The Spark

in #life7 years ago


I entered the lounge to find the good lady and the little lady earnestly discussing something. Although I had not been privy to the start of their conversation my man-hackles twerked and juddered slightly.

Danger... Danger...

My Spidey sense warned.

I stopped and examined the scene before me.

The good lady had my daughter on her lap and was pointing at a book.

... and that is just one of the reasons that women's bodies are so incredible. I mean, my own body grew you and your little brother from a tiny little egg.


Woooow. Mummy, that is incredible!

And even beyond that, after you were born my milk helped you and your brother to grow up healthy and strong.

Oh mummy that is amazing. Women's bodies are just so... AMAZING!

Perhaps it was the mild hangover which pulsed at my reasoning or perhaps my metaphorical Manaconda stirred in its lair but something made me speak.


Hey, hang on a flipping minute.

I said.

I. A man, created the life that you are now talking to. I am the ultimate progenitor around here.

There, that ought to do it. My mannity was appeased.

Mummy Bear laughed. A soft tinkling lady thing.

Oh Daddy!! You were only the flint.

I spluttered for a moment like a toad that has half-eaten a condom. Cheeky mare!!!

If I was only the flint then it is my spark that started the fire!


Ha! Take that woman, even half asleep and hungover my might brain is a fearsome thing to behold.

The good lady rolled her eyes.

Just a little spark. Then this powerful woman's body took that spark and made something good from it.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

Tread carefully lady or you won't be seeing much of that spark for a while.

Promises promises Daddy.

Said the good lady with a smirk.

The little lady laughed with her Mother.

Daddy, why don't you go to the garage and hit things with a hammer!!

They both almost fell off their chair laughing.


I glared at them.

I think I will.

I declared haughtily and stamped out.

Pfft, women.


LOL awesome. First I love all your thumbnails! Hilarious. "Hey, why don't you go out to the garage and hit things with a hammer...." lol priceless. Seriously, your writing and humor are fantastic!

Ach, they are alright ;0) but thank you for saying

I am quite fond of my title pics, they take a while but are worth it!

Yes they are worth it! :)

You're waking a very dangerous line, my friend. First of all, are you not fully aware that you are nothing but a mere donor and that all the "real" work was done by her? I must say though, hats off to you for having big nads. Threatening to take the spark away takes some Jon Snow type bravery, You may end up watching that flame fizzle out if you keep talking that way. LOL

Haha, yeah. It's a big threat but I fancy I am the one who would cave first lol!!!

Warning! Warning! Red Alert, Boom! You were walking dangerously close...hit something in the garage??? Couldn't they come up with something better? Sundays around your house are fraught with danger...

Yes indeed, Sundays are a perilous time in my house!!!

although I must admit that you are very clever. It is my spark that started the fire!Hooo, be careful friend @meesterboom, women at home are grouping, that can be very dangerous in a couple of years.

Well said friend, make good the spark. "Be careful with the lady or you will not see much of that spark for a while"

thank you very much for another funny story dear friend
I wish you a good start to the week

He, cheers @jlufer. I am fast in my feet sometimes with the chat but it often backfires!

Tread carefully lady or you won't be seeing much of that spark for a while.

If you are able to actually do this then you must have been taught some monk-like tricks in the Himalayas to pull it off...

That young lady is turning into a nice little feminist xD

She is, is quite a fabulous thing in a way :0D

The seeds of the Red Tent are bearing fruit!! Are they having a pledge week? Because it seems they're already recruiting the next batch! Get 'em while they're young, as those pedobears say!

No fire can't be lit without a tinder!

Hehe, the red tent is an insidious thing. Racing into all aspects of life!!

She is too far gone down the road for rescue!

O you are fighting a loosing battle...just accept it.

Heheh, I accepted it a long time ago!

They can be very dangerous when they decide to join to talk about a topic especially when they smell the fear in you lol

They are always dangerous!! :O)

Did you remember to stamp your foot before stamping out? Hissy fits are hilarious! I do think you enjoy walking that tightrope, dear Boomy - why don't you go to the garage and hit things with a hammer! and my mannity was appeased ... I laughed out loud at those; too funny! LOL!

If you don't walk that tightrope them life ain't worth living! ;0)

It takes two hands to clap to have a child. The man and woman have a crucial role to play in this development. Don't be discouraged, meesterboom. Without you, the good lady would not have been pregnant to have a child. Upvoted!

Yes!! I am the vital life force that gave life! My fine feta was just the thing her salad needed to add a little boing to the world!

She will realise that one day I am sure ;O)

Pfff. There's still the matter of who can lift whom off the ground, and a lot of other things I could come up with.

I am with you. Who else will open those particularly stiff jars!

No matter how glorious the fire, it is nothing without the spark.

I couldn't agree more!!! Hurrah for the spark!!

Whenever your man-hackles get out-of-joint @meesterboom, try some cold cream, works every time! Just be sure to apply it in a counter-clockwise motion. And don't rub for too long, long-pleasure friction could cause a bizarre chemical reaction!


Cold cream, righto. I am on it!!! Lol @thegif!

Keep drinking and it'll all be okay... eventually.

Interesting stuff.

I have always been fascinated by the cosmos and the opportunity to participate in some of the stuff run at CERN was to good to resist.

If only I had realised the peril I was placing the world in

pleas upvote my last post we can support each other.

Great story! Well written all the way through.

I try to maintain the quality to the end :0D