The Doctor

in #life7 years ago


I had many plans today.

Not least was to go to work as a good drone does and clap my cymbals together in time to the man's organ... Hmmm, perhaps I could rephrase that a little better?

However, my plans were blown out of the water by a mild medical emergency on the little boom front. As a result, first thing, we tramped to the Doctors for some helps.


We weren't there long before he saw us and took one look at the little boom-meister and said we should go to Hospital at our earliest convenience.

I resisted the urge to kick him square in the chuckies because he hadn't waved a magic wand and pronounced him healed and I gathered up my skirts and flounced out, baby in one hand and the good lady in the other.

It wasn't long before we were in Hospital and ushered to a quiet little room.

A nurse came and triaged our little boom. She said she would get a Doctor right away.

I and the good lady fretted somewhat, trying to soothe the little man who was most upset.

The little lady in the meantime had started laying out all her toys and playing a game.


Moments later the door opened. A rugged looking Doctor straight out of the George Clooney school of Doctoring came in. He put a hand reassuringly on the good lady's shoulder.

Are you ok ma'am?

Oh goodness, yes, yes. I'm fine!

Said the good lady, managing to blush and semi-curtsey at the same time.

I looked on with a scabrous eye. Hands off the good lady, matey chops? I thought. I was not impressed. I like to judge my Doctors on how well they can Doctor... Not how well they can moisten a lady's humphrey. And so far there was scant sign of Doctoring.


He turned to a Nurse that had appeared at his shoulder.

Nurse, I can hear his breathing. Fetch me some blahblah please?

The Nurse visibly fought the urge to faint as all the blood rushed to her hootenanny.

Yes Doctor.

She breathed as seductively and wantonly as she could in front of patients.

I glared at this so-called Doctor as he took my little boy in his arms and started prodding and poking at him. My little boom stilled and stopped crying and looked up in awe at the champion in the white coat that hovered above.

What the fandango, little man? You as well?

I said silently to myself. It seemed like this Doctor had everyone eating out the palm of his hand.


The nurse returned with a tray full of 21st century medicine. I looked askance as she filled up a couple of syringes.

Pah, if you think you can just throw any old shite into my little man you got another think coming.

I opened my mouth to ask what in the devils hoohaa was in those syringes.

The Doctor turned to me with his wise, handsome yet reassuring face.

Let's not forget Daddy now? Daddy, are you ok, is there anything you would like to ask?

He picked up the first syringe.

I smiled and fluttered my eyelashes.

Oh no Doctor, thank you!

I realised that those words had came out of my mouth. I think my body was trying to curtsey also. I fought myself bravely, till some semblance of control had returned.

It seemed mere seconds before our little boom had been squirted in the mouth with two different syringes and the Doctor was making ready to leave. He paused, noticing the little lady for the first time.

Oh no, not the little lady too!

I screamed in my head.

The Clooney Doctor leaned over the little lady's game.

Are those the baby animals watching their mummies and daddies?

He enquired with a twinkling eye and a hypnotic glare that commanded obeisance.

The little lady sighed visibly then turned to face him.

No. Those little baby animals are watching their mummies and daddies fight each other until one is killed and then they all eat the dead one.

Ah. Um, alright then. Carry on.

The glamour cast by the Doctor was shattered. He looked around and nodded then hurried out before the little lady decided that it was his turn too, to be killed and eaten by his children.

I nodded my approval at the little lady.

That's my girl!



Hope the little Boom-meister gets well soon!

Cheers mate! He seems to be doing a lot better after the medicine!

Glad to know the medicine does him well mate. Nothing as bad as your offspring being ill. Fast recovery whishes for him!

Cheers man, it's totally distressing at any age but when they are tiny it just hurts!

Haha, I always suspected the little lady had the most strength of will of the household.

But more to the point, what was wrong with little boom, what DID he squirt in his mouth and is he all better now? EDIT. Oh, I've read all the comments now, so I know the answer to this.

She does have the most strength! She is a handful but in a fantastic way!

Hehe, I am glad you read the other ones. I was about to go and copy paste one!

