in #life7 years ago

How to ADVERTISE your Steemit post! (Get Everyones attention! Without the BS! )

This is not another post telling you how to write high-quality content. In this article, I assume you already have a beautiful, high quality, Well written article.

It's formatted
Has photos
Spelling and grammar were checked.
Has videos If needed.

What? Advertising? I thought I just had to post and make a bunch of money...
Not everyone has noticed right away And noticed enough that your post takes off by itself. This happens a lot on Steemit, and we should be grateful. But sometimes your crazy, Amazing article is missed by the minnows, Dolphins, and Whales swimming on by...

Doing a bit of advertising on your post can work wonders, It also opens new doors to newbies coming onto the platform.

Tell people, Without Spamming,
Think of your article, Like a book, A T-shirt or another product. You are a company who owns your piece of art. You need to "sell" it.

If you chase someone down the street screaming about the vacuum you want them to buy, Will they likely give you their money?


But if you gently tell them. As a friend. That "Hey this article has value to YOU" They are more likely to listen and check out your story.

"But Kaylin! They aren't giving me their money; I just want their upvotes!
You're right; They aren't reaching into their own pockets to hand you a quarter or two. They are giving you a more valuable resource, More precious than any money.

Their TIME
The one resource they can never get back, The most valuable resource they have. So show a little respect.
Don't send your animal lover friend your article about shooting the brains out of pigeons. Send them that article you wrote about adopting puppies!
You get the point.

Besides on the Steemit platform, Giving someone an upvote shouldn't be taken as lightly. When you receive that upvote, That person's vote can eventually become Diluted They felt your words were worth it enough to give up the opportunity to upvote again.

Where can I tell people about my precious article?
Facebook: Look for groups related to what you like to blog about. If you love cooking, Look for those cooking groups, Share your links there.
Pinterest: Post your articles on Pinterest, Make sure to use some good keywords to help enhance your post to other readers on there. You can even sort your Steemit posts by subject to create a nice, user-friendly browsing experience right from your Pinterest account.
Twitter: Throw some tweets out there, Hashtag it! #Steemit
Reddit: Try posting it in a related thread.
Steemit chat: There is a promotional area for advertising your posts right on the chat, Although post in the CORRECT chat, And DON'T PING "ALL." They won't put up with it, And you could get blocked.
Goodreads: This is an odd one, But people on good reads love to READ! Try posting your article there.
There are many others you can try to post on, Mix and match.

Submit TO Google
I feel like almost all of our posts are already on Google, But it doesn't hurt to copy and paste your link into google and have it submitted.

Yes to some extent. After you submit to Google, You may want to use a keyword tool To check some great keywords for your post, Some of them will give you limited keyword count FOR FREE, While others will charge you money, This isn't necessary, But just a thought. If you can get your article to rank for the less popular keywords on Google, You may have more people coming to your post.

DONT spam the bottom of your post with keywords:
Example: Lists like this:
Bunnies, Rabbit, food, playpen, water, etc.
This looks bad; It also is messed up, Try and use your keywords organically throughout your post.
Advertising WITHOUT Advertising
Have your articles been unnoticed? Well, how many articles have you noticed of others? Take the time to read other content around steemit, Leave genuine, Productive comments and follow those people that you like. Naturally, you will start to build up a following. Don't spam comments with your article links. Unless it directly relates to an article that you recently posted, Avoid that. And ALWAYS include some high-quality commentary along with your link to prevent downvotes.

Respond to Comments
I've noticed that some people whos posts don't do well, are the same individuals who aren't responding to comments. Not only do you make those people want to follow you and come back to your blog, But it gives your article More Exposure for a few seconds. Every time you get a new comment Or respond to a comment. Your post is "bumped" up to the top of the "active" column on the front page, Giving fellow Steemers another chance to see your content.

So don't' be afraid to respond to the comments people leave for you, Also give them an upvote if they deserve it. Not only is it polite but it helps people like you.

Email your email list
Many of us Steemers don't already have a following But in case you do hit them up. Let them know you found this excellent site and they need to get their butts over here! Spread the word about your article. People are more than happy to help out when you are someone they look up to. So If you have an email list of 200 or 1000 get them to Steemit. They can also follow you, Which is a huge advantage for you in the long run!

Try "Pinging" your Article
Some people claim pinging does wonders, I am undecided on how well it works, But It can hurt, right? Use [Pingler](It's free and will help you)


Sometimes I feel like your "niche" may not be on Steemit yet.
When I first started on here about two months ago, I posted
Finance articles
And neither one did well, But when I posted personal stories about my life, those blew up. Now I post art, and it does well. Because more people who like art have joined Steemit, Also people started being more accepting of having it on the platform. I'm not saying you should change your style, but if all your feedback is bad, What can you do to improve it? Maybe you could shift to another subject you are passionate about Or bend your subject slightly.

Remember #2

If you don't have a good title and a fun photo, This will also affect your ability to have good results with your article. It's complicated all together; You need a little bit of everything which can be difficult. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things to see what works best for you, Everyone is different things may not work for you, but they may work well for someone else.

Remember #3

If you are just starting, you won't be making a TON of money overnight, Some people are lucky. But most of us will have to build gradually up our reputations, and our followings before we start to produce great results. Stick with it! Keep posting high quality content, And do what you can to contribute to this community.

These are tips I use to help my articles do better on Steemit, Sometimes your story truly is fantastic! But can sometimes get swept under all the other content being posted, Then you are a sad mess later. That is why it's important to advertise your article a little bit, It will help it get a boost of traction.



You can't steal posts from other users...

Not indicating that the content you copy/paste is not your original work could be seen as plagiarism.

Some tips to share content and add value:

  • Use a few sentences from your source in “quotes.” Use HTML tags or Markdown.
  • Linking to your source
  • Include your own original thoughts and ideas on what you have shared.

Repeated plagiarized posts are considered spam. Spam is discouraged by the community, and may result in action from the cheetah bot.

Also, Using irrelevant tags, especially popular tags, makes it hard to find good and relevant content.

Please try to use only relevant tags when posting.

Your post has nothing to do with photography or bitcoin

I suggest you go through your posts and make sure they're not plagiarized, cause I plan on going through them and then reporting you. Your account will be flagged down to nothing. Just figured you'd appreciate a heads up and a chance to fix any mistakes you might have made

You have made so very good points, the fact that you are new on this platform and you already have such good insight I am very impressed. @mehmetcanb you have a new follower

thank you :)