The red warnings were out. Storm Euoqewwn was officially hitting the fair city of Glasgow.
Storm Euoqewwn, an odd name for a storm. It might seem hard to pronounce but you just clear your throat as if you have a lot of phlegm and whinny at the end. Boom, that's you said it. Easy.
We were sent home from work half an hour early to batten down the hatches. This was a generous move from our employer as normally they would rather see us die in a storm than lose money.
However, as it is no longer the 1980's they couldn't throw us on the fire as easily as they used to and off we went, scurrying into the burgeoning gale thanking our benevolent overlords for their mercy.
The winds were forecast to get up to 100 miles an hour. It would be fair to say that no one had ever seen such wind anywhere in the entire world before. How would we cope?
It was already getting a bit whippy outside.
I crossed the bridge as the horrific storm made the collar of my jacket flap slightly.
People were running to and fro in terror. Screams echoed through the city as the powerful winds ripped along the city streets blowing the occasional crisp packet up into the air.
I just about made it to the train station with my life. Outside it people wept as they tried to inhale their vapes and cigarettes only for the cruel storm to whip the nicotine delight straight out of their mouths and into the maddening ether.
After a train ride that more resembled a roller coaster in a wind tunnel of hell, I arrived at my home on the outskirts of the city.
The Good Lady Whatsapped me.
Oh my god, I dont think we have enough Prosecco?
I gritted my teeth, times of apocalypse like this were never going to be easy.
Stay strong baby. I will go into the dark and stormy night and provide for our family.
Not for the first time I wished I had a gun. Not to protect myself but to rob and kill other night travellers as it seemed like a good opportunity to do so under the cover of the storm.
Grimly I pushed through the wind's hellish onslaught to the Supermarket where it seemed like every other Scottish person had also discovered they didn't have enough booze in to survive a hurricane like this.
Then it was a short slog through the howling chaos of wind and rain to get home. Inwardly I lamented the lack of football being played on the playing fields. Damn this storm. Truly no one has it as hard as us Scots.
Eventually, I made it home where no one gave a fuck that I had battled my way through the elements to be with them.
My Whatsapp pinged again. It was my mate, Daz.
Dude, winds getting up a bit, fancy coming up mine and drinking tonnes of beer?
I looked at his phone in disbelief? Why hadn't he offered this earlier, fucking hell. I almost had my slippers on.
Off to Daz's love, for a bit of storm watching.
I shouted to the Good Lady.
The car purred approvingly as I got in and started it up, pulling out into the road.
Turbo boost KITT, there's beer to be had.
A post after a while, boomy!
Always enjoy and look forward to it.
Just got out of a little storm of our own without much damage other than a broken kitchen sink. That has nothing to do with storm directly but kids were home and had to do complicated art project and cooking!
Let me tell you something: student glue + bacon fat + acrylic paint is a terrible recipe for your kitchen sink! It will cost you lot of grief and then several hundred dollars on a plumber visit!
I realised it had been well over a week, I thought, yikes, need to sort that!
Oh jings that sounds like a terrible combo! Bacon fat and anything is doom but glue too. Aiyee!!
It's still raging on, I have lost my little greenhouse!
But, do you have enough Prosecco, now? :)
By the way, my wife had similar concerns before the storm only she being a geologist who can drink like English sailors, the requirement was whiskey! Bless her!
We have a good stock in now. I think we could weather three consecutive storms 🤣🤣
I have sneakily got my missus into looking whisky cocktails despite not liking whisky. I'm converting her!!
I see that you got your priorities straight!
Who cares about the greenhouse! :)
Exactly, you jabe to make sure that the locking is comfortable! :OD
just checked, the shit looks bad!
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According to this Model, Glasgow is taking it straight on the chin!
Don't you doubt that I cleared my throat and whinnied at the end lol. Nothing like a hurricane party! Luckily you had one at your mate's house and then one waiting at home. We are having unusual weather as well and my everything is frozen! On a slow warm up after today, thankfully!
Tip: Warm up your skivvies before you step into 'em
I wouldnt mind a bit of cold weather! Its like perpetual autumn here just now!
Hehe, its the maddest name to call a storm, no one here knows how to pronounce it! :OD
I shall get to warming my skivvies right now! :OD
Your twins will appreciate it! After growing up in the frozen midwest you'd think I could handle the cool temps, but I have been in Florida so long that even 40 degrees feels terrible. I'm not spoiled at all, though 😂
Hehe ,the twins indeed! Yas, I do like heating everything up before it goes on! I am a total wuss with the cold.
