Take A Step Into My World - What A Day

in #life8 years ago

So today was actually not a bad day. Despise everything that's happened to me this week I didn't let it get to me. I guess it's important to always remember that things will get better no matter how bad they seem.
I had a job interview in the city today which was great. Day 1 of being unemployed and I'd already landed myself an interview. My old friend who was featured in one of my other posts has also just gotten back into contact with me and I'm seeing her this weekend.
I'm definitely trying to look at the positives at the moment as it's so hard to overlook them with all the negatives flying around. I vent my emotions through writing and also through walking which is exactly what I did this morning.


I started my day with a morning walk through the wilderness. It was so peaceful and there was nobody around which was exactly what I needed. I had time to myself to think and to let go of everything that was making me feel so worthless. I have a lot to think and worry about at the moment but walking clears my head and makes me feel at peace. Plus my dogs love a good walk!


After the walk it was time to get ready for my interview in the city. I rarely go to the city and honestly I'm not a big city girl but hey a job's a job! I'm not one of those girl's who take forever to get ready so before I knew it I was on the train and heading into the city. I don't live too far away but the train ride is still 40 minutes, luckily for me it gave me time to prepare for the interview.
I actually ended up 30 minutes early for the interview so had some time to kill.
I took some pictures of the city that I'd like to share with you guys!


Melbourne is voted one of the most liveable cities in the world. As I said before I'm not exactly a city girl but I can't complain about Melbourne. It's a very cultural, clean city and has some amazing buildings.



After taking a few pictures of my surroundings I decided to head to the 9th floor of a very immaculate building for my interview. The interview lasted for about half an hour and luckily for me they weren't asking super hard questions. I'm still unsure whether working in the city will be for me but at the moment any job will do.


Since I'd completed my interview I decided to treat myself to some Lord Of The Fries. My favourrriittteeeee takeaway food. All I get is their chips and honestly I've never tried anything else (it's all vegan and I'm a meat lover) but their chips are amazing!
If you're ever in Melbourne I'd definitely recommend heading to Lord Of The Fries.


After I devoured some chips I headed back to the train which unfortunately for me was super crowded. I managed to get a seat and noticed that I was on an express train so it wouldn't take me too long to get home at all!
Once home I had no time to do anything and went straight back out for my weekly weigh in at Jenny Craig.
To my surprise (as I've been eating shit all week) I've lost 1kg.. I couldn't believe it (it's probably from all the stress!)
But hey it was a good way to end my day.


I hope you're all having great weeks and if you're having a week like me don't worry because things will get better, they have too!

Until next time,



Great post @mel1ss very interesting to follow your day and see this amazing city. I would love to visit it someday. Such neat old buildings and new things to see (if you're from the US). Lord of the Fries, is it a popular place, like everywhere, or more like a local favorite? Sorry, have to ask...what's on your chips? Good luck with your interview!!

@jbcoin It's a great city! hmm that's a great question, when I lived up in QLD there wasn't one there so I think it might just be a Melbourne thing! It's called 'The Malaysian' it's sour cream and sweet chilli sauce :)