Thursday's With Uncle Boom #6

in #life7 years ago (edited)


It was late afternoon and I was sharing a fine shiraz from the Americas with Roger Armintage. He is a reliable sort for an afternoon snifter despite being cursed with a face like a well skelped arse.

We lamented the lack of character that permeated the working classes these days. Roger frothed at the mouth at the impertinence of his chimney sweep.

Bloody fellow complained I hadn't paid him for three months?!

How churlish, did you tell him thats not how a gentleman plays tennis?

Absolutely old bean, I gave him a sound beating with my stick and told him 'There's your bloody dinner.'


A kindly response in anyone's book. He has always had a big heart Roger. Bizarrely small hands but a big heart. I mean the hands are ridiculous, he could hold an eggcup and it would look like a bucket.

But of course, that brings me to my good natured charity work for Steemit. Advisements for the needy. What better way to demonstrate my own big heart than to show these advisements I have disbursed completely free of charge. One could say at cost to myself!

Without further ado let me tear open the missives from near and far.


SpamFarmer1: I liked that picture of you on the horse.

Uncle Boom: And what the blazes do you mean by that? Did it give you cause to masturbate? What a frightening prospect, you tugging away on your todger as Uncle Boom rides masterfully toward you.

You are a sick puppy and no mistake. Take your hand from your Thomas and get out of my sight!

Hmmph, I shan't tolerate masturbation. Next.

SpamFarmer2: As a trader are you buying EOS in the crowdsale?

Uncle Boom: EOS?? EOS?!? What in the blazes is that? Is that the donkey from Winnie the Pooh? Are you suggesting that a man of my caliber wants to buy a donkey?

A man like me doesn't buy donkeys. A man like me buys stallions and each stallion he buys has to prove its worth by fighting me naked in the pit.

SpamFarmer2: No words.

Uncle Boom: Well if you have no more words donkey man, get the hell off my internet, lest I get the cold steel out.


Well that was a peculiar week. There seemed to be an equine theme to the questions. Each to their own and all that, although I will reiterate that masturbating and horsemanship should never be a thing that goes hand in hand.

If you need advice, preferably non horse or penis related, then please knock me up in the chats. And remember.





That's the fellow!! The very one!!!

well EOS and Eyeore? how the bloody hell do you spell his name? hahahah
are both very very ---- slow
oooppppsss peace!

Lol, they sound so similar! Uncle Boom gets confused by this modernity!

lol well drawn ! Eeyore being EOS-ed

Ah, almost at the time of publishing. In these dark crypto days a good laugh brings some light in the day. Thanks mucker!

Now can go to beertest evening with a jolly joy mood. :-)

Hehe, what dark days they are. I am frightened to look at any of my coins because each time I do they are lower than I thought could be possible!!

Enjoy your beer this evening muckeroo!!!

Indeed same here, think I'll leave my wallet closed for a few days...

Thanks mate, its Brittas kinds of all sorts tonight. Innis & Gunn and Hobgoblin, those are my prefered ones. :-)

Have a great evening.

Wayhay!! That sounds magic, I am on the wine tonight. Me and the good lady are celebrating a minor anniversary. Well, she is having half a glass. I am having the rest of the bottle :0)

Cheers to you both and congratulations! Wine is nice for a celebration with ones better half.

Here the last of Innis & Gunn, rum oak riped, is about to be finished. :-) And then I need to get back on my bike home...

Cheers mate!! We have had a lovely one and having one more for the road... Well I am :0)

You enjoy that last one and be uber careful on the bike!!

All went well on my ride back home. ;-)
Have a good night!

"He is a reliable sort for an afternoon snifter despite being cursed with a face like a well skelped arse." That made me shoot coffee out my nose - ROFLMAO

"A man like me buys stallions and each stallion he buys has to prove its worth by fighting me naked in the pit." Oh shit, stop it already!!

Ok, I've stopped laughing enough to finish this comment. Ok, I can give assurance that I won't be asking any questions about the Thomas.

Oh yes, no questions about the Thomas!

A man has to find the worth of the creatures he purchases. What better way for them to face him... in the PIT!


The advisement section is like the lottery. In the same way as the anticipation rises when the numbered balls are selected, reading down the advisement list spawns thrill at the thought that I, a mere humble reader, may one day benefit from personal reference.

