Merry Christmas, Daddy-Bear!!
The Good Lady had beamed as she handed me a brightly coloured parcel.
Shucks, sugar cheeks. You shouldn't have.
I said as I frantically ripped open the parcel to reveal what was obviously going to be something something guitar.
It was a pair of stripey socks.
And the presents that followed were no better. In fact, they were all the kind of presents that old men would get.
There wasn't even a handwritten voucher for a beef curtain bullfight.
Even now a day later my thoughts keep turning to the lack of legend in my gifts.
I hadn't even gotten something knife'y.
What kind of Christmas was this?
I marched into the bedroom to give the Good Lady a grinchy piece of my mind.
She wasn't there. The door slammed behind me and I jerked around in fright. What the hell was going on?
Turning from the door, I leapt in the air and almost shit my knickers with fright.
There on the bed before me lay a strange wispy and ghosty shape. Like cigarette smoke, it hung gently just above the sheets.
My sphincter grumpily started to respond to mission control and as it did, I looked closer at the ghost hanging above the bed.
It was shaped like a Gibson Guitar.
How fucking odd?
Not so odd really...
The thing spoke, or at least, the voice sounded in my head and not through my ears like most things that spoke to me.
Were you really going to give the Lady a hard time because she got you a pair of socks? They were stripey... She knows you love stripey socks?
The ghost-thing uttered in my head.
Well, I...
I made to defend myself but could think of nothing to say. What the ghost-thing was saying was true. I had been going to give her double pelters for getting me shitty gifts. Where was the joy in that?
There are more things in life than receiving presents, don't you think?
The ghost-thing rippled slightly as if wiggling sexy hips that it did not have.
Hmmph, I suppose.
I grudgingly accepted.
The ghost-thing nodded happily which was a strange-looking thing indeed from a guitar.
Do I need to get the other two ghosts in, you know, Christmas present and Christmas yet-to-be? I will give you a clue, they're socks.
Sighed the sultry ghost guitar in my head sounding more and more like a sexy bizzum.
Idly I wondered if we would end up getting all ectoplasm'y on the sheets like Dan Ackroyd in that ghosty porn film from the eighties.
I shook my head. Sticking my pork truncheon into a Guitar, no matter how sexy and ghostly it was would almost certainly be a bad mistake.
No, you're right. I've learned my lesson. Socks it is. Christmas is about more than just getting funky stuff for presents.
I let out a hoosh of air as if I was sighing over a lesson that a ghost guitar had taught me.
I will leave you now. Remember, Christmas is about magic, love and the joy of giving...
The ghostly guitar started to fade and then it was gone.
Suitably chastened, I grabbed my Christmas socks and decided to put them on. Silly old me. Getting het up about what I had received and not just focusing on my family and the love that I shared with them.
Truly, Christmas was a time of joy and love.
I tugged the first sock on and looked down puzzled. What the funkz?
It was too tight??!
Seriously? Had the Good Lady got me socks for a midget?!
Well let me tell you your future coz I am living it right now. If you get some good warm wool socks, you will be thankful!! I know it may sound silly now, but just you wait. Before long your feet will never be warm from October till May and you will be mighty happy to get some warm socks - trust me... This getting old thing sucks!
Ah the ghost of Christmas yet to be!!!
Hehe, yeah, I am quite the fan of a good pair of socks. I like to moan!! :0D
I got socks from more than once source..., you just need to concede it's a safe boring... er bet..
It is indeed safe. Where did it all do wrong!! :0D
To be fair some of mine were getting a little holy.., and no they are not religious whatsoever!
A holy sock must be binned at once even if it means going barefoot, like the young scamps nowadays!
I think you'd look dashing in those socks...Just be careful they don't cut off your circulation!
They did! They will have to go back, I have man calves, they were choking them!
They did! They will have
To go back, I have man calves,
They were choking them!
- meesterboom
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
Man calves should never be confined in such a manner...Back to the store they go!
Totally!! Who can be doing with those weird choke lines!!
I was quite happy to get some socks for Christmas. I've worn out a few pairs this year. I would not have complained if I'd gotten a guitar.
Happy Christmas and have a great new year.
Cheers mate, hope you had a good one and a better new year to come!
I was meant to get an amp and the damn thing is late being delivered! Boo hiss!
I think at your age, the shrinks start setting in.
Truly, everything seems smaller than it should.. :0D
Love the way you ended this! Careful with those small striped socks they could effect your circulation!
Lol. I was mighty displeased with the strangler socks!!! :0D
Thanks for sharing this great story.
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Thank you very much! :0)
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Sir, @meesterboom. I'm sorry to bother you. But I wonder. Why do you keep downvoted me? I was just sharing an actifit post. Thanks to you, I can't do that anymore. You downvoted 10 post. Please say me. What did i do to you? Don't you like actifit post? I checked you downvoted actifit post generally.
I don't downvote actifit posts because they are actifit posts. I downvote posts that buy votes from bidbots. Like you do with your posts. Let the community decide the value of your posts instead of profiting from paying for votes at the expense of everyone else
Sir @meesterboom,
Thank you for answering. Please listen me. There are 26 accounts using the boomerang bot, 31 accounts using the x30 bot. I didn't use them.. I just used a tommy bot. You don't downvoted them you only downvoted me. Please say why do you do so?
Did you check toomm's wallet before you downvoted me?
Sometimes tommy upvoted me as free and any whale upvote me one or two times. However you again downvoted me.
Right, I sent a transfer to tomm. But tom is a very good person. Even if I sent him one, he was voting 2-3 times for free.
I do look at the wallets of the folk I downvote. Besides, you know you have a farm of accounts all doing the same thing. Stop lying.
I do not lie. I'il call sir @tommyhansen. I can prove it. Please look at this pictıre. I dont know justtryme90 account. He upvoted me as free. However you downvoted it too.
Let me get this straight you are threatening me with @tommyhansen?
Go on then. The wallets tell the truth you know. They are littered with sends to bot services
Sir @meesterboom, I'm not threatening. Please do not get it wrong. I'm not going to stay at the steemit anymore. But I want you to know that I'm not lying. I told you everything right. God is witness.
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Oh man, I hate those tourniquet socks! They kill your legs and those are the ones that never wear out. lol. Brilliant artwork sir meesterboom, just hilarious!
I spent a while on that one!!
Yeah, I hate them too. A waste of sock!!