rued the moral perception that masturbation in public was something to be frowned upon.
The aircon unit next to me rumbled into life.
Thank god, it's roasting in here.
I said out loud to no-one in particular.
My relief was short lived as it started asthmatically wheezing out hot air like an old bulldog.
Fucking shite.
I remarked again.
Hey BoomDawg! What's happening?
I dragged my eyes away from the window to see The Popinjay before me. He was a tall bald chap who always looked slightly mournful. Not today though. He looked very pleased with himself. As if he had just shat out a gold doubloon and could feel more clinking away inside him.
Not much mate. What about you?
He grabbed an empty chair and pulled it up beside me and sat down.
Oh not much.
He said airily whilst tugging at his shirt sleeve, getting the button undone and yanking his sleeve up with a flourish.
Apart from this!
He exclaimed.
I looked at the pallid exposed flesh of his arm. It looked like beef fat. I looked back up at him, confusion evident on my face.
Eh, what? An arm?
He shook his arm at me impatiently.
I looked again. Oh hang on; there was something on his arm. It looked like a black outline of some vines with big leafy flowers at the ends.
Oh aye, you got a tattoo. What is it? Are those leaves and flowers?
He flicked his head as if tossing a mane of hair. It just drew attention to the sun shinily reflecting from his bald dome.
Yeah man. It's the start of my sleeve.
He looked off to the side the slowly back at me as if he had a palsy.
You are getting a sleeve tattoo? And it seems to comprise of leaves and flowers?
Yeah man, it's like, symbolism.
Of what?
His face crinkled as if I had asked to bang his beef tamborine.
The planet, you know... Nature... Stuff like that...
I nodded.
Ah, the planet. Aren't you getting on a bit to be going for a sleeve tattoo... What are you now, forty odd?
Fuck off, you're just jealous.
He sulkily started pulling his sleeve down.
Aye, that's me. Jealous because I want a sleeve tattoo of some fucking leaves and flowers.
I might get some skulls interweaved in it?
I stated flatly.
Erm, yeah?
The Popinjay started to stand. His face no longer so perky and more like the usual sad dog with a cucumber up its arse.
I grinned and spread my hands wide.
Skulls! You cool bastard, sit down and show me it again!!
Tattoo, to be honest I never unferstood why Denis Rodman became such a tattoo covered creature. I don't get Tatto philosophy point...🤔🤔🤔? You go there and 2-3 hours somebody is needle stitching You for some paint in the a.s...
Ooh, my, my, my I'm too old fashioned...
It is a peculiar thing. I remember when I got mine I was a bit bored. But I was young and it seemed like all the cool kids were getting inked
I wouldn't bother with another now, in my forties!
Yes, You are younger now, getting wiser and better...All of us tried many things and now they lost the taste for that and got taste for something else...
There is always something else on the horizon!! :O)
At least he was somewhat wise enough to wait. Get the job first, then get the tattoos. Get the shitty tattoos first, no job, unless you like working in the back.
Yes you can certainly say he has waited alright! It is probably the best tack to wait and not be hidden away!
Completely agree with you.
I still have not tattooed, waiting to find a job first. for after that it is fixed to be able to tattoo me.
There are still companies that do not hire you for having tattoos.
It used to be like that in the UK. Now it seems more relaxed because everybody and their dog has one
Hello @meesterboom, tell The Popinjay to tattoo his head with the following pattern: and that I walk proudly through the office and through the streets of Glasgow, so that I do not continue with "mariqueras" (girlish nonsense); and a man over 40 years old has to behave as such ... in this type of behavior at that age can lead to drastic personality changes ... Greetings @meesterboom and still enjoying the jungle that represents your office ( LOL)
One has to make what little pleasure you can out of such a place! :OD
I've never had a stomach for tattoos, but I guess if one would get some, wouldn't it be wise if it were on the back nine of their life, as it were? I mean, if he god the tattoo while he was young and strapping, wouldn't it get muddled when his skin sags? Better to have it on a more permanent canvas haha!
Hehe, what if it suits better in younger skin and goes all flobby on older!
our Boomy probably! has a tat on him
You never know what you will find if you dig deep enough!
I think tattoos suit only people with big bodies. Except if you do it on the ass. There it suits everybody universally.

Ass tattoos are quite hilarious I have always found :0)
The guy had a severe case of mid life crisis, and I wonder how it feels to crap out gold?
It must feel... KINGLY!!
A sleeve of calaberas must be very cool.
I support you in that decision.
I love tattoos and sleeves I like them a lot.
I would like one with a world map and a compass.
In the end I did not understand why the man was sad.
