The Cutting

in #life8 years ago


We sat across from one another. Tension thick in the air.

The new arrival was due in precisely three weeks and it was precipitating some frankly bizarre behaviour from the good lady.

Firstly there was the incessant moving of furniture and painting of things. That was fine. In fact that was easy. For a man such as myself painting is as easy as breathing. So was the furniture moving. True, I almost broke my neck attempting to move a giant bookcase down a flight of stairs single handed but hey ho. If I had broken it I would have just grunted then wrapped some gaffa tape around it and carried on.


This was different though. Tonight she was talking about cuts.

She even had the ten year old laptop out which was wheezing like an old man as it attempted to open an excel spreadsheet.

I said nothing and squinted at her like Clint Eastwood,


The thing is, the next year will be quite tight financially so we should look to cut back where possible.

I snorted and looked at the ceiling.

So having a look at our outgoings I can see a couple of areas I think we can cut back on.

I expelled air from my nose with a skrook and made The Godfather face.

I think the gym membership will have to go first.

WHAT? The gym? Baby, we can't scrap the gym. What about all this?

I motioned with a muscular hand at my honed torso lurking beneath my shirt.


This shit aint cheap lass.

Argument successfully made, I leaned back in the chair. Beat that Missy.

You are right it isnt cheap. But ha, you hardly ever go. You go a couple of times before a holiday and a few times in January after christmas.

I spluttered like a duck in an oil slick.

Nonsense! I am never out of the gym, these guns don't polish themselves you know.

You have a weights bench in the garage, why dont you use that?

It's Scotland, its too cold. I could die in there in Winter.

The good lady made an oh really kind of face.

I mumbled a few more things about the bitter north and the cold before giving in.

Alright then, yeah. Cancel the gym.

She moved the creaking old mouse and checked it off. The she smiled somewhat malevolently and looked up from the screen.

How many coffees do you drink a day?

Whoa! Back up sparky. How many whats do I what? How dare she? Cut me and I bleed coffee. Did she have no shame?

A couple. Why?

A couple my arse. How many really?


I fought down the urge to say A million.

About four. Maybe five.

Oh my god, you spend over a tenner on coffee a day? So like fifty pounds a week or more?

Hmm. She was obviously hysterical and could no longer recognise rational behaviour. I contemplated having her committed to an asylum. Then realised that I might need a hand looking after two children. Hmmph, better throw her a bone.

Alright alright. I will cut back.

Will you, do you promise?

I promise baby. You can depend on me.

She happily ticked something else in her spreadsheet. I grinned darkly. Right, Operation hidey-hide-the-coffee-habit-like-fuck was about to swing into action. First up, I had better buy some mints...


wow what a good read from you..always. However I disagree with you on finance because I think that you are on the right tract of being filty rich when steem price reaches 1K + in few years no worries , be happy!!! see my posts for some reasons... Greetings to you are your family.

Haha, I have high hopes for the future price. The price today is giving me the heebies!!!

hahahahaha is it really like so when a baby is on the way?
throw her in an asylum? costs more I think

but I guess you can do that with coffee chico
haven't they got free coffee in your office?
the grocery beside us even gives free cappuccino oh :)

Yeah, she is really going a bit nuts about everything!

They dont have free coffee, in my work everything costs and in the street outside it costs too!! Poor me!!

Amen to that bud, more success

I don't understand.... they don't have good coffee in your office?? What the? You need a new place of employment lol!

They just don't have it in the office!!! You mean you can get places that have coffee!! I am blessed on the other hand by working in a street of coffee places, hence my ridiculous habit :0)

Gaffa tape, mmm, I might need some of that.

I've used the Clint Eastwood squint before, not much success however. Now the Godfather face, I have a black belt in that one. "The good lady made an oh really kind of face." That one kicks my ass on an almost daily basis.

"Operation hidey-hide-the-coffee-habit-like-fuck," Well, I wish you luck on that one, lad, you're going to need it!

Hahaha, I think I am going to need it. The godfather face is my favourite as well. I think it will be getting some good use in the weeks to come!