The nurse breathed as seductively and wantonly as she could ????
I think you watched too many movies auhauahuahauh

Now, I wonder. Could there be something to that?... Haaaaahaaahahahaaaaaa!!! ;0)

Awww, hope little Boom is feeling better today - and little lady is truly an awesome bad-ass! :)

He is actually a good bit better now. Cough still there but no longer quite the horror that it was :0)

I'm so glad to hear that - it must be such a worry when the little ones are sick. (((hugs)))

Hope your little one get well soon.

So do I mate!! Cheers!

Hello @meesterboom, I hope that Little Boom is already well at this moment ... You have to stay in the gym so that the bingo wings disappear, you stay fit and you can compete with the doctor; maybe, you are still in time to do a medical degree: Doctor Mr.Boom, specialist in:.. well, you will have to decide the specialty. Greetings.

Well that would be quite the career change, Idare say I am up for it ;O)

Well, if you take the decision I think you will have many patients immediately: all your followers.

They must be as mad as me then!! ;0)

I had similar experience when my older son had to be brought to the hospital for treatment since it was over midnight. The wait was terrible and the anxiety of parents when our children are not well is something we cannot hide. We can only imagine how it was like after referring to the doctor from the clinic to the hospital doctor. Hope your little one recovers soon as it is hard to put our hearts at work when behind your mind is whether your child is fine at home.

It is hard to be at work when its all going on, I am heading back today and dont want to leave the little man

well I'm very glad the little guy is doing much better, any time a child is sick to the point of going to the hospital it's an upsetting time.

It is, it was quite the fraught day

Boom leave it to the little ones to see through the fake, am I right? So we never did find out what was wrong with the little boom? Nothing two large shots wouldn’t cure?

Chest infection with croup. A horrible mix, one of the things was a steroid and that had made a huge difference to the little man!

yuck! sounds bad for sure. hopefully he is feeling better now

It's made a difference, now he just had to shake the thing off!

Hope it goes quickly!
Hey thanks a lot for your transfer! Not necessary but much appreciated!!

Lol, don't worry about it. Its nice to be nice to newer people on the platform. Hello them towards that big 100SP milestone :0)

I’m inching my way there and this certainly helps! Have a great day!

What a hypnotist doctor if I should say correctly! It is a relief your little lady was immune to his charming power. Upvoted!

Someone had to stay stong

Cerita yang sangat menginpirasi semoga mr boom selalu menemukan gadis yang baik hati izin saya mengikuti akun anda untuk postingan selanjut nya

silakan lakukan!

Sorry for my Malay comrades, meesterboom, translation: It is a very inspiring story and hope that Mr Boom will find a good woman and I want your permission in following your account for your next blog post.

Hehe, no need to apologise. I ran that one through a translator!

I hope the little one feels better!
doctors are usually very persuasive,
But the little lady has her character, huh?
children have a powerful imagination, while one thinks that they are thinking about the balls or dolls, it is not like that!
My little one spends all day played.
and if you ask him what do you play? will tell you about a Zombie that eats and kills people and makes Grrrrrrr.

Hahaha, it is great when they play and have fun like that though. Although somtimes it is a surprise when you hear what their games are about!

First of all I hope your boy gets well soon and then I just wanted to add you are rubbing off on me because when I read 'man's organ' and then 'little boom' my mind was suck into the gutter for a moment but I quickly recovered realizing you were talking about the baby hahaha. O and that little girl of yours. Keep feeding that imagination - she is awesome. Cannot wait to read your stories when she becomes a teenager LOL

Haha, yeah, you dont want to be catching my potty mind!! hehe!

Well, honestly I thought of somewhat the same things @anneke said he did lol and then I realized you were talking about your kids. The effects of your posts @meesterboom

Love for the little boom-meister. Hope he is doing well now. As for the good lady, she's a bad ass and so so cool!

He is much better today!

Oh you funny funny man. LOL! Have a good night!

As always!! Well, I will try, I dont expect much sleep!

What was wrong with your boy?

