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RE: How Growing Up Poor Taught Me to Be More Positive About Life

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Wow, wonderfully written! I grew up in a similar situation, being the oldest of 6 siblings. My mom and dad did their best to provide (and provide, they did) but we were dirt poor. I always remember being so embarrassed to have friends over to my house, but they all tell me that time spent at our home were some of their best memories. This is why I have grown up to be so grateful, and have a great appreciation for the small things in life. Great post, man. Thanks for sharing!


It really does wonders for your perspective on what is "hard" as an adult. I am sometimes broke, but never like I was as a kid. It's almost like once you experience the worst, life is only easy beyond that point. I just feel bad for people who hit rock bottom later in life, rather than being born on that rock. Thanks for reading!