Is it wrong that I've just been sitting here trying to expel air through my nose with a skrook for the last 5 minutes? For some reason, your ability to do this fascinates me. I seem only able to manage a small tiish.

Ah well.

Also, I recommend you rethink the gym option.... you could pack your work out gear, head over there, drink so much coffee you start sweating and then when you get home no one would be any the wiser! :)

Well, not that I want to come across as some kind of sneaky snake in the grass type of fellow... But I have already signed up to one of those cheapy gyms next to my work. These guns ain't gonna go rusty!!! Lunchtime gyming!!

I came up with that word because I have just been shaking off a cold and am a bit bunged up. When I try a disdainful sniff it's a skrook that comes out!

That explains it! I'll have to wait for my next cold to come along....

Hey you know, there's something to be said for those cheap gyms. No frills, no distractions - just get in, do your stuff and get out.

Gotta take care of those guns!

Yeah, I used to love the cheap gym, then I went to an expensive one and thought, ooo this is nice. But ah well, needs must!!

I'm having a double coffee of solidarity. :D

Hahah, thats the stuff! I will be joining you tomorrow when I escape!!

I'm holding a lighter in the air with one hand and a coffee cup in the other. I will mourn the failure of "Operation hidey-hide-the-coffee-habit-like-fuck," in advance on your behalf. LOL. Just kidding, I'm sure you will succeed,.... not really.

My success is almost absolutely guaranteed. Providing I dont get caught! :O)

((at least she didn't mention the beer hehee))

That is very true. I should consider myself lucky!! :OD

Hahaha! I get stoked when I see you have a new post!

I'm going to wish you extra luck. During postpartum, if she finds the coffee habit hasn't lessened, it may be the equivalent of her finding out that you deliberately burned the house down. Hahaha! Oh, beware of the postpartum emotions!

Hehe, its good to hear you get stoked by a new one!

I have heard this postpartum word, it makes me uneasy. I have a feeling it bodes ill for me! :O)

That's hilarious, lol. I'd hide the coffee habit, too .... I'm pretty sure I have coffee running through my veins. Tee hee.

Yeah, my veins must be dark brown with it. Its funny. I stopped smoking no bother, can cut down food no bother but the thought of chucking in the coffee gives me the heebers!

Oh, Oh! She's in nesting mode! Hold on to your tush because there probably be more to come. Coffee, the gym, beer and nights out with guys next? I've been there, done that and got the T-shirt and post cards. My poor hubby did manage to survive, barely. And I mean barely. But that's another story...I feel for you man. Do your hidey-hide well or who knows what evil may lurk in your path!

It totally is full on nesting! I am in hiding! I can do nothing right and my lkiberties are being eroded away!! Hidey hide is engaged!

Well done mate

Cheers man!

Hmmm you could always replace the coffee with beer...

It might work for a short time!

The posts are brilliant... the comments equally so! Well done everyone... had me gostering with laughter!

Gostering! Oh you are a one!! :OD

Well... you know 😜

My hubby said to me "Have you read the new post of Meesterboom?" and he tell me what you wrote first that I could read it :D
The "hidey-hide-the-coffee-habit-like-fuck " seems to be an hard operation, good luck! :D

Hehe, he is a good man that husband of yours! It might be a hard operation but I am willing to give it a go!!

Gym resolutions are really very hard to complete and get the things done on time. I have joined it and went only for 5 days in a month, after that I gave up. But it is on my mind all the time, just waiting for the perfect moment to join it again. And For the coffee or tea love we cannot live it without consuming five or six times a day.

I definitely cannot live without it! The coffee, not the gym. I do actually go about once or twice a week but she chooses not to believe this. Despite me looking like the hulk ;O)

Ladies have the full right to suspect and believe what they wanna. Even God can't make them realize the truth. Did you watched my today's animation of steemit charity wall?

Lol that is true. I missed it, will go and look!

Steemit earnings to the rescue. :-)

Hehe, I hope but never bank on anything!!

I'm suprised she stopped at coffee, before our wee man was born we (or rather my good wife) did a full fiscal review, I agreed to everything and then once the wee man was born all agreements were forgotten, yippee, loads of coffee and random tools can still be purchased with gay abandon :-)

It is a full fiscal review! It is good to hear that after the birth all such tosh just disappears. I am sure it did before for us!!

