I've said a few times regrettably that the celebration posts tend to be a little too cheesy, and that maybe, I would not do one after all. Well, as it so happens I'm eating my own words, I'm to happy to contain myself from celebrating this with you.
I guess the inspiration as to why I feel the need to do milestone post this morning is because of immense gratitude I feel towards all my Steemian friends, the ones who have have had the patience to show me the ropes, and the ones who have embraced my silly ideas with open arms.
From the bottom of my heart Thank You!
Who would have known?
If someone would have told me in August, that I was going to be part of an amazing community, while learning about crypto investments, and at the same time reconnecting with my passion for music... I would have called that person a "madman" and yet... Here I am.
If you so happen to stumble across this little post, and you have only been here for a short time, your posts make little to nothing, and you are still trying to find your place on Steem, let me tell you the effort, the marathon is worth it, and in more ways than just the rewards you could potentially make one day.
A special thanks to
The original Steamweaver @luzcypher , the community leader of the #openmic for not only being one of the hardest working Steemians on the blockchain, but for also never losing sight of the vision, of the goal. It might seem easy right now to see the openmic contest, look at this point hundreds of participants, and think that he has the best job in the world, (I think he says so himself too) but what we might fail to see, is that @luzcypher was here when Steem was 7 cents, when making any rewards at all was extremely difficult to say the least.
"Build it, and they will come" He never gave up, he never stopped and right now the #openmic not only has a huge community behind them, but the support of altruistic witnesses like @pfunk @xeldal @ausbitbank and @teamsteem. It's almost like the old movie more than a year later the #openmic keeps operating weekly and it's currently the longest running contest on Steem.
Thank you @luzcypher for being you...
To Aggroed
A giant thank you to the voice of MSP @aggroed , not only for being one of the most passionate advocates for Steem and it's life changing potential. But for using his gift as an educator, to teach people how to think different, how to move from the mentality of scarcity into a vision of Peace, Abundance and Liberty.
I don't know who originally said it, but truth be told is darn accurate... The MSP Community's mission can be summarized as a platform for launching minnows. It's true that in the very beginning, becoming relevant on Steem is super hard, and I don't know if I could have achieved anything at all without stumbling into MSP Palnet, I truly got lucky.
To my favorite Aussies...
@krystle and @ausbitbank who not only have given me advice, sincere friendship and support. But have also been the brains I bounce off ideas the most. I think I bother @ausbitbank at least once a week still, and he has never told me to buzz off. ( I might be pressing my luck! haha)
I think altruism is one of the most beautiful traits to have, and these two take the cake. It's something I intend to emulate for as long as I'm able to.
To my MSPWaves brothers and Sisters
MSP Waves would not be the same without you, and I'm not exagerating when I say that MSP Waves is my second home. I feel sometimes like we have all been friends forever. We just have an amazing team of people... @globocop @r0nd0n @uniwhisp @wipgirl @crimsonclad @scaredycatguide @swelker101 @isaria @kubbyelizabeth and many more joining the ranks every week.
To all my Steemian friends
For participating of these conversations with me, for debating me, for supporting the initiatives, the contests and for being amazing overall.
I won't make this post too long, I just wanted to celebrate a little in the morning while my coffee is still fresh, while I get ready to face another day.
Much love to you all
Massive news my friend! you have been rockin it ninja style mista' :) huge love to you
Bonnie i gotta tell you, because you might not know, and you need to know, because knowing is being aware...
you are coming to the radio show with me too... and if you say no to me, the ninja gnomes will come after you... they have been instructed.
Two very special days in the steemit journey-the day you got to know about steemit and the day you find MSP. :)
that tis correct ma fren!
I'm happy and proud to be one of the 1000 that know you're an awesome guy! Supporting you all the way! Looking forward to your show, it will be a blast!
Senkiu Senkiu mai fren... (cuban accent)
Aww, so great to know you @meno! <3 Congrats!
btw my dear Uni... i made a little video about your show.. a little shameless plug sort of speak... ;) its on dtube...
wait, what?? where is it? going to look for it...
i resteemed one of your posts and did it.. you will see on me wallseses
This here music community is my new favorite thing.
Huge milestone mista ;-)
I hope to be like you too
I hope to get to 1000followers and more ..lol ;)
You're setting the bar high, @meno! :D
I have to say, deciding to give away that guitar and commit to the eight week contest was about the smartest thing I've seen anyone do on Steemit.
Suppose there may ever be room for a Country Song challenge? I would be willing to sponsor with an awesome prize like you did (Perhaps a steel guitar?) Just a thought. I'm not active in Discord like you, but I could definitely try harder.
Keep up the good work, Andres! And congrats on 1000. I'll try to be hot on your tail. LOL
thank you brother! I think that could definitely be something fantastic... but listen, you and your wife need to get on discord, I promise you, you guys will love it.
When you join me on the radio show(notice im not giving you an option) you will have a taste of what its all about, and then you won't leave brother.
Carrie is all over Discord. She's actually been making regular appearances on several radio shows. She's fearless. I have some kind of psych hurdle to get over with the voice chatting. For some reason it makes me nervous as hell.
When is your show?
the first one is due to air next wednesday 9pm eastern time. come find me on discord, ill tell you all about it. im usually online 24/7 (my phone is) same handle..
Congrats Fratello, te li meriti tutti
grazie fratello mio, sarà un grande anno per noi
un anno fatto di miele ed ali di pollo!!
Nice freen
good post, I left you a vote, I invite you to review my last openmic post