We all pretend it doesn't bother us here but it totally does!
Was everyone fleeing the city?
It's breezy down here, but no damage that I can see. I think Ireland is taking the brunt of it, but your way could get it bad. Take care and avoid any iffy looking trees.
There was a bit of fleeing going on. I think all the offices were closing early and packing everyone off home which is kinda funny as the storm never really hit til this morning!
I ain't going out, it just keeps getting worse!
Stay safe. An excuse for a drink at home.
Even more of an excuse! :OD
The wind was blowing chip packets?! D: be careful out there!
How was the stormy night? :)
The chip packets were flying around like crazy!
It has settled down now, just yellow warnings and hail now. Meh, shite weather
Proseco is a funny necessity in such an emergency. So people weren't stocking up on toilet paper this time - that's a positive
I never saw a single loo roll, it was all booze. Perhaps because it was a Friday. I can't say anything as I was as bad as the rest 🤣🤣
I think it hit a point where we all had to get into it and follow suit. it was like a, don't get left behind type situation. Lol
Yeah, you like to think you are not a follower but at times you think, fuck, get in quick!
💯 you pretty much have to otherwise there will be nothing left. It's like an all or nothing situation. Either everyone acts normal/behaves/works together or no one does lol. Every man for themselves!! 😂 the trap we all fall into
The southern US gets a blizzard. Scotland gets a hurricane. I have clear askies and an approaching pleasant sunset.
That's just plain messed up! I think it's the worst storm we have had in years. There will be more to come I'm sure
If it's any consolation, it's 2 am here, and the temperature outside is 12° Frankenstein (-11° Science)
That is cold!!! We are reveling I'm a balmy 4° science!!
That's crazy! Have seen it at the news and I was really worried about my friends from that part of the globe!
It was a bad one but I think has mostly passed without major destruction! Although a big tree in our neighbourhood is down!
Take Care @meesterboom ,
Kind Regards to you and your good lady! ^__^
We are being super safe and not leaving the house!
Cheers milady!
Sorry to hear about your greenhouse sailing away already.
Cheers @meesterboom !
She was a good greenhouse, we will miss her! :OD
Seems like a good plan. Here I am today, doing something similar. We don't have enough yoghurts, apparently. The wind is still howling.
There is never enough yoghurts when the storms come! lol. It is pretty beastly outside!
Your wife would probably be a good friend of my wife. Do you also need vegetables every 2-3 days? Raining, snowing, no matter what? Ha ha!
Lol, more often even. If I had a penny for everytime I was sent to the shop for Brocolli and onions I would be a rich but tired man! :OD
We need to meet next time I am in Glasgow then! Unless you come when we do a meeting in Northampton or Bedford.
Yas indeed! I have always meant to come down south for one of the meetups!
It's a bit blowy here but otherwise doing little. There's a even some blue sky poking through.. but enough to justify a WFH day. I could get killed on the M6 by an overturning arctic.
Blue sky! I can't wait to see a boy of that.
I saw some folk walking by my house just now with a shopping bag. I was like where the fuck are they going, everything is closed!
Everything is shut? They are taking it seriously. The looters will be having a feast!
I think they will be too scared to go out. It has gotten properly mental! I went out to tie something down and regretted it!
First off.. back the the 80s we would be out playing in that weather. Probably wearing shorts.. second.. nobody will get the KITT reference
I know, KITT is lost to the winds of time! Sadly so!
I sent my kids out in it to make sails with their coats. They loved it. All is not lost with the next generation!
Desperate times call for desperate measures! 🍻
Have a great weekend!
The most desperate of measures have to be enacted! :OD
Cheers mate, have a cracker yourself!
Thanks Mate! Hopefully the storm passes by quickly. Stay safe. 🍀
I will duide, My mini greenhjouse has karked it, I ma hoping that is the worst of it!
That's pretty bad already, hopefully no more of that.🤞
Not long to go off or now I think!
Sorry I'm so late to your post but I had to prepare myself to live this storm intensely.
In the end I've been clearing my throat as if I have a lot of phlegm and then whinnying to be able to pronounce that name... puaaaf 🤐. You put me in every situation...! 🤣
I am sure with such practice you will be expert at pronouncing the bizarrely named storm now 😜😃😃
😂 and I took a bit of rubbish out of my body as well.
I can't believe Missus Book let you go off to Daz's. All these crazy people driving around in the storm. I heard a couple cars outside at 3am this morning when the winds were still battling.