I cannot wait to start buying random tools again!

We will miss seeing you at the gym LOL.
You might as well do as Charley Harper from "two and a half men" did once his girlfriend asked him to stop the boose an cut down on smoking. Drink and smoke "in the garage" LOL

I might end up converting it into a more habitable space but the cold! Oh man the cold!! It would be too much!

@meesterboom This demands somewhat more time and energy to Consider in excess of. Wonderful you provide it from a unique angle. Mhhh not really easy... and it had been previously Very hard. Many thanks for allow us to Consider.

I am grateful you had a consider. Thank you :0)

As always enjoyed it thoroughly - women will get her way so you might as well give up hahaha

Hahah, I am resigned to that yes!

Hahhhhaa I can't see you at the gym.....hahahhaa I mean ur have such natural warrior DNA you wouldn't even need a gym for them guns.....hahahahaha ;-)>

On a serious note you need to try cold brew coffee. I have been doing it lately and gonna post about it. Saves lots of time and money!

I look forward to your post! I read about that before and almost tried it. I would definitely try it if someone as esteemed as you did though!

I take it the taste is awesome?

Yes I am working on the post now! Will post it today or tomorrow!

Its a big upgrade in many ways!

Yeehaw, I am looking forward to it. Obviously I enjoy the hit of a good coffee but I also love the taste and I believe that is meant to be as smooth as a badgers chuff!!

Just posted!

Just saw!!!

Yes yes! I can attest to the awesomeness of cold brewed coffee. :)

I'm defo making it :0)

hahaah I love coffee very much. each morning one espresso but not more. if i drink a cup in the afternoon, I become wired until late at night. no sleep till Brooklyn... >D

Wow, maybe its because I am in my forties, I need two in the afternoon to make it through the day!

Hehehe, my frined... And where do you think I might be? :DDD
It could be because I never drank coffee before I turned 33...

I think that might be exactly the reason!! Are you in the same undiscovered country as me!!! :0)

hahahaha, yup!

Start taking a flask of coffee to work, will save you a fortune

A flask, yeeks. Isnt that what the old dudes do!??!

Yeah its what my hubby does. His favourite coffee allday with no extra cost

I am contemplating it!

excellent post dear friend @ meesterboom, really fun actually, while I read the story I just laugh, we live so distant and when things are the same everywhere, when there are adjustments is always on the table, gym, coffee, cigarettes, the newspaper, apparently are the most bullying expenses.
many thanks spor another great reading dear friend
have a happy cut

It is funny how there can be a great distance and yet things can be so the same!

You might have the advantage of the climate :O)

WHEW!!! For a second there, I thought you meant a totally different snip snip! Haha!

It's obviously the pregnancy talking, so committing her to an asylum might be the best possible option until the baby is born. She'll come to her senses once Boom Jr pops out. Good thing you have STEEM to fund you caffeine habit!! Now, all you need to do is to buy a virtual credit card that's connected directly to STEEM, and you'll be good to go, dude!

I think the asylum is definitely the way to go. Poor love, it's obviously been to much for her. Perhaps I should hire a sassy nanny? Yes, I think that might work.

Lol, all my steem has long since been claimed by the good lady. I get the scraps from the table!!

I hear the French have a reputation for exporting a lot of good quality nannies. Shall I order one for you now?

Ah oui!!! :OD

Va bene allora!

molto bene

Dude, you are so going to get caught out, but it's your duty to try.
Good luck man. Write a post about it when you get caught.

I am going to get caught and no doubt I will get caught so may times. But yes, its my duty to keep on trying!!

Running up and down Scotland would have been quite cheap...besides, Scots on skirts don't mind the cold. Free willy!

We dont mind it if we are showing off but first thing in the morning we are a touch sensitive ;O)

Oh i thought the cold keeps you under the covers till noon?? ahahaha!

Noon is our morning!! ;O)

Yeah right I believe yah mate!

wow great funny,interesting ....nice post

Wow, cheers. When I see a great post I vote on it

I changed over to tea about 2 years back. Just saying, I got to agree with your wife on this one!