He was sad because he thought I was mocking his tattoo. Which I was, until he mentioned skulls :0)
look at you all nice for the man. what a great work mate you are. Popinjay? why that name?
He can be a bit of a vain peacock. We all call him the Popinjay, he doesn't know it though. He things he is the coolest cat in town lol!
And see, I can be nice!!!
It's never too late to get inked, as long as it represents something important and not-at-all vague such as nature, life, or the universe.
Yeah, the vagueness kinda killed the vibe I think!!!
And a bloody dagger would be nice.
You can never go wrong with a bloody dagger!!
I once considered getting one of those little "cut here" scissors as a tattoo next to a big scar I have, but a sleeve, that's just not on.
Haha, that sounds like it would be a good one!
A full on sleeve of leaves and flowers he says. That sounds mighty expensive and time consuming.I think that he might be better off rubbing his arm a whole bunch with leaves and flowers. he would eventually have a sleeve of something caused by leaves and flowers. A whole lot cheaper too.
That's a fine solution!!
I should suggest it except I will love to see him throw several hundred quid away on a shoddy tat!
Popinjay would be having a second thought about the tattoo at the mo but I get the symbolism, its like art.
I think for him it is all about what people think but yeah, if it was art it would be good!
I used to consider a tattoo, a small one, but never did it. My girlfriends though, got a bug up their butt just a couple years ago, and three of them ended up getting wrist tattoos. They tried to talk me into it, peer pressure is for pussies! ;)
Peer pressure is!! Although it is kinda why I did!! lol!!!
Hahaaaa, ah, I was just teasing you- if they would have gotten on the tat kick in my twenties, maybe even early thirties, I probably would have caved!
Hehe, I can take it!!!!
I am really happy I got one. I would never have gotten more though. It's cool to have dipped a toe in!! :0)
Yours Rawks, it's the kind of tat I love, very sexy :0)
Wayhay! That my kind of talk ;0)
Now that I think about it, about any tattoo you can get is a symbolism of something else.
How would look a tattoo that symbolizes a tattoo?
It would probably look like mine ;O)
The tattoo that symbolises a tattoo, or a dragons tear...
First, I suspected it. Now I am sure:
You, my friend, totally and absolutely rocks.
Lol, I was very drunk when I did that one :OD
Some people just seem to miss out on their youth and try to make up for it when they're older with usually pathetic results. Nothing is sadder than a fiftyish woman, recently divorced getting a fluorescent green punk hairdo, a nose ring and a tattoo to make her feel like a young chick! Guys are just as bad, new shiny red sports convertible, toupe, hip clothes and tattoo. What's with the tattoos? They only sag and bag with age...
I was thinking the same, you know, I dont mind em but when you get to your mid forties and start to get a sleeve. Man, its a bit late!!!
The Popinjay wanted to follow the trend of young men these days or he wants to be a gangster. Either way, he was quite daring for a 40+ year old! Haha! Upvoted!
I think he wants to be both lol!
Tattooing the entire arm is very fashionable here in Argentina, even women, I do not find it very attractive, however I respect who does it.
I wish you a happy decanso ecelente post as always dear friend @meesterboom
It is very popular here too. Although mostly prior start when they are younger!
You thought and I care if you have a tattoo? I was concentrating and reflecting on the heat that is stifling me to tell me that, you should tell him you're a Ferrari and that's why you have no tattoos hahaha you know the joke no?
I don't know it!
I have one but I did get it a while ago!
I dont like needles and I dont like spending money...aint going to happen for me.
Yesthat is a combination that isnt the most appealing!
The drawing of the arm gave me a lot of laughter.
If there is a person who is tattooed all over, having a manga at 40 is not much :)
hmmm como dicen algunos "déjalo ser" si quiere un bosque, que lo tenga! y se pierda en el!.
The truth is that I almost do not remember much if it hurt or not! because it was a long time ago when I tattooed the one I have, maybe I would like another but not in the arms
"pelo al perro" es raro ese nombre hehhehehe
Hehe, I love mine. I don't think I would get another right enough. His will be quite extravagant when done. He should have got it Jen years ago lol
hmm :) Si!! that's true hehe will not be the same result.
it seems that the tattoo moves. like gelatin
but he has a dream, right?
have a tatto! Is it like to know how it feels? having many is no longer the same as the first time
The first time is always more special :0)
That's very true! then nothing the same! hmm normal, it's already fashionable!
It's like your first beer wow! the flavor explosion, later you like it but nothing like the first time. no no
Wow, nice write up. It took me thinking all through.
Thanks for sharing
Should have thought of voting :0)