Upper respiratory tract infection and croup, he has been miserable and struggling to breathe so he got steroids to help with that and it took a couple of hours but he is a decent bit better now. Although it can take a couple of days to clear they said

Oh my God, lol, of course I would read this 'intro to a horror story about mummies and daddies being eaten' then vote and watch it turn to 666.......

I have to hurry up with this comment before the numbers change!

I love it when that happens! It happened to me the other day when I voted on something and it ticked over to 666 and Ithought aye aye!

I ran over to google to get a refresher on how to screen shot, but by the time I came back it was too late! Damn. And I still didn't manage to be the first comment only minutes after you posted--one of these days I vow it!

It's getting easier to be first! HAve you noticed that with the price of steem decreasing the spammers are decreasing somewhat?

Or is it my popularity... ROFL!

I have noticed that! Those money hungry scoundrels....

It is definitely Not your popularity, as was shown by a non spammy newbie who chose you above all others today :) As I told him, YOU ROCK!

It is kinda nice thought isnt it when you post for there to not be three new comments instantly appear. Especially the tripe that they used to say. So sad though that as soon as the price falls it calms down a bit

I smiled and fluttered my eyelashes.

Oh no Doctor, thank you!

I just couldn't stop laughing😂

Guess little lady boom saved the day by breaking his all-so-evil Doctory charm.

She did. Stopped his evil reign dead in its tracks!

hahaha the little lady 'champion' of the family!

She will be the one to carry on the fight when the rest of is are hypnotised by the bad doctahs!

Poor little Boom! I hope he is feeling well soon! Kudos to your daughter for breaking the spell. All doctors get an injection of God serum when they graduate. Sometimes it takes a child to see through their facade.

This guy had it in spades. It was impressive and annoying!

LOL Life has a way of throwing curves at us but your little lady is not going to be swayed by any of it. Hope little Boomer is much better.

She cuts right through the tosh quite splendidly!

and clap my cymbals together in time to the man's organ... Hmmm, perhaps I could rephrase that a little better?

Lol, yeah perhaps. That doctor had you by the jaw, its a good thing the good lady saved the day :). I do hope the little meister is now well and about

He is a tad better, hopefully he stays that way! Cheers!

The glamour cast by the Doctor was shattered. He looked around and nodded then hurried out before the little lady decided that it was his turn too, to be killed and eaten by his children.

As is the right to every woman in this world to decide about the males of the species.

It sure seems that way!

Hahahaha... kids will straight up tell ya what they think and it’s not always going to be what you expect. It’s when your kid turns to you and drops a few &@“$ bombs that you have to scratch your head and wonder. Lol It totally looks like you got psychologically played in there by Mr. Doctor Man. Keeping you at bay with the whole “any questions daddy” haha so what did you miss out on today?

My daughter really does have some class ones. That was one of her best, it even took me aback a bit!

The day has been a blur!

It's true the doctors have very well learned that subject, the emotional stability that provides the family with only a white coat and an instrument on his neck, no one can resist a person dressed that way, although apparently with the little lady This old trick has not worked.
I hope that the little Boom is better at this moment
I wish you a beautiful afternoon dear friend @meesterboom

He is getting there! Cheers @jlufer!

You are so funny! How do you come up with these stories! Very talented! Keep 'em coming! (but not at the of the little boom's health lol) I guess life really is this funny!

It is the warped way I see every day events around me :OD

Great post sir, thanks for sharing.

You are welcome

Aren't babies the best. Can see right to the soul sometimes.. Lol
Great story @meesterboom

Yes indeed :O)

Oh! How is the little boom now?
is he fine?

@uncleboom Don't forget to check my latest post.

I will have a look. He is a little better :O)

Doctors are like knights in shining armour, but little lady isn't buying that, lol..

She isnt, She is like get outta here!

Hahaha, little boom has done great-making the realest stuff. You always do have the funny spice for this lovely community. Lol. Nighty night.

Cheers, night night!

good content,sir @meesterboom..
i followed you by 2 weeks posted too little...
is that the reason??/
God bless u and also little boom-mister too...
Soundness is too much helpful for a body...
well writing skill..
thanks for sharing..
@upvoted #resteem

I post every day. Once a day :0)