I got an email invite to the Yours blogging platform. I had a look, obviously, I was already feeling quite sneery before even looking because I am a Steemit man.
The first time I attempted to look at it the site was down. The second, some time later, I managed to see it.
Hot diggety, it's rubbish. The UI is awful. It uses Bitcoin Cash??!! I couldn't see much in the way of images.
Finally, hilariously, Steemit has often been mocked for the amount of crypto articles in it. Well, over half of Yours looked to be crypto related. And not even good crypto like the articles here.
It inspired the following!
I tried to post something for test...
But it is not so easy :D To post, you need to cash in first, YES! You need to pay, and they only support crypto now:
So... they limit their market only to people, which already have crytpo, which also are going to pay for posting.
Do you know what? I think I am going to buy more STEEM, because competition of Steem... is going nowhere.
Yes, having to deposit crypto to then pay crypto to post is quite the nonsense!! Steemit has nothing to fear from this. Not even slightly!
You were lucky you manage to log in, their server is down an awful lot. :0)
LOL. How do they thin they can even compete against Steemit with that kind of rule in place :D
What a joke hahaha!
hahaah Yours makes you PAY for fucking blog poists! u see a PREVIEW of a BLOG and u get to PAY fucking like 10 cents or a dolal ror five bucks who knows hahha here on steemit all content is free and if u have the money u get to contribute with ur steempower and upvote and curation system of steem blockchain is a TOTALLY different level than the pathetic mes of a project known as "Yours" all hype NO structure NO technology just a fucking Openbazaar but with bitcoin cash hahaha they HAD peopel paying Litecoin for posts and u have to PAY to SEE the webpage its CRAZY noone would EVER wanna use it
we have NOTHING to worry about yours is a complete failure and Steemit is SERIOUS Yours is basically a failed project where the money was probobly just raised and spent and they had to create something and they thought they could compete with steemit and they found out how difficult it is to actually putll off a project like steemit!
Few of us are even worthy of using Steemit, honestly! its SO advanced noone really knows how it all works or VERY few can explain how it ALL works because VERy few people can even explain how a Blockchain works and even less know how the inner workings of a website work, its a very small community iof peopel who APRECIATE Steemit and steem blockchain and its model of Delegated Proof of Stake to avoid the energy costs of Proof of Work with Bitcoin and that Steem used tio be #3 Crypto currency under bitcoin and Ripple for a REASON and steem was thouight to have the potnetrial to outgrow Bitcoinw hen it cam eout, and now that steem has the users and the content we will SEE that stee,m WILL outgrow biotcoin!
I agree!
I reckon they were full of fancy ideas and when it came to the crunch they realised how difficult it was and in the end just threw something out there!
Steemit FTW!
Right?! :D That's so funny LOL!
I was looking into it and I did an interview a long time ago with Ryan X. Charles........I like Ryan, but when it became obvious that he was sticking with paywalls, well, my interest faded. The other thing, it sounds like you have to pay ten cents to post? is that correct?
That's absolutely correct from what I saw. You have to pay to post and also pay to view someones post being the teaser four or five lines.
It seemed really counter-intuitive and the paywall part really backward. Definitely nothing to see there
I do believe it was a post of yours I read that first put me onto it way back last year!
It was during the big whale wars, and a mass exodus of people leaving steemit, that I began looking around......
The one thing I still think is possible: Medium might eventually figure it out, and they already have the best writers.....if they manage to adopt some technology, or start over with DPOS, I think it could succeed......it's really dicey right now, as Medium is starting to pay its writers, but not all of them...
dude you needto write a Parody of teh Whale Wars using characters you can create to avoid talking about real life people XD it would be so funy to have the early drama in a comic claled whale wars but u gotta REALy do it rioght and make it FUUUNNNYYY posts aboput steemiut that THE MOST peopel can relate to XD
dude DPOS is so revolutionary so crazy how the paradigm shift is REAL but people dont wanna believce it or ackneoplwdge the fact that steem is pAYINg riters without needing payroll or someone to pay them! they made thir own money printing press but by keeping the steempower its proving its worth and man the system is SO advanced and i am glad it is decentralized and can never really be shut down
Steemit in china will allow the chinese to avoid govermment censorship and steemit will CHANGE Chinaand bring free speech more creatiovity etc! it will bea NEW DIGITAL RENAISSANCE for china with steemit!
Hehe, I think I will duck out of that one. I have no doubt I could make it funny but sometimes it's best letting the past stay in the past!!
I remember those wars well. I was checking out everything that you were!
I thought about looking at medium ages ago. Should give it a chance, I think someone posted something bad about them which might have put me off.
I always thought you went to Synereo. Oh wait, that never was a real site..
