Hey Zipporah... I'm glad I found this post today, a little bird sent me this way and I'm sitting here reading connecting to your words and learning things about you that in many other instances would only be told to the closest of friends.
For being brave, for speaking from your heart.... I give you major props, a virtual hug and also thank you... it takes courage and courage inspires people, so what you are doing is not only telling a story, is also helping others heal their soul.
Maybe, there is a purpose after all... maybe these situations you have lived have not only allowed you to express yourself with words as you have here today, but also with music, which is a language that me and you share.
I noticed that @grumpycat stopped by too... but I want to tell you that you should take the comment and the small flag as an honor badge. In his mind he is simply trying to help steem, and even though we may not agree on the methods, we do agree that there are many users who are abusing the bots. This is not your case, not by a long shot, and I would venture to say that if he reads what you wrote, he would actually appreciate it too and possibly even remove his flag.
But that is not important, whats important is what you have written here today, what is important is that you learn to ignore some of the noise that may surround today's events and focus on this little gem that you have bravely put out there for all of us to read.
I know you don't know me, I know we are not even friends... but I'm proud of you, and I'm grateful that you are here.
Much love
I already know who you are – even if I've only submitted one entry into the open mic challenge so far. ;)Oh, @meno – what an endearing way to officially meet you. Of course,
Last night, after drafting a decidedly angry post (that I thankfully did not publish right away), I found these comments from you and a few others. I can't tell you how much they touched me.
Your words made me cry. That seems to be happening a lot on here. Something about being seen by total strangers. It does somethin' to ya...
Thank you for taking the time to visit this space – to really take in what I've written – to so generously offer your own words in return. So grateful to have you in my corner.
ps – Forgot to mention! – I did pen a public response to the flagging. Though I didn't mention you all by name, I did acknowledge the role you played in helping me transmute my frustration into something more productive. ;)
This whole thing nearly made me cry of sadness... This one comment nearly made me cry of happiness. It's better than any thing I could say: