Hurdle and then Success

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Everyone has to face obstacles. Everybody has to face hurdles. It's what you do with those that determines how successful you're going to be.
-Craig Sager


We are students, we have faced many challenges. Some of it were finished but some were not. And we are striving to accomplish it. I have searched some secrets on how to survive or how to become a successful college students.

Pursue passion, not A’s.

Get comfortable with failure.

Make a personal connection to your studies.

Read and think actively.

Ask big questions.

Cultivate empathy for others.

Set goals and make them real.

Find a way to contribute.



Following these secrets may be difficult, but we must work for it. You can set your own secrets to become a successful college student, or set your own standards. And in doing these, do not forget to rest and have a good time with your fellow students and with your friends.


Just believe in yourself, and continue to do good works. We must follow our dream, and we must follow our passion.

Pursue excellence and success will come chasing you. Pants down.

  • Rancho, 3 Idiots.

These engineers are very smart sir, they didn't invent a machine which can measure the pressure on the brain. If they had, we would have come to know that this was not a suicide but a Murder.

  • Rancho, 3 Idiots.

This is college not a pressure cooker.

  • Rancho, 3 Idiots.

Cramming may get you past 4 years in college but it will screw your next 40 years.

  • Rancho, 3 Idiots.

Pursue excellence and success will chase you.
-Rancho, 3 Idiots.

Make your passion your profession and work will become a play/game.

  • Rancho, 3 Idiots.

Life begins with murder. If you don't compete, you will die.

  • Viru Sahastrabudhhe aka Virus, 3 Idiots.

Life is a race, if you don't run fast you'll get trampled.

  • Viru Sahastrabudhhe aka Virus, 3 Idiots.

These are some amazing quotes that keep me motivated, and these quotes are from the movie 3 Idiots.




  • from the movie 3 Idiots.

Thank you for reading this one, please upvote and follow @melczar. God bless