I know Craig Wright is posting articles on Yours. He needs to get over here!
He does, you are the person to get him here. How could he resist!
Yeah rmember I showed you and Also i sjhowed @klye how yours is bullshit u PAY to post AND to READ a post u pay like 10 cents or $1 or fibve dolars or god knows how much to download a freakin webpage XD its trash pure garbage created out of jelous for steemit
people will never want to usee Yours we have NOTHING to worry about hahah steem is special noone will be able to have anything like it without a hardforkj of the steem blockchain itself sio you would have to actually make your own steemit using steem blockchain code to have anything like it and very few competitors will ever rise up to compete with steemit!
the ONLY competitor steemit has is not even real and is only a potential unlikely competiotor which is reddit and Facebookj if they EVER decide to implement a crypto currency like how reddit almost did but canceled with their reddit Notes cruypto currency program which would have made reddit like steemit but no curation or decentralization just having the dogecoin walet as integrated part of the reddit website but its never gonna happen because they were planning on giving milliosn fo dollars they raised to streddit users and they never will haha
Wow! This is super cool.. How the hell did you do this anime? 😊😊😊😃😃
You could help me do some in the future man, I'd love to work with you!
Hehe, On my phone with an android app flipaclip :O)
Am sure that many competitors will copy steemit platform however we have a big community here and growing-therefore many will come but only One Steemit will reign as the king of social media that pays bloggers and we havent even finished with the updates yet...keep steeming to more success bud. Good post, always.
A very good point, the updates are still a coming and we have a great community already here.
You should check it out. Its pretty awful looking
Great, pls send me the link so that I will laugh at them hahahaha
yours.org. Its a masterclass in rubbish :OD
yours.org looks so childish haha
It does!!
Time will act as a filter. On Steemit only quality, pertinent and good content earns.
Good point...steemit is the best
One of these days, STEEM Prince would meet a worthy adversary, but Yours is not it. It seems its strategy is to try and get the power players here on Steemit so that they could go off to a running start. It's a bit misguided since the ones they're trying to poach are the ones that have already established a good rep on STEEM. Why the hell would you guys jump ship now and start over from scratch, right!?
Yours should really get a new gun haha!
I noticed a few steemians on it. Not earning much. I wonder if anyone is gonna rage quit it lol
Yours's gun is quite feeble. Certainly compared to the glorious Prince of Steem!
Any reputable whales in there? You know, I wouldn't be surprised if minnows or even dolphins jump ship and try to get a leg up there. It's so hard to penetrate the upper echelons here nowadays, so I get their reason for switching sides. Who knows, maybe I have an account there and have just changed my username to mask my identity haha! Who knows? Do I know? Wait, do I have a whale account there!?
Mines's gun isn't feeble! Maybe your... Oh wait, you're talking about Yours. Yeah, it's kind of... limp. I swear I heard an audible wenk weeeenk went the bullet went down before the Prince of Steem's loud KABOOM!
Oho so now we know!
Your a damn whale elsewhere!!! That explains your casual disregard for rewards here.
I don't think anyone will get much if they jump ship, the payments were tiny or zero. I'd they jump ship from here to there I would eat my proverbial hat!!
Oh yeah of course! If I was just basing all my earnings on what I make here I would've rage quitted (again) a long time ago. Alas, I have powers beyond the greatest of whales here elsewhere. Heck, when I rise from my bed I look like a beached whale! Oh, wait a minute..
I have similar powers when I arise!!
Nonsense of course, when I rise people are blinded by my radiance.
That's right. I am the SUN
Oh I could attest to that. Whenever I read your posts I always wear sunglasses.
The SUN will have a SON soon.
as time goes by they will appear some platform equal to steemit, that's good it means that this is working and others want to experience success.
Animations are my favorite, congratulations for the good work, dear friend.
I wish you a beautiful weekexcellent animation dear friend @meesterboom
I am glad they are you're favourite and that this one has tickled your fancy!! Some proper competition will be good. I suppose what we have seen from yours is that it is harder to be a rival than it looks!
Animation is the real masterpiece in this post.
Well done
Well thank you very much!
Hey buddy, this is awesome!
It's not bad at all eh!! :0)
YES, look at this go!!
'Yours' has a particular usefulness- something for steemians to ban together over :) I predict many Yours bashing posts :)
I predict exactly the same. Nothing bands folk together like a shared contempt! :OD
Last year a bunch of people on Steemit were talking about Medium. They were saying things like Medium has the best writers.
So I went and checked it out. I thought the site totally sucked and the writers were a bunch of second rate libtards posting whatever was PC flavour of the week.
I thought it was a steaming pile of shit, as opposed to just being Steeming.