Last night it was pretty mild here despite all the warnings announced yesterday afternoon. It was this morning it went full on hurricane! I think I did a good preemptive strike as there is no way I would go out today!! 😃
no stranger to wild weather here in sub tropical queensland.
love that her thoughts appear to be based around the lack of prosecco!!
I actually had to look up the storm as i was not sure it was true and not just you writing prose with pretty pictures :-) :-) The pictures looked too pretty and tame (until i saw the news ones)
If Glasgow people think its a storm, it must have been. looked pretty wild.
Hehe,yeah it was a wild one. We were all a bit excited by it because although we get shit weather its not usually bad storm shit weather, It is just usually cold and or wet and overcast with some wind occasionally so to see it muster itself up into a real storm was actually a bit exciting and out of the norm!
while not quite "over the border" my husband was born in Doncaster. cold grey shit weather im used to lol. We have spend quite a bit of time around Northern England.
As long as you are safe and dry, i get the mild excitement over a storm. Hope the prosecco was enjoyed.
Oh yes, if you are familiar with the north of England shit weather then it is pretty much the same but with a bit more drizzle and cold!
The prosecco was top notch! :OD
Apparently a few others were also out risking life and limb!
It certainly didnt quite hit as bad as they could the night before. The next day was a different story but no one cared as we were all stocked up by then! :OD
🤣🤣🤣 brilliant as always man 🤣
Hehe, we might have got it slightly less than yourselves! Although my neighbours summer house got flattened by my other neighbours tree!
Ya we are the first strike point from the Atlantic and were right on the eye of it, winds got up close to 200kmph, worst storm I've seen by a long way. Usually they're like you describe and there's fuck all happened other than a bin tipped over, but this one was next level shit!
Bloody hell, 200! We had 110 at one point and it was enough to be knocking trees over!
Beer always helps in any situation, Jack Frost and all his buddies hit town so why not you?
!BEER hope all aches now a thing of the past too....
!BEER did help! It seemed wilder after a few 🤣🤣
Flying lessons don't succeed try another potion, only sure thing in life is to never let this shit get you down! Sure you bounced right back!
I make sure that bouncing is in my job description 😃😃
Good to keep in mind!
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Hey @joanstewart, here is a little bit of from @meesterboom for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Even if i pronounced the storm right i still wont know if its correct 😂
That's the thing... No one knows!!! 🤣🤣
Gotta do what you gotta do 😅😅
Oh yes, gotta hunker down and just survive! :OD
Then you will do what is done in some countries, when there is chaos like this, they take advantage to loot the supermarkets hahaha, well the photo shows that it would be difficult to know who was looting, but you forget one detail, the cameras that are everywhere, there would be evidence, so you make the best decision to go see the storm hahaha, of course, drink liquor, well that way you forget everything you want.
A hug
That's whay I always get masked up for my looting ;O)
hahaha,very well thought out
Going out in a heavy storm is not a normal person's job? You should know that :)
It's not the best thing. I had to go out just there and sit my garage which the wind has wrenched open. The end of days!!
The name is indeed weird... But that's such a fun situation, storm coming and everyone talks to you wants alcohol 😂😂😂
It is the first thought of most around here :OD
#hive #posh
Always be positive whatever the outcome is. Stay safe.
Positivity is my middle name! :O)
I like to refer it to boomitivity.
Winds of 100 miles per hour will be destructive. Thank God you're survived and bravo for such well expressed post.
Ah yes, they will be very destructive! I have seen an inside out umbrella fly past
Ha! An inside out umbrella? Thats scary. Thank God you were spared from other flying debris
Wrath from the heavens! :OD
I feel you shouldn’t have gone out during the heavy storm
That wasn’t safe but I’m happy you’re fine
Takes more than a storm to put me down! :OD
You laugh in the face of storms, it's widely known and for that reason you're celebrated around the world as the foremost authority on storm laughing.
Storm laugher will have to remember that one for the CV :OD
Get it on there mate, it'll open many'll be the boss in no time, maybe even the CEO.
CEO no bother. I would just laugh at the competition as well.
Oh wait, that's what I do now!
Sometimes ones legit storm laughing spills over to include others. It's ok, so much awesome can be hard to contain.
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Even after clearing my throat can't still pronounce Euoqewwn hahaha 🤣.
Good to know you later made it home despite the storm.
That's right, am glad you know your mate is a good lady. Maybe the shouting was out of love 💕😘 hahaha.
Stay safe and remain strong
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