I lay on the ground, intertwine the fingers on my perfectly proportioned hands behind my head, stare up at the stars, and dream...

I cant help myself: "great post!"

Haha, why thank you again.

It is good to maintain a dream as long as one remembers their place in that dream! ;O)

Great comment! :OD

Smaller than this? :D

This one almost made me spit out my tea! Hahahaha! (Great post as always, @meesterboom!)

Cheers mate!!

Those are just about the size of them!!

That image left a lasting psychological stain... but I still enjoyed i!

Exactly, frightening things, like an arm with no hand!

Frightening things indeed (2).gif

I'd rather be stuck in a cage with these spiders than having to watch sick puppies play with their greasy Thomasses

Oh my that's horrifying!!!

what, the spiders or the thomasses?

Lol, the spiders!! Well, both!!

Oh my god! This is truly scary.

My comment is limited to : man , man , man ...
Advisor ? Bellyshaking , dude !

Hehe, yes indeed. The advisements are here for all!

Very generous , thank you ! :-)))

Mere trifles, its genuinely my pleasure! ;O)

Hahaha always a great Thursday with MiLord!!!! good one and spammers will find you distasteful like 007 and the Russian spies

Hehe, Cheers mate!! Thursday's are indeed a good time!

Look into my eyes Lion.......
Let me just.... No... OY!!!!
(( whacks head with tail.)) OY.......... (( Hisses and points with tail to eyes))
Loooook! You are going to be...... a chicken....

Lol, and now I truly believe so!!

I would say to you that I really love that picture of you on the horse and if you're buying EOS in the crowdsale, but I have no words. :P

Hehe, oh well done!!!

No donkeys for me!! ;0)

Love it again bro meester ! I am you (without the technical prowess / God love ya!)

Cheers mate!!! Loving the Eyore!!

very good article. whether you spend every Thursday is always with him

Every Thursday here at your service!! :0)

Many thanks for another maginifico work
I wish you a great day.another great act of Uncle Boom, this week was better than ever with the advice and collaboration, apparently you are educating all, have been changing the consultations. well done dear friend @meesterboom, it was certainly a brilliant idea this character.

Cheers @jlufer! Uncle Boom is kindness personified!

@meesterboom This is supercool! Thanks!

Cheers man, it's appreciated!

Oh Roger! I was with his brother Rufus the other day. Fellow has the face of a buttery buttocks. That surely must run in the family.

Those masturbateurs really need to be slapped with a horse's schlong, but that might help theme arrive to completion those sick basturts.

Speaking of EOS, now that 1.0 has arrived, I'm hoping that the prize would go way up!

Lol!! Buttery buttocks indeed :0)

The prize might go up!! I sold all mine before the crash. I then tried to get more on the crowd sale. But when I attempt to claim then I just hell getting out of gas errors. Bit narked about it!

Gaaah! I hate when that happens! I just bought quite a lot exactly when I saw your post, so I'm glad I was able to sneak in before the price skyrockets! I guess you should leave at least 0.01 ETH for "gas money". I always got those errors too, but increasing the limit and holding off on spending all my ETH worked for me.

Are you using MetaMask for the crowd sale or good ol' MEW?

Good old mew! That's the thing. I gave it two shots, or rather two groups of shots. In the second one I used up to a million gas. In the end my several tries going up to that ended up using 0.05. bollocks to Eth is what I say

0.05? Ouch! I say ouch because I can relate. The first time I tried to buy an ICO token I spent almost as much gas as I spent buying the token haha! About 0.05, I think. Still can't say I've mastered it.

I know!! Outrageous! I decided to let it lie for a while and see if it calms down

And just like that I had ran out of gas in my attempt to claim my latest haul haha!

My hero, the crush is strong....

Hahaha, he does have a way!! ;0)

nice article

Thank you, I am!

Ha! Yes! Witty to the last and no mistake.

I like to keep it up!! :O)


Follow back @meesterboom 😊

I'm already following @meesterboom. He's awesome!!

I've followed you, you're cool too

upvoted resteemed

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you, if I can be of use, do not hesitate to call!

Why thank you, I hope at some point I may help you with some advisement!

Thank you Cassandra of Brittan, you are a true lady!