But Yours sets a new standard, the pile is bigger, and the steam coming off it is stenching.
It's good to know they are worried about us though!
"Although we are delighted to see blockchain social media a reality, we worry that Steem can’t last"
PS - It's getting a least one new post an hour, all written by the boring geeks who made the site
Hehe, yeah. I need to check out medium. I have heard again and again that they have good writers. We will see!
Yours, lol. I mean time and time again I have heard people lamenting the crypto talk here in steemit. But really percentage worse it paid in comparison with yours and also the posts on yours, that I could see were guff!!
Can somebody send me the link to this yours social network ? I want to see what is it, and if you know more social network that pay in crypto please tell me, I am a social media addicted. ☺
It's yours.org it seems to be down quite a lot though!
I am on steemit more than 3 months and I see that you are the only whale answering all comments in your posts, it's just amazing, very rare, usually people that earn a lot in steemit don't care about people that comment them. Respect !
Hehe, i do try to answer all of them. I am not a whale though. Not even close!
For me, a person who has more than 10000 steem power and reputation more than 60 is a whale, because you have more influence when you upvote or flag a person than fichies do.
Also the thing that I noticed in steemit is that people that joined the last year earn much more than new people do.
That's true, the more you have the greater the influence.
I think the only reason the people who joined a year ago sometimes earn more is because if they are still here after a year they have built up a following and are putting out decent posts for all that time.
However I could show you a few who have been here for ages and earn little, by contrast I could also show you some newcomers who do very well!
If you are looking for a really ugly site full of lame posts about crypto stuff earning 50 cents, yours is for you!
Steemit is the precious , no doubt about that !
You've prevented the coupe.
Another competitor shot and death ..... again. Whahahaha
Thanks for the laughs you already gave me !
I know, I am getting predictable lol!!
Great post! Resteemed
Cheers, nice pic!
Thanks my friend :)
Very welcome!
so cool!! loved the animation. How did you do it? Anyway, Steemit has a long way to go but definitely a breeding ground for great bloggers because of the reward system. @meesterboom
I used an android app called flipaclip and drew lots :O)
Steemit is the one!
thanks. will check on that for sure.
LOL. That first bullet from the man on the right. #FeelsBadMan
Good animation mate!
Hehe, yeah it's a bit of a rubbish shot!
I can't stop laughing
This one really much coool
Somebody help me to get out of this platform
because watched this animation more than 15 times
and my stomach is starting paining
That one makes my day much wonderful
Fantastic job
Please keep posting
upvoted and resteem
Hahaha, I love it that it made you laugh!!
That bad? Interesting.
And is Steemit supposed to be a hot blonde chick in the animation lol.
Yeah it is indeed that bad.
Thats the Steem Prince! With his princely golden flowing steem locks lolz!
Lol! He must be our Thor then.
Thats the one! He had a hammer in another animation lol
Let's see it!
hahahah That "SteemShot" was epic like the whole blog was, lolz...
Gimme your best shot? Okay:))
May I invite you to join the 2# TALENT🌟CHALLENGE: 😎WINNERS + NEW SteemPowers for GRABS! Let's DOUBLE the PRIZE + 100 WhaleShares On Top!👌 Still 5 days left for you to post an entry! (READ THE RULES FIRST;)
Good luck & and STAY AWESOME!
I will have a look. :O)
Hey Meesterboom! Ik zie vaak leuke animaties van je voorbij komen. Mijn vader is op zoek naar iemand die een animatiefilmpje voor zijn nieuwe product/software kan maken, waar het gemak ervan wordt uitgelegd. Misschien kunnen we er eens over praten als je dat leuk lijkt om te doen?
Stuur me anders een mailtje via www.maxmade.nl
Hello!! Sorry, I do not speak nederish! I have however ran it through a translator :0)
It depends on what he needs, I am quite the amateur although am never averse to a bit of flattery lol
Thanks for the reply. I'm sorry, I was thinking you're Dutch because of your name :p
From Dutch to English your name translates to Master tree :p
Never mind and thanks anyway!
Keep up the good posting!
I know the Master Tree thing, I have heard it maby times! I quite like it! :O)
Haha! Yeahhhh cowboy! Love that steem coiffeur going on, and the dollar pants. The dollar pants are EVERYTHING.
I've not even heard of Yours... which means it clearly isn't worth anybody's while... :D
Exactly. Now that you have heard about it you can swiftly forget it as it's pants. Lol, but not dollar pants!!! :0D
Only dollar pants allowed 'round these parts!
Mine are mate entirely from those new five pound notes... Mmm shiny! :0D
And virtually indestructible!!
And non stick!!
Lol!!! An integral function of a gentleman's under garments I hear!!
I'd have to agree with you on all parts. I took a look too, and that site doesn't look fun, but boring and out of place.
It looks more like a chore than a fun place yes
I'd be curious to see what it's all about. Is there any chance that you can provide a link to it?
It is defo worth a look, its yours.org, you have to pay to read more than the first snippet of a post generally. Woeful stuff
You have to pay to even read a post? Wow.
Yeah! I mean its only ten cents but it goes against the grain. You get to read like the first four lines or so then have to pay. What if the rest of the post is garbage! You would feel very cheated
Love your animation. Says it all. I don't think I'll check it out. Probably a waste of my time. Why go somewhere else when you're with the best already?
I agree wholeheartedly! Stick with the best and you cannot go far wrong! :O)
Your post are alwayes loveable.thankyou for share
Cheers @magicbot. I try my best! :O)
I am sure there will be lots of copycats as time goes by... some of them will even get started by Steemit "late comers" who felt all cheesed off that they couldn't just show up and instant make as much as Whales who'd been working here for a year or more.
@dragosroua wrote a comparison piece a couple of days ago... and his results from doing a "test run" pretty much adds an exclamation point to your animation. BLAM! Yours is dead...
I will have to check out his post on it. I was surprised at how poor it was given the time they have had to get the details right. They were bragging about it a year ago.
I am sure there will be lots and lots of copycats. I just hope that some of them put a bit of effort in!
jajaja muy cómico. saludos
Gracias! :O)
Your animation just put the BOOM in @meesterboom
Thank goodness! You cant beat a bit of boom! ;O)
I'm looking forward to serious competition for Steemit. Yours.org sadly is not it.
Me too, I think good competition is healthy. I expected a lot more when I saw it
I always find it interesting to see what one platform will bring out, as in more new platforms trying the same etc. I however am going to stuck me tail in Steem :D
I am sticking with Steemit for sure! It is interesting to see the competition coming out though definitely!
In the long run, only one will remain and I think Steemit is already great ;)
I agree!!! :O)
That website has been down every time i have tried to check it out. Its bummer cause in my opinion it would be better for competition. More competition and the platforms would invest more in marketing also in creating new features to make their platforms better. At least this is my opinion in everything technology related.
Yeah, that's not a good sign in itself. They had so much time to at least get out of the hats with something better. I agree with what you say. Is what drives innovation
lol, your animations are always great animation! Too funny, dear @meesterboom ;)
Cheers m'dear!! I love em!
Steemit man? Stedemit daddy, you on the beer again lol
Steemit daddy, that's more like it!!!
Sounds just about right :)
Lol, aye! ;0)
that animation thou. everything! :)
I agree... I signed up months ago when they started advertising... When they finally launched I was like- ho hum! This place is bunk... Plus if you don't download cash to vote with- you're out! I started on Steemit with nothing and have built up from there... I'm proud of my accomplishments here (such as they are) I think I'll stick!!!
Yep, there is a lot to be said for starting out with nothing. I think that any site that involves you to power up essentially before you begin is on a hiding to nothing.
Sometimes it takes seeing something else done badly to make you appreciate what you have all the more!
Amen... I couldn't agree more!
With the way things are spammy here I can just think about the spam on any other platform. The one that handles spam the best will come out top. I hate spam OMG.
So do I, its just a symptom of the interenet though. I suspect Yours will suffer badly from it. The paying ten cents thing will not deter them
Great post! You mush shared some tips for animation for beginners. Best wishes.
I wish there were tips I could share. Sadly it just involves drawing a lot! frame after frame!
Got to say this is yet another masterpiece, Boom.
Wayhay, cheers mate! I quite liked it!
Hmmm...I never heard of that site. By your descriotion it's not even worth looking at.
I would definitely say its not worth it
Ha .. Quite funny
Made me chuckle - and for late in the evening, that's NO easy task !
Smashing, I am glad to hear it!
I can not help coming here always enjoy your posts LOL
Well I am glad that you do! :O)
ahahahha.. Amazing..
Steem killed you!
It sure did! Originally I was just gonna have steemit chasing him outta town but this was much more fun
@meesterboom you are very creative. You made my day with your animation. Thank you😊😊😊
Splendid, that is good to hear!
Thank you for checking it out!
It won't last long enough. I know about bubblews which was the similar site but in the end it was in loss and shut down.
That's what will happen
a good post my friends love it greetings from me
Thank you very much!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @meesterboom!
Wowsers, a doubler!
good point my steemit friend please visit my page and read my topics if you like my post upvote or resteem thanks alot
You are a good man Jenkins! You can count on me!
your wellcome my dear friend and you are best my friend